WHEREAS, the conversion, rental, use or occupancy of separate furnished
or unfurnished sleeping quarters in buildings designed for three and four
or more dwellings and the resultant fragmentation of dwellings into rooms
or spaces of housing for rental is contrary to the Zoning and Building Codes
of the Town of West New York and causes substandard housing conditions harmful
to the public health, safety and welfare of the community, and
WHEREAS, many of the buildings in West New York lack design and safety
features to accommodate the overcrowding of persons, which results from such
conversions and use, and
WHEREAS, the sharing of common kitchen, bath and toilet facilities in
a dwelling is an arrangement which creates problems of health, safety and
sanitation for the community as well as the occupants, including the difficulty
of enforcing cleanliness, controlling and supervising uses of such facilities,
and an increased risk of communication of diseases and an accelerated deterioration
of the dwelling unit due to overuse.
Now therefore, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the Town
of West New York, County of Hudson, State of New Jersey, as follows: