[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of West New York 3-16-1960 by Ord. No. 856. Amendments noted where applicable.]
License Department — See Ch. 59.
Limousines and livery vehicles — See Ch. 237.
Noise — See Ch. 266.
Vehicles and traffic — See Ch. 384.
The following words and phrases when used in this chapter have the meanings as set out herein:
A public place alongside the curb of a street or elsewhere in the Town of West New York which place the Director of the Department of Public Safety has authorized a holder of taxicab licenses to use exclusively for the dispatching of company taxicabs.
The driving of a taxicab on the streets or public places of the Town of West New York in search of or soliciting prospective passengers for hire.
The permission granted by the Director of the Department of Public Safety to a person to drive a taxicab upon the streets of the Town of West New York.
A public hearing at which the licensee shall be given an opportunity to appear personally and be represented, by his chosen counsel, and be heard, and to present evidence on his behalf or otherwise answer the charges against him.
A person to whom a taxicab license has been issued.
The Inspector of Licenses in the Department of Public Affairs.
Any individual, a corporation or other legal entity, a partnership or any incorporated association, but does not include a child of less than six years of age.
A card issued by the License Inspector for display in each taxicab.
A motor vehicle regularly engaged in the business of carrying passengers for hire, which is so constructed as to comfortably seat not less than four passengers exclusive of the driver, and not operated on a fixed route.
To sell, transfer or in any other manner dispose of a taxicab license. Where the license is in the name of a corporation or other legal entity, any change in the control of the holder shall constitute a "transfer" of taxicab license held in the name of said corporation or other legal entity. The Director of the Department of Public Safety shall determine what constitutes a change in control.
The time when a taxicab is not in motion from the time of acceptance of a passenger or passengers to the time of discharge, but does not include any time that the taxicab is not in motion, if due to any cause other than the request, action or fault of a passenger or passengers.
[Amended 10-19-1977 by Ord. No. 1261; 12-30-1980 by Ord. No. 1438; 4-21-2004 by Ord. No. 3/04; 7-19-2006 by Ord. No. 13/06; 7-21-2010 by Ord. No. 16/10]
In order to ensure the safety of the public, it shall be unlawful for the holder to operate or cause to permit a taxicab to be operated, nor shall any license be issued hereunder, until and unless the applicant shall have complied with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 48:16-1 to 48:16-12 and the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, which require an insurance policy of a company duly licensed to transact business under the insurance laws of the state conditional for the payment of a sum of not less than $10,000 to satisfy all claims for damages, by reason of bodily injury to, or the death of, any one person, resulting from an accident, and a sum of not less than $20,000 to satisfy all claims for damages, by reason of the bodily injuries to, or the death of, all persons, on account of any such accident, by reason of the ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of such taxicab upon any public street; and conditioned for the payment of a sum not less than $5,000 to satisfy any claim for damages to property of any one person, resulting from an accident, and a sum not less than $5,000 to satisfy all claims for damages to property of all persons, on account of any such accident, by reason of the ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of such taxicab upon any public street.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, and in addition thereto, every owner, registered owner or operator of a taxicab registered or principally garaged in this state shall maintain the minimum level of coverages that may otherwise be required pursuant to N.J.S.A. 17:1-1 et seq., or N.J.S.A. 39:1-1 et seq., and the regulations of the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance.
The owner shall furnish the License Inspector with evidence that the aforesaid provision has been complied with and that the premium for the full period of the licensing year has been paid. Each policy shall contain an endorsement providing for 20 days' written notice from the insurance company to the Town of West New York in the event of any change in the policy or cancellation of the policy. Each taxicab license shall become effective and operation thereunder shall be permitted only so long as the insurance policy shall remain in force to the full and collectible amounts as aforesaid.
Each insurance policy shall provide for payment of any final judgment recovered by any person on account of the ownership, maintenance or use of the taxi or any fault in respect thereto and shall be for the benefit of every person suffering loss, damage or injury as aforesaid.
If an owner operates more than one taxi, he may file with the Licensing Officer a bond or insurance policy of a company duly licensed to transact business under the insurance laws of this state, in the sum of $50,000, which shall be a blanket insurance covering all cabs operated by such owner which shall provide for the payment of any final judgment recovered by any person on account of the ownership, maintenance and use of any such taxicab or any fault in respect thereto, and shall be for the benefit of every person suffering loss, damage or injury as aforesaid.
The filing of such bond or insurance shall not excuse every owner, registered owner or operator of a taxicab registered or principally garaged in this state from maintaining the minimum level of coverages that may otherwise be required pursuant to N.J.S.A. 17:1-1 et seq., et seq., N.J.S.A. 39:1-1 et seq., and the regulations of the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance.
In addition to the insurance requirements as aforesaid, the owner of every taxi vehicle shall execute and deliver to the Licensing Officer, concurrent with the filing of the insurance policy referred to in this section, a power of attorney wherein the owner shall appoint the Town Clerk of the Town of West New York as his true and lawful attorney for the purpose of acknowledging service of process from a court of competent jurisdiction to be served against the insured by virtue of the indemnity granted under the insurance policy filed.
No person shall operate or permit a taxicab owned or controlled by him to be operated as a vehicle for hire upon the streets of the Town of West New York, without having first obtained a taxicab license from the License Inspector.
No license shall be issued or renewed unless the holder thereof has paid an annual license fee of $350 for each taxicab to be operated under that license. Said license shall be for the year ending on December 31 and shall be in addition to any other fee or charges established by proper authorities and applicable to said holder for the vehicle or vehicles under his operation and control.
[Amended 12-30-1980 by Ord. No. 1438; 6-15-1994 by Ord. No. 46/94; 6-16-2010 by Ord. No. 13/10]
Each person issued a taxicab operator's license by the Town of West New York shall, as a condition to continued maintenance of such license, submit each of his taxi vehicles for a full mechanical and vehicle inspection once each three months during the one-year period of his license pursuant to a schedule established by the Town of West New York. Such inspection shall be conducted by a garage licensed by the State of New Jersey who shall certify that the vehicle is in good working order and is not in need of repair as that term is defined below. In the event that said vehicle is in need of repair, the licensee shall repair the same within 30 days of the inspection and shall resubmit the vehicle for inspection by a licensed garage, plus submit a written report or invoice specifying the services performed and parts furnished to correct the condition noted in the prior inspection report. The term "in need of repair" shall include but is not limited to the following:
[Added 12-30-1980 by Ord. No. 1438; amended 4-20-1994 by Ord. No. 25/94]
That the glass (windows and/or windshield) is cracked, chipped or scratched or that the glass in the mirrors is cracked.
That the horn does not function properly so as to produce a sound audible for 200 feet.
That the emergency brake does not hold the vehicle when parked on a grade.
That the foot brake does not hold the vehicle when parked on a grade and that it does not have sufficient reserve pedal.
That the headlights, taillights, stoplights and directional lights do not turn on and off when operated by the controls in the vehicle or are otherwise broken or defective.
That the windshield wipers do not rotate back and forth with sufficient pressure when turned on and do not stop when turned off by the controls in the vehicle.
That the tires have damage, ply separation, breaks or cuts and do not have at least 2/32 inch of tire tread.
That a defroster does not function properly so as to produce a temperature in excess of 50° F.
Applications for a license shall be filed with the License Inspector upon forms provided by the Town of West New York; and said application shall be verified under oath and shall furnish the following information:
Name and address of applicant; where the applicant is not a natural person, the name and address of all owners or participants in the ownership of the legal entity and all officers, directors or others of like position whatever be their title.
The year, type and model of the vehicle for which the license is desired.
The number of persons the vehicle is capable of carrying.
Such further information as the License Inspector of the Town of West New York may require.
The annual application for renewal of taxicab licenses shall be filed not later than 30 days prior to the expiration date.
[Amended 6-15-1988 by Ord. No. 1812]
If the Director of the Department of Public Safety finds that the applicant is fit, willing and able to perform such public transportation and in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the rules promulgated by the Director of the Department of Public Safety, then the Director of the Department of Public Safety shall order the issuance of a license stating the name and address of the applicant, the date of issuance and the year, type and model of the vehicle; otherwise, the application shall be denied. In making the above findings, the Director of the Department of Public Safety shall take into consideration the character, experience and responsibility of the applicant. The number of taxicab licenses issued and in use in the Town of West New York at any one time shall not exceed 35.
[Amended 6-15-1994 by Ord. No. 46/94]
No taxicab license may be sold, assigned or otherwise transferred without the consent of the Director of the Department of Public Safety. Any license may be transferred to another to be used in the bona fide operation of a taxicab business, with the consent of the Director of the Department of Public Safety, upon the filing of an application as provided in § 367-4 and upon payment of a transfer fee of $15; provided, however, that no transfer may be made in the month of December. No taxicab license shall be assigned, mortgaged, pledged or otherwise transferred to secure a debt, loan, advance or other financing transaction.
Licenses issued under the provisions of this chapter may be suspended or, after hearing, revoked by the Director of the Department of Public Safety if the holder thereof had:
Violated any of the provisions of this chapter.
Discontinued operation for more than 60 consecutive days.
Violated any ordinance of the Town of West New York or the laws of New Jersey, the violation of which reflects unfavorably on the fitness of the holder to offer public transportation.
Prior to revocation, the holder shall be given written notice of the proposed action to be taken and the charges against him and shall be given a hearing. Notwithstanding the use of the words "suspended or, after hearing, revoked" in this chapter, the Director of the Department of Public Safety may suspend and, after hearing, revoke such licenses.
No person shall operate a taxicab for hire upon the streets of the Town of West New York, and no person who owns or controls a taxicab shall permit it to be so driven, and no taxicab licensed by the Town of West New York shall be so driven at any time for hire, unless the driver of said taxicab shall have first obtained and shall have then in force the taxicab driver's license under the provisions of this chapter and provided, further, that said driver shall be a holder or servant, employee or agent of such holder.
Every person applying for a license to drive a taxicab must furnish satisfactory evidence as follows:
[Amended 11-24-2003 by Ord. No. 22/03]
That he or she has received a driver's license under the New Jersey State Motor Vehicle law.
That he or she has no prior criminal history or has ever been convicted of driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. The applicant shall furnish fingerprints at the applicant's cost; said fingerprints shall be submitted to the appropriate authorities to verify the applicant's criminal history. If an application is approved before confirmation of the applicant's representation of no criminal history and the appropriate authority determines that there is a criminal history, the License Inspector can rescind said taxicab driver's license.
Each applicant for a driver's license under the terms of this chapter must conform to the following regulations:
Be of the age of 21 years or over and be a resident of the State of New Jersey for one year or more.
Be able to read and write the English language and be a citizen of the United States.
An application for a driver's license shall be filed with the License Inspector on forms provided by the Town of West New York. The application shall contain the following:
The full name and address of the applicant.
Places of residence for the preceding five years.
Age, height, color of eyes and hair.
Place of birth, whether married or single.
Previous employment, whether he has ever been convicted of a high misdemeanor, misdemeanor, violation of the Disorderly Persons Act[1] or a violation of this chapter.
Editor's Note: N.J.S.A. 2A:169-1 et seq. was repealed by L. 1978, c. 95. See N.J.S.A. 2C:33-2.
Whether a driver's license, issued by any state or political subdivision thereof, ever held by him has been suspended or revoked, and for what cause.
The applicant shall furnish four passport-type photographs of himself taken within 30 days of the application, front view, two inches by two inches in size.
Each application must be accompanied by a certificate from a licensed and practicing physician of the State of New Jersey, certifying that the applicant has been examined on a certain date and that, in his opinion, the applicant is of sound physique, with good eyesight, not subject to epilepsy, vertigo, heart trouble or any other infirmity of body or mind which might make him unfit for the safe operation of a taxicab. The examination shall be within 30 days prior to the filing of the application. At the time the application is filed, the applicant shall pay to the License Inspector the sum of $30.
[Amended 6-15-1994 by Ord. No. 46/94; 6-16-2010 by Ord. No. 13/10]
The Police Department shall conduct an investigation of each applicant for a driver's license, and a report of such investigation and a copy of the traffic and police record of the applicant, if any, shall be attached to the application for the consideration of the Director of the Department of Public Safety.
The Director of the Department of Public Safety, upon consideration of the application and the reports and certificate required to be attached thereto, shall approve or reject the application. If the application is rejected, the applicant may request a hearing to offer evidence why his application should be reconsidered.
Upon approval of the application for a driver's license by the Director of the Department of Public Safety, the License Inspector shall issue a license to the applicant which shall bear the name, signature and photograph of the applicant.
Such license shall be in effect for the remainder of the fiscal year ending December 31. The fee for such license shall be $15, and the license for every year thereafter shall be issued upon the payment of $15.
[Amended 6-15-1994 by Ord. No. 46/94]
The license shall also contain the Town license number and a notice that, in case of any complaint, the Department shall be notified of the license number of the taxicab driver. The license shall bear the signature of the License Inspector.
Every driver licensed under this chapter shall post his driver's license, together with a rate card, as hereinafter provided, in such a place as to be in full view of all passengers while such driver is operating a taxicab. The display of the license and rate card shall be on the right side of the dashboard or affixed to the back of the front seat and shall be properly illuminated so that they are clearly visible at all times.
The Director of the Department of Public Safety is hereby given the authority to suspend any driver's license issued under this chapter upon justified complaint of any person, including a holder, for a driver failing or refusing to comply with the provisions of this chapter; provided, however, that such suspension shall not exceed 20 days. The Director of the Department of Public Safety is also given the authority to revoke any driver's license for failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter; provided, however, that a license may not be revoked unless the driver has received notice and a copy of the charges against him and has been given a hearing. Notwithstanding the use of the words "suspend or, after hearing, revoke" in this chapter, the Director of the Department of Public Safety may suspend and, after hearing, revoke any such license.
Every driver licensed under this chapter shall comply with all Town, state and federal laws the violation of which reflects unfavorably on the fitness of such driver to engage in public transportation; failure to do so will justify the Director of the Department of Public Safety in suspending or, after hearing, revoking the license. If, at any time within the licensed year, a taxicab driver has been found guilty of a high misdemeanor, misdemeanor or has permitted his cab to be used for any illegal or immoral purpose, the Director of the Department of Public Safety may immediately suspend or, after hearing, revoke the driver's license.
No license shall be issued until said taxicab has been thoroughly inspected and found to be in a safe condition for the transportation of passengers and of good appearance.
Every vehicle operating under this chapter shall be periodically inspected, at such intervals as the License Inspector may direct, to ensure the continued maintenance of safe operating conditions.
Every vehicle operating under this chapter shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the License Inspector.
Any vehicle on the streets of the Town of West New York in violation of this section may be removed from the streets by the Police Department. If the vehicle is not returned to service in accordance with the provisions of this section within 90 days, the Director of the Department of Public Safety may suspend or, after hearing, revoke the taxicab license.
Each taxicab shall bear on the outside of each rear or front door painted letters, not less than three inches nor more than four inches in height, in contrasting colors, indicating the name of the owner, association of which the owner is a member or registered trade name by which the owner conducts his business; in addition, the taxicab may bear an identifying design approved by the Director of the Department of Public Safety. The assigned number of each taxicab shall appear on each taxicab and in the rear in numerals not less than two inches in height and in clear view. No vehicle covered by the terms of this chapter shall be licensed, whose color scheme, identifying design, monogram or insignia to be used thereon shall, in the opinion of the License Inspector, conflict with or imitate any color scheme, identifying design, monogram or insignia used on a vehicle, or vehicles already operated under this chapter, in such a manner as to be misleading or tend to deceive or defraud the public; and provided, further, that if, after a license has been issued for a taxicab hereunder, the color scheme, identifying design, monogram or insignia thereof is changed so as to be, in the opinion of the Director of the Department of Public Safety, in conflict with or in imitation of any color scheme, identifying design, monogram or insignia used by any other person, owner or operator, in such a manner as to be misleading or tend to deceive the public, the license covering such taxicab may be suspended or, after hearing, revoked.
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter for any person to operate any vehicle not licensed under this chapter in such a manner as to be misleading or tending to deceive or defraud the public into believing said vehicle is a taxicab or is being operated as a taxicab.
[Amended 5-3-1961 by Ord. No. 887; 2-4-1970 by Ord. No. 1028; 2-20-1974 by Ord. No. 1133; 8-15-1979 by Ord. No. 1355]
Schedule generally. It shall be unlawful for an owner or driver of a taxicab to charge or cause to be charged, except as hereinafter provided, a greater or lesser sum for the use of a taxicab than in accordance with the following rates:
For conveying one or more persons for the first mile or part thereof: $1.50.
For each additional half mile or any part thereof after $1.50 for the first mile: $0.50.
For each additional drop-off or stop of five minutes requested by the customer in addition to the charge to the final destination: $0.50.
For each minute of waiting time: $0.20.
For all trunks, footlockers or their equivalent: $1.50.
For all hand luggage in excess of two pieces: $0.50.
For all supermarket calls where the driver has to handle packages: $0.50.
The above rates cover one to five passengers for a single destination.
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any taxicab to hire out or rent such taxicab to a taxicab driver or any other person for use within the Town for a stipulated sum over a definite period of time.
The method by which the compensation is paid to the driver, whether by percentage of receipts, salary or fixed rate, shall not be construed to be a hiring or a renting.
The driver of any taxicab shall, upon demand by the passenger, render to such passenger a receipt for the amount charged on which shall be the name of the owner, driver, the taxicab license number, the amount of the charge, and date and time of the transaction.
All disputes as to the local rate of fare shall, upon request of the driver or passenger, be determined by the police officer in charge of the police station. Failure to comply with such determination shall subject the offender to a charge of disorderly conduct.
Side curtains or shades shall not be permitted on any taxicab licensed in the Town of West New York.
No person, other than the licensed driver of the taxicab, shall ride or sit in the front seat of the taxicab unless the rear is fully occupied by the passengers, except when, for physical or health reasons, a passenger must sit in the front seat.
No holder or driver shall knowingly permit his taxicab to be used for any illegal or immoral purposes, under penalty of suspension or, after hearing, revocation of holder or driver's license, or both, and such other penalty as may be provided.
Soliciting patronage by the driver. No driver shall solicit passengers for a taxicab except when sitting in the driver's compartment of such taxicab or while standing immediately adjacent to the curbside thereof at any legal taxi stand.
Prohibited solicitation. No driver shall solicit patronage in a loud tone of voice or in any manner annoy any person or obstruct the movement of any person or follow any person for the purpose of soliciting patronage.
Receipt and discharge of passengers on a sidewalk. Drivers of taxicabs shall not receive or discharge passengers in the roadway but shall pull up to the right-hand side as nearly as possible, or, in the absence of a sidewalk, to the extreme right-hand side of the road, and there receive or discharge passengers, except upon one-way streets, where passengers may be discharged at either the right- of left-hand sidewalk or side of the roadway in the absence of a sidewalk.
Cruising. No driver shall cruise in search of passengers except in such areas and at such times as may be designated by the Director of the Department of Public Safety. Such areas and times shall only be designated when the Director of the Department of Public Safety finds that taxicab cruising would not congest traffic or be dangerous to pedestrians and other vehicles.
Additional passengers. No driver shall permit any other person to occupy or ride said taxicab unless the person or persons first employing a taxicab shall consent to, the acceptance of an additional passenger or passengers; provided, however, than an additional passenger or passengers shall not be accepted if they are of a different sex than the passenger first employing the taxicab. No charge shall be made for an additional passenger, except when the additional passenger rides beyond the previous passenger's destination, and then for only the additional distance so traveled. Upon reaching the original passenger's destination, the driver shall collect his fare and the passenger shall be charged as if the additional distance traveled were a new trip.
Restrictions on the number of passengers. No driver can permit more than five persons to be carried in a taxicab as passengers. A child under six years of age shall not be counted as a passenger.
Refusal to carry orderly passengers prohibited. No driver shall refuse or neglect to carry any person or persons, upon their request, unless previously engaged or unable or forbidden by the provisions of this chapter to do so.
Prohibition of drivers. It shall be a violation of this chapter for any driver of a taxicab to solicit business for any hotels, motels, rooming houses, bars, taverns, restaurants, theaters and the like, or to attempt to divert patronage from one such place to another. Neither shall such driver engage in selling intoxicating liquors or solicit business for any house of ill repute or use his vehicle for any purposes other than the transporting of passengers.
The Mayor and Board of Commissioners, upon the recommendation of the Director of the Department of Public Safety, are empowered to authorize company stands at locations to be selected for convenience and safety. The company stand shall be used solely by the company to whom the same is granted and by its agents and servants. No other company or holder of a taxicab license shall be permitted to use the same.
[Amended 12-27-1991 by Ord. No. 1965]
Company stands shall be used by the different drivers on a first-come, first-serve basis. The driver shall pull to the company stand from the rear and shall advance forward as the cabs pull off. The drivers shall stay within five feet of their cabs, and shall not engage in loud or boisterous talk while at a company stand. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as preventing a passenger from boarding the cab of his choice that is parked at a company stand.
The parking of any vehicle other than licensed taxicabs shall be prohibited on taxi stands legally authorized by the Director of the Department of Public Safety of the Town of West New York, and such stands shall be considered tow-away zones for any vehicles illegally parked at said stands for the purpose of the enforcement of this chapter.
The Director of the Department of Public Safety is hereby authorized and empowered to establish open stands in such place or places upon the streets of the Town of West New York as he deems necessary for the use of taxicabs operating in the Town. Said Director of the Department of Public Safety shall not create an open stand without taking into consideration the need for such stand by the companies, convenience to the general public and the recommendation of the Police and Fire Departments of the Town of West New York. The Director of the Department of Public Safety shall prescribe the number of cabs that shall occupy such open stands.
Open stands shall be used by the different drivers on a first-come, first-serve basis. The driver shall pull to the open stand from the rear and shall advance forward as the cabs ahead pull off. The drivers shall stay within five feet of their cabs, and shall not engage in loud or boisterous talk while at an open stand. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as preventing a passenger from boarding the cab of his choice that is parked at an open stand.
All persons engaged in the taxicab business in the Town of West New York operating under the provisions of this chapter shall render an overall service to the public desiring to use taxicabs. They shall answer all calls received by them for service inside the corporate limits of the Town of West New York as soon as they can do so and, if said services cannot be rendered within a reasonable time, they shall then notify the prospective passenger how long it will be before the said call can be answered and give the reason therefor. Any holder who shall refuse to accept a call anywhere in the corporate limits of the Town of West New York at any time when such holder has available cab or cabs, or who shall fail or refuse to give overall service, shall be deemed a violator of this chapter and any license granted to such holder may, after a hearing, be revoked.
Every holder shall require the driver to keep a daily record, identified by the cab number of the cab used that day and the license number of the driver, of the time and place when and where the passenger was accepted as well as the time and place of the discharge of the passenger, together with the fare received for the trip, which record the holder shall keep intact for 180 days from the date thereof and shall be kept open at all times for inspection by a duly authorized representative of the Police Department or the License Inspector.
Every holder shall record in a book kept solely for such purpose the time of departure from the garage or cabstand of every licensed vehicle, giving the name and address of the driver thereof, his license number and the license number of the vehicle and the time of the return to the garage or cabstand of each such vehicle, which book shall be kept open for inspection at all times to a duly authorized representative of the Police Department or the License Inspector.
Subject to the rules and regulations of the Director of the Department of Public Safety, it shall be lawful for any person owning or operating a taxicab to permit advertising matter to be affixed or installed on the outside of such taxicab, provided that such advertising matter shall not be of a lewd, lascivious or obscene nature, nor shall the location in the cab interfere with the comfort of the passengers or the operation of the vehicle.
The License Inspector shall keep a register of the name of each holder licensed under this chapter, together with the license number and the make and description of the vehicle licensed, with the date and record of inspections made of it.
Subject to the rules and regulations of the Director of the Department of Public Safety, it shall be unlawful for any taxicab to stand in any restricted area, or any area which is controlled by parking meters, or at the curb within 15 feet of the entrance to any theater, hotel, restaurant or other public place.
The driver, while engaged in the operation of a taxicab, shall behave himself in a gentlemanly manner, and he shall not use any indecent, profane or insulting language while engaged in such operation.
It shall be unlawful for any person owning or operating any taxicab in the Town of West New York, licensed under the provisions of this chapter, to permit such taxicab to be operated by any person who does not hold a valid driver's license as required by this chapter.
No taxicab, while waiting for employment by passengers, shall stand on any public street or space other than at or upon a taxicab stand designated or established in accordance with this chapter, nor shall any driver of such taxicab seek employment by repeatedly and persistently driving his taxicab to and fro in a short space before or by otherwise interfering with the proper and orderly access to or egress from any theater, hall, hotel, public resort or other place of gathering, and no driver shall solicit passengers for a taxicab except when standing at his vehicle or sitting upon the driver's seat thereof.
Every holder shall be responsible for the operation of the vehicle for which the license has been granted regardless of the legal relationship between such holder and the driver of said vehicle.
Every driver of a taxicab, immediately after the termination of any hiring or employment, must carefully search such taxicab for any property lost or left therein, and any such property, unless sooner claimed or delivered to the owners, must be reported, in writing, by the driver or holder, to the License Inspector with brief particulars and a description of the property, within 24 hours after the finding thereof.
The Police Department of the Town of West New York is hereby given the authority and is instructed to watch and observe the condition of holders and drivers operating under this chapter. Upon discovering a violation of the provisions of this chapter, the Police Department shall report the same to the Director of the Department of Public Safety, who shall order or take appropriate action.
All hearings under this chapter shall be conducted by the Director of the Department of Public Safety.
The Director of the Department of Public Safety shall promulgate reasonable rules and regulations to implement this chapter and to carry out its intendments which shall be filed with the Town Clerk of the Town of West New York. The Director of the Department of Public Safety shall cause the rules and regulations as promulgated, together with this chapter, and any amendments or additions thereto, to be printed and distributed to the holders of taxicab licenses and taxicab drivers' licenses, and to all those who in the future shall obtain such license or licenses.
[Amended 10-19-1977 by Ord. No. 1261]
Any person found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this chapter may, in addition to the suspension or revocation of the license as heretofore provided, be punished as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article I, together with costs incident thereto.