In general, guide rails shall be corrugated-beam or cable-type construction. Box beam guide rails may be required and approved for specific cases. All materials and installation procedures shall comply with the standards of the New York State Department of Transportation unless specifically waived by the Town Highway Superintendent.
Retaining walls shall be concrete gravity walls, reinforced concrete cantilever walls, concrete crib walls or steel-bin-type walls. Applicable New York State Department of Transportation standards shall be followed. The use of gabion construction shall be specifically approved by the Planning Board. When approved, applicable manufacturer's construction standards shall be followed. All walls or structures designed to retain earth fills shall be proportioned to withstand pressure as given by Rankine's formula; but no structure shall be designed for less than an equivalent fluid pressure of 30 pounds per cubic foot. When highway traffic can come within a distance from the top of the structure equal to 1/2 its height, the pressure shall have added to it a live load surcharge pressure equal to not less than two feet of earth.
Plain and reinforced concrete shall comply with the Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318) using air-entraining Portland cement. Concrete shall develop a minimum twenty-eight-day compressive strength of 3,000 pounds per square inch.