The Township Clerk shall be charged with the duty of providing a copy of this article to each member of the Police Department and all officials charged with the responsibility for the orderly functioning of the Police Department in order that they may be made aware of the provisions contained in this article.
This article sets forth certain basic personnel policies relating to uniformed officers in the Police Department and applicants for such positions. Additional and/or more detailed policies are set forth in the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to § 66-6 of this chapter. In the event of any inconsistency between this article and the rules and regulations, the provisions of this article shall control.
Each applicant for a position as a uniformed officer in the Police Department shall meet the requirements established by state law and shall possess a valid New Jersey driver's license.
In addition to such other requirements as may be established by state law, Township Committee resolution, and the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to § 66-6 of this chapter, all personnel holding the position of Police Chief or other full-time position as a uniformed officer in the Police Department shall:
Oath required. Be required to take an oath of allegiance to the United States and to the State of New Jersey, and an oath to faithfully discharge the duties of such a position.
Removal. Be subject to removal from office or other disciplinary actions for violation of any of the rules hereinafter set forth:
Neglect of duty.
Absence without leave or failure to report after authorized leave has expired or after such leave has been disapproved or revoked by his superior officer, the Mayor or the Township Committee of the Township.
Incompetency or inefficiency in service or incapacity due to mental or physical disability.
Violation of any lawful and reasonable official regulation or order made and given by his superior officer or failure to obey a reasonable direction when such violation or failure to obey amounts to the insubordination or serious breach of discipline, including but not limited to the following:
Failure to wear such uniforms and equipment as shall be prescribed by the Township Committee.
Failure while on duty to present a neat, clean and respectable appearance.
Unnecessary violence to a prisoner.
Sleeping while on duty.
Absent from an assigned post or duty without an excuse or failure to properly patrol an assigned area.
For making known any proposed action or movement of the Police Department or contents of any order other than to persons immediately concerned in their execution or authorized to receive such information.
Publicly commenting upon the official action of a superior officer.
Failure to report a known violation of the law or of the ordinances of the Township or accepting a bribe or fee as consideration either for the performance or nonperformance of his duty.
Swearing falsely in an application for appointment to the force or to such other paper as requires an affidavit in connection with employment within the Department.
Visiting, except on police business, any gambling house or house of ill fame.
Intoxication while on duty or in a public place while off duty.
Conduct unbecoming an officer for the Police Department of the Township.
Offensive conduct or language towards the public, to superior officers, or fellow employees.
Disorderly or immoral conduct.
Willful violation of any of the provisions of the statutes or "applicable state" (statutes, rules or regulations).
Commitment of any criminal act.
Negligence of or willful damage to public property or waste of public supplies and equipment.
Conviction of any criminal offense or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.
The use of or the attempt to use the powers and duties of his position to further any private purpose.
Full-time status. Be expected to devote full time to his duties within the Police Department and have no outside employment or business pursuits if they are of a conflicting nature with police duties.
The requirements set forth in § 66-9A, B, and C shall apply to all patrol officers within the Police Department of the Township.
Probationary period. All appointments to the Police Department shall be for a probationary period of one year, and no person holding such a probationary appointment as a police officer shall be given or accept a permanent appointment in the Township Police Department unless such person has successfully completed a police training course at an approved school.
Grounds for discharging probationary member. At or before the end of the probationary period, the Township Committee may discontinue the service of any such appointee if the working test indicates that the appointee is unable or unwilling to perform the duties of his position satisfactorily or is of such reputation, habits and dependability as not to merit continuance in the police service. Failure to qualify in the use of police weapons, or to obtain a Red Cross first aid certificate, or inability to understand the functioning, application and use of any police equipment, or service rating of less than 70%, shall be sufficient reason for discontinuation of any such appointee, though discontinuance may be made for causes other than those enumerated. In each such case, the Township Committee shall give written notice to the appointee whose service is discontinued of the action taken together with the reasons therefor.
Members of the Department shall, at all times, observe the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to § 66-6 of this chapter.
Such rules and regulations shall be dispositive of all matters not set forth in this article in relationship to incapacity and misconduct of members as well as all other areas of behavior, procedure and organization.
Any action taken against any officer pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-147 et seq. shall be based on this article or on the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to § 66-6 of this chapter.
All sworn officers appointed to positions in the Police Department shall, upon completion of the probationary period required pursuant to § 66-12 above, hold office during good behavior with efficiency. No member of the Department shall be removed from office for any other cause than incapacity, misconduct, or disobedience of the policies set forth in this article or the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to § 66-6 of this chapter, and only after a hearing by the Township Committee.
In general, Department disciplinary authority and responsibility rests with the Chief of Police, and detailed provisions relating to disciplinary action and rule violation are set forth in the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to § 66-6 of this chapter. However, for the violation of any of the rules heretofore established, the Township Committee also has the authority to subject a member of the regulated class to lesser penalties, such as reprimand, suspension, deduction in pay, or demotion, if, in its opinion, after a review of the facts involved, such lesser disciplinary action than removal from office is in accordance with the nature and aggravation of the offense charged.
A promotion of any member or officer of the Police Department to a superior position shall be made from the membership of the Police Department. Due consideration shall be given to the member so proposed for the promotion to the length and merit of his service, and preference shall be given according to seniority in service. No person shall be eligible for promotion to be a superior officer unless he shall have previously served as a patrolman in the Police Department. A member or officer of the Police Department shall not be promoted until he has served at least three years in the Police Department. The Township Committee may establish promotional examinations to establish eligibility lists at its discretion.
Members shall not use any Police Department vehicle without the permission of a superior officer. Police Department vehicles shall never be used for personal business or pleasure. No Police Department vehicle shall be driven beyond the Township limits except in the line of police duty. No member shall leave the keys in an unattended Police Department vehicle. No person shall be permitted to ride in a Police Department vehicle except members of the Department, individuals being detained or transported in the course of police business, or other persons specifically approved by a superior officer.