This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Borough of Glen Osborne Zoning Ordinance," and the Zoning Map referred to herein and adopted as part of this chapter shall be known as the "Borough of Glen Osborne Zoning Map."
The purpose of this chapter is to promote, protect, and facilitate the public health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of Glen Osborne Borough by:
Encouraging and facilitating the orderly, coordinated, and practical development of the Aleppo-Sewickley-Glen Osborne (ASO) area and promoting balanced growth that will maintain and enhance residents' quality of life and the distinctive character of each community by capitalizing on natural, cultural, recreational, and commercial assets; identified land uses within this chapter shall be considered mutually shared with all communities participating in the ASO Joint Comprehensive Plan.
Lessening the danger and congestion of traffic on roads and highways and providing for adequate off-street parking and loading for all land uses.
Securing safety from fire, panic, flood, and other dangers.
Providing for adequate light and air.
Promoting such distribution of population and classification and utilization of land and land uses as will facilitate and conserve adequate provision of transportation, water, drainage, sanitation, educational and other public facilities, recreation, and protection of natural resources and the environment.
Establishing building setback lines and requirements and the locations of buildings or structures designed for appropriate uses within such setback lines to prevent overcrowding.
Dividing the Borough into zoning districts to regulate the location, construction, reconstruction, alteration, and use of buildings, structures, and land to conserve land, building, and structure values, protect the local tax base, secure economy in governmental expenditures, and encourage variety and quality in land uses.
Providing housing opportunities consistent with the area's population growth and housing demand, both in the present and the future.
Providing for the regulation of nonconforming uses, buildings, lots, and structures.
Encouraging the conservation of nonrenewable energy sources through the use of efficient building methods.
Providing for the timely, equitable, and efficient administration of the provisions, regulations, and restrictions hereof.
This chapter has been prepared in consideration of the character of the Borough, including existing land use patterns, the character of remaining undeveloped land, and the capacity of the community's basic infrastructure to support additional development. Consideration has also been given to development activities and trends in the area surrounding the Borough. The purpose of this chapter is to guide future growth and development within the Borough in accordance with the following goals and objectives:
To preserve the quality of life within the Borough's residential neighborhoods.
To provide uses, buildings, and/or structures compatible with the character of development or the permitted uses within the specified zoning districts.
To prevent overcrowding of land, blight, danger, and congestion in travel and transportation, loss of health, life, or property from fire, flooding, panic, or other dangers.
To provide adequate community facilities and services to meet the needs of Borough residents and its business community.
To undertake physical improvements to the landscape that will create a better community and improve the attractiveness of the Borough as a place to live and work.
To preserve the natural qualities and characteristics of land that is unsuitable for development.
To protect the character and maintain the stability of residential, nonresidential, and open space areas within the Borough.
To promote and foster the community development goals and objectives of the Aleppo-Sewickley-Glen Osborne (ASO) Joint Comprehensive Plan, as amended.
To provide citizens and prospective developers with a clear understanding of the Borough's land use decision-making process.
To encourage citizen participation in the land use decision-making process.
The land uses identified within this chapter shall be considered mutually shared with all communities participating in the ASO Joint Comprehensive Plan, as adopted and amended.
The authority to promulgate the local regulation of land use and related activities is provided for through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Act 247 of 1968, the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC),[1] as amended.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
After the effective date of this chapter, except for existing legal nonconforming uses or structures, no structure or building shall be erected, reconstructed, structurally altered, enlarged, or moved, and no structure, building, or land shall be used, occupied, or designed to be used, unless in conformity with the regulations specified herein for the zoning district in which it is located and with all other applicable provisions of this chapter, and then only after applying for and securing all permits, licenses, and approvals required by all laws, ordinances, resolutions, regulations, and codes. Specifically noted are Ord. No. 405, Floodplain Management,[1] and Chapter 121 of the Borough's Code of Ordinances, Subdivision and Land Development.
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 405 was superseded by Ord. No. 429.
Where a provision of this chapter is found to be in conflict with a provision of any land use ordinance or code, applicable health, building, housing, or safety regulation, or any other ordinance, resolution, or regulation, on or after the effective date of this chapter, the provision which establishes the more restrictive standard for protection of the health, safety, and welfare of the people shall prevail.