[Adopted 2-21-2006 by Ord. No. 2-2006]
The owner, occupant or tenant of every property fronting upon or alongside any of the streets in the Borough of Mount Pocono, in the County of Monroe and State of Pennsylvania (hereinafter called the "Borough") is hereby required to remove or cause to be removed from all the sidewalks in front of or alongside such property all snow or ice thereon fallen or formed within 24 hours after the same shall have ceased to fall or to form, so as to cause at least a twenty-four-inch snow and ice free pathway to be opened within 24 hours, provided that the persons responsible for conforming to the requirements of this section are as follows: the owner of a property where such property is occupied by such owner or is unoccupied; the tenant or occupier of such property, where such property is occupied by such tenant or occupier only; the owner of such property where such property is a multiple-business or multiple-dwelling property, occupied by more than one tenant or occupier. In all cases, the property owner(s) shall be responsible if the tenant is unable to be identified.
In the event that the snow and/or ice accumulation becomes so hard that it cannot be removed by means of a snow shovel, or similar device, then the owner, occupant or tenant of such property shall, within the time set forth in § 183-7A above, cause enough cinder, sand or other similar abrasive to be out on the sidewalk to make travel reasonably safe, and shall, as soon as weather permits, cause to be cleared a twenty-four-inch pathway as described in § 183-7A above.
In any case where the owner, occupant or tenant, as aforesaid, shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any of the provisions of § 183-7 of this article within the time limit prescribed therein, the Borough authorities may proceed immediately to clear all snow and/or ice from the sidewalk of such owner, occupant or tenant, and to collect the expenses thereof, with any additional amount allowed by law, from such owner, occupant or tenant, as the case may be, which may be in addition to any fine or penalty imposed under § 183-9 of this article.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be assessed a civil penalty of no more than $50. together with any court costs. Every day that a violation of this article continues shall constitute a separate offense. This article shall be enforced by the Borough Codes Enforcement/Zoning Officer or other designee of the Borough of Mount Pocono.