The Township Committee has established a Police Department in order to fulfill the basic government functions of maintaining the peace and providing for the safety of persons within the Township, which is necessary if agriculture, business, and industry are to flourish and if the people are to be secure and happy. The achievement of these goals of public policy requires the institution of certain procedures and practices within the Police Department designed to effectuate efficiency, orderly management, and proper performance of this Department. It is important to the public good that a decent respect and reputation be maintained by the Police Department and that its good name and public standing not be impaired by public doubts or suspicion arising from any outside activity conflicting with police business.
The Police Department of the Township of Delaware shall consist of a Chief of Police and such other officers and employees as the Township Committee may from time to time authorize and appoint. All employees of the Department shall be subject to rules and regulations of the Department, but only sworn officers shall be considered as police officers within the meaning of Chapter 14 of Title 40A of the New Jersey Statutes.
For purposes of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118, the Township Committee is hereby declared to be appropriate authority.
The Police Department shall perform all those functions and exercise all those powers authorized by state statute or local ordinance in order to preserve the public peace and to protect life and property.
The Chief of Police shall:
Be the executive head of the Police Department, subject to the direction and supervision of the Township Committee, and shall be responsible for the proper and efficient operation of the Department and the supervision of its activities.
Be responsible for the observance and enforcement of all laws of the state and ordinances within the jurisdiction of the Police Department; the enforcement of the rules and regulations of the Police Department; and shall perform such other duties as shall be prescribed by ordinance or as otherwise directed or delegated by the Township Committee.
See that all persons connected with the Department are properly instructed in their duties, and give particular attention to the training and instruction of new members thereof.
Have under his control all records and property of the Police Department and designate any member of the Department to prepare these reports and keep the records in such manner as he may prescribe, as well as to take charge of such property and any other property coming into the custody of the Department.
Furnish to the Township Committee complete monthly and yearly reports of Police Department matters.
The Chief of Police, with the approval, by resolution, of the Township Committee, shall establish and may, from time to time, amend and repeal such rules and regulations as the Chief may deem necessary for the governance and efficient working of the Department. The rules and regulations, as currently in force, shall be posted permanently on a bulletin board in the police headquarters, and a copy of same and of any subsequent amendment thereto shall be delivered to each member of the Department within five days after adoption. Copies of the current rules and regulations, including any amendments thereto, shall be kept on file in the offices of the Township Clerk and the Chief of Police.
No charge shall be brought against any officer for violation of any regulation or amendment thereto which has not been duly promulgated, posted and delivered as herein required.