It is the policy of the Town to foster, maintain, and promote equal employment opportunity. The Town shall select employees on the basis of an applicant's qualifications for the job and reward them, with respect to compensation and opportunity for training and advancement, without regard to age, sex, race, color, religion, political affiliation, or national origin. Applicants with physical handicaps shall be given equal consideration with other applicants for positions in which their physical handicaps do not represent an unreasonable barrier to satisfactory performance of duties or to the safety of co-workers.
All personnel responsible for recruitment and employment shall continue to review regularly the implementation of this policy and relevant practices to assure that equal employment opportunity based on reasonable performance-related job requirements are being actively observed. This will ensure that no employee or applicant for employment shall suffer discrimination based on age, sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin or physical handicap. Notices with regard to equal employment matters shall be posted in conspicuous places on Town government premises in places where polices are ordinarily posted.
Sections in this article pertaining to equal employment opportunity (EEO) shall be coordinated with the policies and procedures outlined in the Town's Affirmative Action Program and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, which was adopted in September of 1977. When conflicts arise between this article and the Affirmative Action Program, the stricter policy shall prevail.