[Amended 10-19-1977 by Ord. No. 1261]
Every practicing physician who may have a patient in this Town shall report in writing to the Board of Commissioners of West New York the name of every patient he or she shall have affected with cholera, smallpox (including varioloid), diptheria, membranous croup, measles, tuberculosis, malaria, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, typhus fever, yellow fever, plague, trichinosis, leprosy, chicken pox, hydrophobia, glanders, anthrax, mental deficiency, epilepsy or any other contagious disease that may be hereafter publicly declared by this Board to be dangerous to the public health, together with the precise locality where such patient may be found, immediately after such physician shall ascertain or suspect the nature of such disease.
Every practicing physician in the Town of West New York shall report in writing to this Board the name of every patient affected with mental deficiency and epilepsy for the purpose of either placing persons so affected in suitable institutions or securing proper care and treatment of such defective persons. All physicians and medical inspectors of schools are required to report each case under their supervision in their district to the local Board of Health, according to the provisions of Chapter 182, Laws of 1912.[1]
Editor's Note: N.J.S.A. 26:5-1 et seq., which was repealed by P.L. 1970, c. 195, is now covered by N.J.S.A. 39:3-10.4.
Whenever it shall be deemed necessary by this Board to establish the true character of any disease which they may believe to be communicable, a medical examination of the person or persons affected by such disease may be ordered, the medical attendant selecting such medical member or physician as he may desire, and such examination shall be permitted by all attendants and persons.
No principal, teacher or superintendent of any school, and no parent or guardian of any child sick with any disease mentioned in § 322-54 or with any other communicable disease, nor any child residing in any house in which such disease shall exist will be permitted to attend any school until such time as the attending physician certifies that it can be done without danger of communicating the disease to others.
In case any contagious or communicable disease occurs in this Town, the person affected thereby shall, at the discretion of this Board or the Health Officer, be isolated, or said person may be removed to such a location, as the Health Officer may order and direct; and all clothing and bedding in the apartment, house or vehicle, which may become infected by the person affected by a contagious or communicable disease, shall be disinfected or fumigated at the expense of the tenant, occupant or owner thereof, and such fumigation shall be done at such time as the Health Inspector shall direct.
It shall be the duty of the keeper of any hotel, boarding or public house or the owner of any private residence or tenement house, where any person is sick with any contagious or communicable disease, to close any such house or place and keep it closed as against all lodgers, customers or any person desiring to visit the same until such time as, in the opinion of the Health Officer, all danger of communicating the said disease to others has passed; and no person brought in direct contact with those so affected shall go about the Town so as to endanger the health of others; this shall not apply to physicians and clergymen.
When any person is sick or infected with any contagious disease, as specified in § 322-54, in any dwelling house in this Town, it shall be the duty of the Inspector to put up and maintain a card in front of the house or in a conspicuous place, on which the name of the disease shall be printed in plain letters of such size as the Board may direct. The card shall be so maintained until the same shall be ordered to be removed. No person or persons or corporation shall destroy, remove, deface, injure, obscure, hide or cover up any such card. The owner or agent of the property or the head of the family, to whom the orders may be given by the Chief Inspector or his agent, shall be the responsible party for any sign or placard which may be removed.
[Amended 10-19-1977 by Ord. No. 1261]
No person shall let or hire any house, or room in a house, in which cholera, smallpox, diphtheria, yellow fever, typhus, typhoid or scarlet fever has existed without having caused the house or premises connected therewith to be disinfected to the satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners or its officer.
[Amended 10-19-1977 by Ord. No. 1261]
No person or persons shall bring or cause to be brought into the Town of West New York any person or any animal affected by any contagious disease, except in the event that such person or persons be a resident or residents of the Town, and then only on a permit granted by the Board of Commissioners. No person shall bring or cause to be brought into the Town any article liable to propagate a communicable disease.
When death has been caused by cholera, smallpox, diphtheria, membranous croup, typhus, scarlet or yellow fever, or any other contagious disease that may be hereafter specified by this Board, no dead body shall remain unburied for a longer time than 24 hours without a permit from this Board. When death has been caused by the above specified diseases, the body shall immediately thereafter be disinfected and prepared for burial in such manner as may be directed by this Board; and the funeral of such person shall be strictly private and the members of the immediate household only shall be present.
Whenever a placard shall be placed upon a house, no person, except the medical attendant and nurse, shall enter therein and unnecessarily depart therefrom, and no member of such family shall attend any public meeting or resort or in any other manner subject any person or persons to danger of contracting such disease.
[Amended 10-19-1977 by Ord. No. 1261]
Any room occupied by a person affected with smallpox, scarlet fever, diphtheria or any other contagious or communicable disease shall have the paper scraped off the walls, if papered, the walls whitewashed, painted or repapered, the floor scrubbed and the room thoroughly fumigated and ventilated, and the clothing and bedding disinfected or destroyed, as the Board of Commissioners shall direct, before permission shall be granted to remove the placard.