[Added 8-11-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-7; amended 10-25-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-17; 5-9-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-5; 5-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-08]
An annual registration fee of $10 for adult residents between the ages of 18 and 59 shall be paid to the Borough of Neptune City for the use of the Neptune City Community Center. There shall be no registration fee for residents under the age of 18.
Nonresidents of the Borough of Neptune City may utilize the Community Center in connection with their attendance at a registered program or group event.
Applications shall be accompanied by a separate refundable deposit payment made as follows:
[Amended 12-26-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-19]
$250 for use of Community Center multipurpose room or gym individually per application.
$400 for use of full Community Center per application
$100 for use of Memorial Park pavilion area only, and pavilion and bocce courts per application.
$25 for use of Memorial Park gazebo area per application.
$100 for use of all areas of Adams Field per application.
A rental fee of $75 per hour for residents and $125 per hour for nonresidents shall be paid to the Borough of Neptune City for the use of the multipurpose room of the Neptune City Community Center when the Center is open.
[Amended 12-26-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-19]
A rental fee of $75 per hour for residents and $125 per hour for nonresidents shall be paid to the Borough of Neptune City for the use of the gym of the Neptune City Community Center when the Center is open.
[Amended 12-26-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-19]
A rental fee of $150 per hour for residents and $200 per hour for nonresidents shall be paid to the Borough of Neptune City for the use of the multipurpose room of the Neptune City Community Center when the Center is closed.
[Amended 12-26-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-19]
A rental fee of $100 per hour for residents and $150 per hour for nonresidents shall be paid to the Borough of Neptune City for the use of the gym of the Neptune City Community Center when the Center is closed.
[Amended 12-26-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-19]
A rental fee of $250 per hour for residents and $350 an hour for nonresidents shall be paid to the Borough of Neptune City for the use of all of the above rooms of the Neptune City Community Center when the Center is closed.
[Amended 12-26-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-19]
A security deposit of $150 in addition to the above fees shall be paid to the Borough of Neptune City for the use of the Neptune Community Center.
Applications must include an event description, the anticipated number of participants, and a certificate of insurance naming the Borough of Neptune City as an additional insured, the purpose of use must be approved by the appropriate department in conjunction with (as needed or required) the Borough Administrator, Code Department and Police Department. If the indicated anticipated number of participants is deemed to exceed the staffing capabilities, additional payment will be required as will be determined by the type of staffing needed (including, but not limited to, Community Center staff, fire prevention, code enforcement, administrative, and police).
Applicants must agree that they shall assume responsibility for the orderly and careful use of the facility for which they are seeking approval.
Applicants must agree to indemnify and hold the Borough harmless from any and all claims, injuries and/or damages arising out of the permitted use of the facility and must furnish evidence of adequate liability insurance coverage of a minimum of $1,000,000 per person, incident and for property damage, with such certificate of insurance clearly naming the Borough of Neptune City as additionally insured for the period of time which the permit is being issued.
Applicants agree they will not sublet or assign any permitted facility. Only the individuals or organizations making reservations for the fields or facilities may use them for the stated time on their permit. Any unauthorized subletting or assignment will result in the immediate forfeiture of the individual or organization's permit.
The Borough shall not discriminate in making any of its facilities available on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical limitation, or any other protected class under applicable law.
The issuance of a facility use permit to a user group shall not constitute or imply in any way an endorsement by the Borough of the user group's aims, policies, or activities, and a user group hereby agrees to not imply such Borough's endorsement in any of its advertisements or announcements.
The Borough Administrator, governing body, Recreation Director and any other personnel deemed appropriate shall deny any permit application if they determine that the applicant fails to satisfy any of the applicable requirements or if a user group has not paid permit fees in a timely fashion. The Borough further maintains the Borough Mayor and Council, Borough Administrator or Department Director in conjunction with the Mayor or Borough Administrator may waive any fees as deemed in the best interest of the Borough and its residents.
Each program instructor that charges a fee for their program shall pay to the Borough of Neptune City 20% of their receipts for their program. In the event the program is free, there will be no fee to the Borough of Neptune City.
Rentals of recreational facilities.
[Amended 12-26-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-19]
Memorial Park:
Borough residents shall pay a rental fee of $75 an hour for up to five hours for use of a designated portion/section of Memorial Park with a $100 refundable deposit.
Nonresidents of the Borough shall pay a rental fee of $150 an hour for up to five hours for use of a designated portion/section of Memorial Park with a $100 refundable deposit.
Borough residents shall pay a rental fee of $200 per day (7:00 a.m. to sunset) for use of the bocce courts.
Nonresidents shall pay a rental fee of $350 per day (7:00 a.m. to sunset) for use of the bocce courts.
During all rentals, the bathrooms located at the Memorial Park pavilion are open to the public.
Memorial Park kayak racks:
Borough residents shall pay a rental fee of $100 to rent a space on the kayak rack. Registration shall open to Borough residents February 1 of each year, with payment being required by March 1 to avoid forfeiting the space.
Nonresidents of the Borough shall pay an annual rental fee of $150 to rent a space on the kayak rack. Registration shall open to the waitlist (in order received) on April 15 of each year.
All kayaks and/or paddleboards stored in the Borough's storage rack must be removed no later than November 15 each year and may be returned to the Borough's storage rack only upon renewal of a successor agreement and receipt of full payment by the Borough prior to March 1 of the next year. Removal may be waived at the discretion of the Department of Public Works.
Any kayak and/or paddleboard that is not removed from the Borough's storage rack by November 15 may be removed by the Borough and placed in storage. Renters may be subject to nonrenewal of their kayak rack space the next year. Per the annual agreement, the Borough of Neptune City, their regents, officers, agents, and employees are indemnified and held harmless from any liability, loss, or damage that may be suffered or occur as a result renting a space at the Memorial Park kayak rack.
Memorial Park gazebo:
Rental of gazebo will include a refundable deposit of $25 and a $50 permit fee for a two-hour rental shall be paid to the Borough of Neptune City.
Adams Field:
A rental fee of $50 per game, per field, shall be paid to the Borough of Neptune City.
A rental fee of $25 per practice, per field, shall be paid to the Borough of Neptune City.
A rental fee of $200 shall be paid to the Borough of Neptune City to rent a ball field for one day.
No fee shall be charged for use of any recreation facility or equipment for programs run or sponsored by the Borough of Neptune City or the Neptune City Recreation Committee. The Borough maintains discretion regarding fees collected for use of Borough facilities.