Editor's Note: See Ch. 127, Barbershops.
All persons who conduct the business of barbering and who are employed or engaged in the business of shaving or haircutting shall be governed by the following regulations.
Barbers must wash their hands thoroughly with warm water and soap before attending each customer. If it becomes necessary to receive money or to otherwise soil the hands, they should be again washed before resuming work.
No towels shall be used for more than one person, without being boiled. Towels shall not be dipped into warm-water tanks.
Combs, hairbrushes, shaving brushes, needles, tweezers and forceps shall be kept clean and shall be sterilized after use on each person by submersion in boiling water for not less than 10 minutes or by exposure for 30 minutes to the influence of an effectual germicide applied in a suitable sterilizer.
Razors, clippers and scissors shall be cleaned before use by the application of soft soap and warm water.
Shaving mugs shall be thoroughly washed before use.
No alum or other astringent shall be used in stick form, but, if used at all to stop the flow of blood, it must be applied in powder form only.
The use of powder puffs, sponges and finger bowls is prohibited.
Razor strops must be kept clean and should be used only for razors which are sterile.
Floors of barbershops shall be kept clean and free from accumulations of hair, and all furniture and woodwork must be kept free from dust.
No barbershop shall be used as a dormitory, kitchen or eating room.
A copy of this article shall be kept posted in plain view in every barbershop.