The Animal Control Officer of the Borough shall be responsible for all dogs and other animals impounded and taken into custody under the terms of this chapter and statutes incorporated herein, as amended and supplemented. The Animal Control Officer and/or Municipal Health Officer of the Borough shall designate the place where such dogs and animals are to be impounded or held in custody subject to the approval of the Mayor and Council.
Subject to the terms of this chapter and statutes incorporated herein, an owner may obtain the release of their animal impounded due to emergency calls upon payment of a recovery fee which is set forth in the contract between the Borough and the Animal Control Officer, which is on file with the Borough Clerk. Payment of the above charge is to be made directly to the Animal Control Officer and shall be in addition to any other costs incurred for care and kenneling of the animal. No owner of any impounded animal shall be permitted to claim it unless a license or registration tag can be produced if required under this chapter. The hours for emergency calls are set forth in the contract between the Borough and Animal Control Officer on file with the Borough Clerk.
Any person(s) who is found to be in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the penalty provisions found in § 1-14.1 of this code.
Each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase of this chapter is declared to be an independent section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase, and the finding or holding of any such portion of this chapter to be unconstitutional, void, or ineffective for any cause, or reason, shall not affect any other portion of this chapter.
This chapter shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and any publication as may be required by law.