There is hereby adopted by the city for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for installation, alteration and repair of plumbing fixtures, equipment and systems, and other related work, the plumbing standards of the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, and the whole thereof, save and except such portions as those hereinafter deleted, modified or amended, are hereby adopted and incorporated by references as fully as if set out by length herein.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, organization or corporation to install, alter, add, erect or repair any plumbing or drainage systems in the City of Kingston, New York, or to display a sign or to imply that he is engaged in the business of plumbing, unless such person shall furnish to the Examining Board of Plumbers of the City of Kingston a certificate of competency from the Examining Board of Plumbers of said city, certifying such person is qualified to engage in said business as a licensed plumber.
All plumbing and drainage outside of the territorial boundaries of the city which is connected or which is intended to be connected with the City of Kingston water supply and/or sewage system shall be executed in strict compliance with the provisions of the code. It shall not be performed by any person, firm, association or corporation except by a Master Plumber holding a certificate of competency issued by the Examining Board of Plumbers of the City of Kingston.
Licensing of contractors installing oil-burning, gas-burning appliances.
[Added 3-9-2020]
No person shall engage in or conduct the business of the installation of new or replacement oil or gas heat-producing equipment in the City without first obtaining from the Building Safety Division of the City a license to do such work.
Persons applying to be licensed to engage in or conduct the business of the installation of gas and/or oil heat-producing equipment shall present satisfactory proof to the Plumbing Board that (s)he is competent to make such installation and has been engaged in the installation of such equipment for a period of at least four years prior to the date of application or has graduated from a four-year college or university with major coursework in heating engineering and has had one year's experience as a journeyman heating contractor or (s)he shall be a licensed professional engineer. In addition, the applicant shall be required to take a written examination prepared by the Plumbing Board and pay a nonrefundable examination fee as set forth in the City of Kingston Fee Schedule.[1] If the applicant satisfactorily passes the examination, (s)he shall receive a heating license from the City.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 217, Fees.
All licenses granted hereunder shall expire as of June 1 of each calendar year and must be renewed on an annual basis within 30 days preceding the expiration by application to the Building Safety Division and payment of a renewal fee as set forth above. Any person who permits his gas/oil license to lapse may apply for and receive a certificate of renewal upon payment of a fee as set forth in the City of Kingston Fee Schedule within two years of said lapse. Timely renewal of oil and gas licenses are required and no inactive status is permitted. Failure to renew oil and gas licenses when required will necessitate reexamination and applicable fees.
Any license granted under this section is revocable by the Plumbing Board for cause. Licenses may be granted for installation of oil-burning apparatus only or gas-burning apparatus or gas piping. Fees for licenses are set forth in the City of Kingston Fee Schedule.
A plumbing permit shall be obtained to install oil or gas heat-producing appliances. The permit will also allow a contractor to connect domestic water to such appliance within five feet of the appliance. All other water connections must be installed by a master licensed plumber with an approved permit.
The licensee shall provide to the Building Safety Division certificates of workers' compensation insurance covering all its employees. The licensee shall also provide a certificate of commercial general liability insurance and property damage liability insurance with a minimum of $1,000,000 bodily injury liability for each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate. The licensee must provide the City of Kingston Building Safety Division with a surety bond in the amount of $10,000.
Misuse of licenses granted by the Plumbing Board of the City of Kingston, New York. A plumbing permit shall be obtained for water connections for heat-producing equipment. A license granted by the Plumbing Board of the City of Kingston, New York, to an individual shall not be used by any other person, directly or indirectly, either to obtain a permit or to perform any work under that license.
[Added 3-9-2020]
Investigation; prosecution for misuse of license. The Plumbing Inspector shall investigate the license and special permit of every heating contractor and shall promptly report to the Plumbing Board any violation of the provisions of this article relating to the use of the license, and the Plumbing Inspector shall immediately apply to the Plumbing Board for the forfeiture of the license who shall have misused the license in violation of this article.
[Added 3-9-2020]
If the person, partnership, association, or corporation violating any provisions of this code is registered with the Examining Board of Plumbers as Master Plumber, said Inspector shall cause arrest and prosecution pursuant to § A407-9A of this Code and §§ 53 and 55 of the General City Law and other applicable provisions of law.
If any person, partnership, association or corporation violating any provisions of this code is not registered with the Examining Board of Plumbers as Master Plumber, and irrespective of whether a notice of violation has been served or not, said Inspector shall cause arrest and prosecution pursuant to § A407-9A of this Code and §§ 53 and 55 of the General City Law and other applicable provision of law.
Any person violating the provisions of these rules of the Plumbing Code shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and be liable to a fine not exceeding $150, or to imprisonment not exceeding 150 days, or to pay the City of Kingston a penalty not exceeding $500, or to both fine and imprisonment; and on conviction, if a Master Plumber, in addition to the penalties herein described shall forfeit any certificate of competency or registration which he may hold.