No person, persons or corporation shall hereafter erect or alter any building which is defective in respect to strength, ventilation, light or drainage, or is dangerous or prejudicial to life or health.
No owner, agent or lessee of any building or any part thereof shall lease or let out the same to be occupied as a place for anyone to dwell or lodge, unless sufficiently lighted, ventilated and water supplied, and cleanliness and drainage is provided for.
The owner, agent or occupant of any tenement house shall thoroughly clean all rooms, passages, stairs or parts thereof, so often as shall be required, when notified to do so by the Board.
Whenever it shall be decided by this Board that any building or part thereof is unfit for human habitation by reason of its being so infected with disease or by reason of its being in a condition dangerous to life and health, or to be likely to cause sickness among the occupants, and notice of such decision shall have been affixed conspicuously on the building that it is unfit for human habitation and the owner shall have been served with the notice, or the agent or lessee in case the owner cannot be found within the state, requiring that all persons therein shall vacate such building or part thereof, it shall, within 10 days thereafter, be vacated or be vacated within such time as in said notice may be specified.
No premises shall be rented, let, leased or occupied as a dwelling or tenement unless said premises shall have a plentiful supply of pure water suitable for domestic purposes, furnished at one or more places in such house or in the yard thereof, for the reasonable use of the occupant of said house.
It shall be the duty of the owner of any house or other building, erected upon a lot of land adjoining a street upon which a public sewer is located, that said house or other building shall be connected with such sewer by the owner, agent or lessee of said premises, and, if there is no such sewer, that there shall be constructed a cesspool on said premises, as the Board may see fit, and it is the duty of the owner to connect all drainage from any house or building to such sewer or cesspool.
The keeping of any tenement house or other houses or buildings or any part thereof in such a state of uncleanliness, or the crowding of persons in any tenement house in such a manner as to endanger the health of the persons dwelling therein, shall be declared a nuisance.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 139, Buildings, Unfit.
It shall be the duty of every owner or occupant of any building to provide at all times, and hereafter, within such building, suitable receptacles for receiving and holding all the ashes, rubbish, garbage or other substances that may accumulate that should be removed from such building.
Neither any usual nor reasonable precaution shall be omitted by any person to prevent fragments or other substances from falling to the peril of life, or of dust from light material flying into any street place or from any building.