All uses shall comply with the requirements of this article, and the landowner and/or developer shall demonstrate that a proposed use shall comply with the standards herein prior to the Borough issuing approval and any operation commencing on the lot.
Compliance shall be determined by the Zoning Officer with respect to permitted uses, by the Zoning Hearing Board with respect to special exceptions, and by the Borough Council with respect to conditional uses. In order to determine whether a proposed use will conform to the requirements of this chapter, the Borough may obtain a qualified consultant's report, whose cost for services shall be borne by the applicant.
All uses that require new facilities or expansion of existing facilities, such as sewers, storm drains, fire hydrants, potable water, public streets, streetlighting, and similar services shall obtain such approval as required by the agency providing such service prior to project approval. If there is no availability of essential services, that shall be grounds for denying permits for additional development until such services are available. The Borough is not obligated to extend or supply essential services if capacity is not available. If capacity is available, the extension of services shall be by and at the cost of the landowner and/or developer, unless the jurisdiction agrees otherwise.
All service extensions shall be designed and installed in full conformance with the jurisdiction's standards for such service and shall be subject to review, permitting, and inspection as required by other policies or ordinances of the jurisdiction.
Fire protection and firefighting equipment, procedures, and safety protocols acceptable to the National Fire Protection Association shall be readily available and followed where there is any activity involving the handling or storage of flammable or explosive materials.
Unless otherwise permitted by the Borough for medical purposes, no activity shall emit radioactivity at any point or cause electrical disturbance adversely affecting the operation of radio or other equipment in the vicinity.
Fire sirens, place of worship bells, and related apparatus used solely for public purposes shall be exempt from the noise requirements herein.
Within the C-1 district when adjoining a residential use, noise in excess of 75 decibels between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. and 55 decibels between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., as measured on a decibel or sound-level meter of standard quality and design operated on the A-weighted scale, shall not be permitted. Industry standards and equipment shall be utilized for measuring such noise at any and all lot lines of the subject lot on which the noise source is located. Proof of such current compliance shall be presented to the Borough upon the request of the Zoning Officer.
Vibrations detectable without instruments on any adjacent lot in any zoning district shall be prohibited, except that temporary vibration as a result of construction activity shall be permitted. No construction vibrations shall be permitted between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
No malodorous gas or matter shall be permitted which is discernible on any adjacent lot or any zoning district.
The maximum amount of smoke emission permitted shall be determined by the use of the Standard Ringelmann Chart issued by the United States Bureau of Mines or most-recent industry standard. No smoke of a shade darker than No. 2 shall be permitted.
No pollution of air by fly ash, dust, vapors, or other substance shall be permitted which is harmful to public health, animals, vegetation, or other property or which can cause soiling of property.
A plan of luminosity, the measure of light impacts, shall be submitted in accordance with the Borough's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 121 of this Code.
In any zoning district, any operation or activity producing outdoor lighting and/or intense glare shall be so conducted that direct and indirect illumination from the source of light shall not cause illumination in excess of zero footcandles when measured at any residential zoning district boundary line or any residentially developed lot in the C-1 zoning district. Flickering or intense sources of light shall be so controlled as not to cause a nuisance across any lot lines.
No use shall produce a strong, dazzling light or a reflection of a strong, dazzling light beyond its lot lines. In general, lighting fixtures that shield the reflector or lens or any high-brightness surface from viewing angles about 60 feet from horizontal shall be utilized. Architectural lighting shall be recessed under roof overhangs or generated from concealed sources utilizing low-intensity light fixtures. The interior illumination of a canopy which permits any light to pass through is hereby banned. The illumination or lighting of freestanding and building canopies, awnings, and exterior auxiliary parts is prohibited, with the exception of flat-lens, full-cutoff, downcast lighting, which may be mounted on the underside surface of a structure, provided that it illuminates only the ground area beneath the structure.
All outside lighting, including sign lighting, shall be focused away from adjacent streets and lots and shall be directed in such a way as not to create a nuisance to any adjacent use and roadway. All luminaries and fixtures hereafter constructed, installed, changed, or remodeled shall be equipped with a glare-shielding device, full-cutoff, downward-cast, in the case of freestanding area lighting. Intensity of outdoor lighting shall be limited within usable areas of a lot (i.e., parking, walkways, etc.) to an average intensity at the ground of 2 1/2 footcandles with a maximum intensity at any given point on the ground of six footcandles, unless otherwise approved by the Borough Council. A 400-watt maximum shall apply to any light source.
In any zoning district, all pole-mounted illumination or lighting over six feet in height or any wall-mounted illumination or lighting supported by brackets or pole arms over six feet in height, hereafter constructed, installed, changed, or remodeled, shall be "full cut-off lighting" with flush or recessed lens caps only. All light fixtures shall be mounted parallel to the ground. "Full cut-off lighting" shall be defined as the type of lighting fixture designed to provide light distribution so that the candela at 90° above nadir is zero and less than 10% of rated lumens at 80° above nadir as defined by current industry standards.
Illumination and light intensity shall not exceed zero footcandles, measured either vertically or horizontally to the ground surface, at any height, at any adjoining lot line in a residential zoning district. Where light is reflected in a street area, then the intensity measurement shall be made on the right-of-way line across the street from where the light source emanates.
Sign lighting shall be low-intensity and generated from a concealed source and shall not spill over into adjoining lots or roadways or in any way interfere with the vision of oncoming motorists. Spotlights used to illuminate signs, or each side of a two-faced sign, shall be restricted to not more than one 150-watt light per signs for up to 40 square feet and no more than two 150-watt lights per sign for over 40 square feet. The sign base or landscaping around the sign shall be designated to shield the light from oncoming motorists to conceal the light source and light fixtures.
The height of a luminaire shall be limited as follows:
In any residential zoning district, the maximum height permitted shall be 20 feet.
In any other zoning district, the maximum height shall be 30 feet.
The Borough Council may further limit the height of any luminaire when it is determined that proposed lighting may have a detrimental impact upon nearby lots.
Basketball courts, playing fields, and tennis courts which have a unique requirement for nighttime visibility may be exempted from Subsections A through H if, in the judgment of the Borough Council, their limited hours of operation and the location of the luminaries will adequately protect neighboring residential uses.
No erosion by wind or water shall be permitted which will carry or deposit objectionable substances onto neighboring lots. Provisions required by the Allegheny County Conservation district shall be applicable to all development or redevelopment.
See the Borough's Grading Ordinance[1] and also the steep slopes regulations in Article VIII of this chapter.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 79 of this Code.