WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 1074, the various
jobs, positions and classifications of employees of the Town of West
New York were modernized by appropriate schedules of such jobs, positions
and employees and the salary ranges with respect to the same, and
WHEREAS need has arisen for a Court Administrator,
who under the general direction of the Administrative Office of the
Courts, the Hudson County assignment Judge, and under the immediate
direction of the Municipal Court Judge supervises and manages the
various administrative and specialized clerical operations of the
Municipal Court; assists the Municipal Court Judge in any area pertaining
to the court's daily operation and does related work as required as
provided by applicable laws, rules and regulations
Now, therefore, the Board of Commissioners of
the Town of West New York, New Jersey, does ordain:
The ordinance aforesaid, creating and reorganizing
the various jobs, positions and classifications of employees of the
Town of West New York, New Jersey, is hereby amended as follows: