[HISTORY: Adopted by the Conservation Commission of the Town of Sherborn 1981; amended 1-7-2019. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.[1]]
Editor's Note: The codification of these regulations as Ch. 315 of the Town Code was approved by the Conservation Commission 6-19-2024.
Property under the control of the Sherborn Conservation Commission is open to the public for peaceful enjoyment and those uses compatible with the natural environment and consistent with the conservation purposes for which the land was acquired. While the Commission encourages visitation, all persons are requested to stay on established trails as off-trail use may damage the rare or endangered plants that exist on some of these properties, may impact wildlife habitats, and can compact soils and create erosion. Likewise, visitors with pets are encouraged to clean up their pets' waste, as it is unpleasant for others and contaminates water runoff.
Our neighbors are our friends. Please respect the boundaries of private property, and do not trespass thereon without the express permission of the landowner.
Use of Sherborn conservation land is subject to the following regulations, which are unique to land under the control and management of the Sherborn Conservation Commission. For regulations applicable to Town Forest land, please consult the Sherborn Town Forest website or inquire at Sherborn Town Hall.
Properties under the control of the Sherborn Conservation Commission which receive the most use include, but are not limited to, the following: Barber Reservation, Bailey Trail, Hildreth Schoolhouse Lot, Hopestill Reservation, McGregor Quarry, Bogastow Trail, Leland Mill Pond Reservation, Peters Hill, Price Woodlands, Ward Parks Pond and Hidden Meadow Reservation. If in doubt about the applicability of these regulations, please consult the Sherborn Conservation agent (as below).
Violation of these regulations may result in a fine not to exceed $200 and in prosecution to the full extent of the law, as well as civil liability for damage to the property.
Occasional access restrictions may be necessary due to changing environmental concerns. All users of the properties shall comply with any posted regulatory signs (including, without limitation, signs closing certain areas or trails to all use) and with the verbal directions of a police officer or other agents of the Town of Sherborn. Disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, and any action illegal under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or bylaws of the Town of Sherborn is forbidden on the properties.
Visitors must keep pets under control, as regulated by Sherborn General Bylaw Chapter 120, Article II (Town Meeting 2018).
Unauthorized cutting or removing any plant, tree or other natural features; hunting, killing or trapping any animal or bird; carrying or discharging of firearms, explosives or other projectiles; defacing or injuring signs, trees, trail markers, buildings, walls or other property; and littering are prohibited.
A written permit for overnight camping must be obtained in advance from the Conservation agent.
A written permit for open fires must be obtained in advance from the Sherborn Fire Department.
Notification for any group activity involving 12 or more persons is requested to be given to the Sherborn Police Department in advance of the intended use of the property.
In those areas in which agricultural crops, including trees and fields of hay, are being cultivated, any act resulting in damage to such crops is prohibited.
Except as permitted in this regulation, no motor vehicle is allowed on Conservation Commission property. "Motor vehicle," as used herein, includes, without limitation, a car, truck, jeep, tractor, motorcycle, motorbike, trail bike, and snowmobile. Only the following motor vehicles may be operated on said property:
Motor vehicles of the Fire Department, the Police Department, the Department of Community Maintenance and Development of the Town of Sherborn (or of others officially requested to assist any of these Departments), but only in connection with the performance of official duties.
Motor vehicles of regional public utilities, their agents or contractors, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to inspect, maintain, repair or replace the pipeline or utility lines or to prevent injury to property adjacent to the pipeline or utility lines.
Motor vehicles the use of which has been approved, or which are used in connection with a project which has been approved, by the Conservation Commission or its respective authorized designees, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to undertake and complete such project.
Please report any problems you observe to the Sherborn Conservation Commission by calling 508-651-2594 or emailing conservation@sherbornma.org.