[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Sea Bright 4-2-2013 by Ord. No. 5-2013.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor’s Note: This ordinance also repealed former Ch. 20, Fire Department, consisting of Art. I, Establishment, adopted 2-23-1968 as Art. I of Ch. 8 of the Codified Ordinances, as amended; Art. II, Sea Bright Fire Department Cadet Company, adopted 9-17-2002 by Ord. No. 10-2002; Art. III, First Aid Squad, adopted 5-21-1996 by Ord. No. 40-96, as amended; and Art. IV, Disclosure of Information for Fire and Rescue Squad Membership, adopted 2-3-1998 by Ord. No. 71-98.
The authority having jurisdiction over fire and rescue related incidents within the Borough of Sea Bright shall be known as the "Sea Bright Fire Rescue," known herein as "SBFR," in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-68. Said organization shall be composed of the incorporated fire companies within the Borough of Sea Bright.
[Amended 5-6-2014 by Ord. No. 7-2014; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-68, the members of the Sea Bright Fire Rescue shall be under the control of the Borough of Sea Bright at all times, acting through its Borough Administrator or his/her designee, and in performing fire duty shall be deemed to be exercising a governmental function.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The SBFR will be comprised of the below-listed hierarchy. The job description for each position shall be described within this chapter of the Code of the Borough of Sea Bright.
Department Fire Chief.
Deputy/Assistant Fire Chief.
Fire Captain.
Fire Lieutenants.
Chief Engineer.
Fire Police Officer.
Department Chief.
In all cases of fire threatening danger or destruction of property within the Borough of Sea Bright, the Department Chief shall take prompt and efficient measures and use all the means of the SBFR to extinguish the fire. The Department Chief shall, at such time, and on all occasions of fire alarm, have sole and absolute control and command over all the apparatus and all members of the SBFR. The Department Chief shall have sole control and command of all other fire apparatus and persons aiding and assisting the SBFR in cases of actual fire pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-54.1, powers of Department Chief to supersede local police authority within fire lines.
The Department Chief will have the overall control of the operational and administrative duties of the SBFR.
The Department Chief will be elected by the membership, as a whole, of the incorporated fire companies that comprise SBFR. This election will take place during a Department meeting during the month of November.
The elected Department Chief shall be appointed on the first day of the New Year with the approval of the Borough Council for a term of one year, but shall hold office until his/her successor is appointed. The Department Chief must be an active member of one of the incorporated companies of the SBFR.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of Department Chief, the Deputy Chief will be appointed by the Borough Council to serve as Acting Department Chief until a new Fire Chief is elected by the membership.
No member shall be considered by the Borough Council for the position of Department Chief without prior proof that the member has met the standards and qualifications set forth by the State of New Jersey.
The Department Chief shall periodically inspect all apparatus and satisfy himself/herself that it has been properly cleaned, maintained, and made ready for use when needed. The Department Chief shall call upon the Chief Engineer to gather a sufficient number of firefighters to assist in the work of putting and keeping everything in readiness for service. The Department Chief shall be required to stay familiar with the physical condition of the equipment, apparatus and firehouses and take all necessary measures to have all portions thereof ready for instant use. To this end, he/she shall make, or cause to be made, frequent visits for the purpose of inspections at least quarterly at each firehouse, and shall keep a record of such inspection by date and in detail as to the conditions then existing.
The Department Chief shall render to the Borough Council through the Borough Administrator a monthly report giving in detail a record of the services of the SBFR during the previous month. An annual report shall be given by January 1 of each year summarizing the year's services. Each report shall include and describe each actual fire and the cause as well as the loss estimate sustained. In addition, each report shall also include full information as to the organization, personnel, equipment, records, apparatus, and firehouse and shall be accompanied by a financial statement of each company, if necessary, as provided by N.J.S.A. 40A:14-34. The Department Chief shall also make recommendations for the maintenance and betterment of the fire service. Furthermore, the Department Chief shall make specific reports on matters relating to the SBFR whenever directed to do so by the Borough Administrator and/or Borough Council.
The Department Chief shall have overall responsibility for the proper management, discipline, and training of SBFR members. He/she shall approve all tools, appliances, equipment and apparatus used by the Fire Department.
The Department Chief shall have the authority to establish, organize, and manage subdivisions of the SBFR to carry out its mission subject to review and approval of the Borough Council.
The Department Chief shall set Department policy, establish rules and regulations, and standard operating guidelines for the efficient operation of the SBFR.
The Department Chief shall submit to the Borough Administrator a proposed budget for the following calendar year which shall be considered by the Borough Council as part of the Borough's budget process.
The Department Chief shall administer discipline when necessary and when recommended by a Disciplinary Review Board.
The Department Chief shall prescribe the specifications for, and the manner of wearing of, all SBFR uniforms and personal protective clothing used in the Department.
Deputy/Assistant Chief.
The Deputy Chief of the SBFR will be responsible for all the duties of the Department Chief and shall assume those duties in the absence of the Department Chief.
The Deputy Chief will assist the Department Chief with the organizational and administrative duties as needed.
The Deputy Chief will be elected by the membership, as a whole, of the incorporated fire companies that comprise SBFR. This election will take place during a Department meeting during the month of November.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of Deputy Chief, said office will remain vacant until the membership conducts an election for the choosing of a replacement. Following that election, the chosen member will be appointed to the position by the Borough Council to complete the unexpired term.
The elected Deputy Chief shall be appointed on the first day of the New Year at the advice of the Department Chief and approval of the Borough Council for a term of one year, but shall hold office until his/her successor is appointed. The Deputy Chief must be an active member of one of the incorporated companies of the SBFR.
No member shall be considered by the Department Chief nor the Borough Council for the position of Deputy Chief without prior proof that the member has met the standards and qualifications set forth by the State of New Jersey.
Fire Captain/Fire Lieutenants.
The Captains and Lieutenants of the SBFR shall be considered company level officers and will be immediately responsible for the direction of the members at a fire scene through orders given by the incident commander. The Fire Captain or Fire Lieutenant may assume the role of the Incident Commander when the Department Chief or Deputy Chief is absent. The Fire Captain and Fire Lieutenants may be assigned operational and administrative duties to assist the Department Chief or the Deputy Chief as needed.
The Captains and Lieutenants of the SBFR will be elected by the membership, as a whole, of the incorporated fire companies that comprise SBFR. This election will take place during a Department meeting during the month of November.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Captain or Lieutenants, said offices will remain vacant until the membership conducts an election for the choosing of a replacement. Following that election, the chosen member will be appointed to the position by the Borough Council to complete the unexpired term.
Chief Engineer.
The position of Chief Engineer shall be filled by appointment of the approving authority (Borough Council) from a list of qualified candidates through a written letter of intent to the Borough Administrator and a review by the Borough Council for the best qualified candidate.
The Chief Engineer will be directly responsible for ensuring that the apparatus and all of its equipment is maintained and in good working order. It will be the responsibility of the Chief Engineer to ensure that all annual testing is completed and that any deficiencies are immediately reported to the Department Chief in writing.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
No person shall be permitted to serve in the Sea Bright Fire Rescue unless and until such person shall have made a volunteer's application to an incorporated fire company which comprises SBFR and have been recommended by the Department Chief and approved by the Borough Council of the Borough of Sea Bright by resolution or a motion adopted at a Borough Council meeting.
Application for membership. Any person desiring membership in a volunteer fire company, first aid company and/or rescue squad shall complete, in duplicate, filing the same with the volunteer fire company or first aid/rescue squad, an application, the form of which may be prescribed by the volunteer fire company or first aid/rescue squad, but which shall contain the following information about the applicant:
Home address.
Birth date.
Social security number.
Driver's license number.
Any conviction of a crime or disorderly persons violation.
Such other information as the volunteer fire company or first aid company/rescue squad deems relevant to the application, provided that said information is not prohibited by law.
Approval of members. The names of all prospective firefighters shall be submitted to the Borough Council, along with the completed application as provided in the above subsection, and approved by the Borough Council prior to any performance of fire service by any prospective member. Additionally, prospective firefighters may be required to have a pre-appointment physical by a physician designated by the Borough Council.
Background checks. The Borough Council shall order a criminal investigation into the record of a prospective firefighter. Such background checks shall be conducted by the Chief of Police. In connection with said investigation, the applicant shall submit to fingerprinting, and the Chief of Police or his authorized designee is authorized to submit the applicant's fingerprint card and receive state criminal history record information, the fee for which shall be paid for by the applicant, from the Division of State Police/State Bureau of Identification for use in considering the suitability of all applicants. The investigation by the Chief of Police shall be completed within 30 days of receipt of the application and the fingerprinting of the applicant. The results of the background check shall be forwarded to the Borough Council, who shall consider the results in deciding upon membership in the SBFR. Applicants with a criminal background may be precluded from serving in the SBFR. Successful applicants shall be refunded the cost of their criminal record search by the Borough.
Report on current membership roster. On or about January 1 of each calendar year, the Department Chief shall submit to the Borough Clerk a list of all individuals who meet the definition of active member as defined by this chapter and the bylaws of the respective fire companies. Updates shall be provided to the Borough Clerk on a periodic basis to add those individuals who have completed their probationary status or to delete individuals who have dropped their membership or who otherwise no longer meet the criteria of active member. The Borough Clerk shall maintain the list of active members.
Classes of membership and requisite qualifications for membership in the SBFR shall be as follows:
Active member.
Must be at least 18 years of age.
Must be in good, moral character.
Must be a citizen of the United States.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Must complete a criminal background check and a physical examination.
Active reserve/seasonal member.
Must be at least 18 years of age.
Must be in good, moral character.
Must be a citizen of the United States
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Must complete a criminal background check and a physical examination.
Fire Rescue Cadet member.
Each volunteer fire company may have a Junior Firefighters' Auxiliary or Explorer program whose members shall not be required to perform duties which would expose them to the same degree of hazard as an active member.
Rules and regulations. Each junior firefighter/explorer shall be governed by the following rules and regulations:
A junior firefighter/explorer may attend after joining.
A junior firefighter shall be between the ages of 16 and 18.
A junior firefighter/explorer must be a citizen of the United States or a resident of the State of New Jersey.
A junior firefighter/explorer shall wear full turnout gear while riding fire apparatus and performing fire duties.
At no time during a fire shall a junior firefighter/explorer enter a burning structure or any hazardous atmosphere.
A junior firefighter/explorer may deliver such items as hand lights, exhaust fans, axes, and pike poles from the fire apparatus to the active/nonactive firefighters fighting fires, but only to those firefighters outside the structure.
At the scene of a fire, a junior firefighter/explorer may roll hose or help repack hose onto the fire apparatus.
Once a fire has been extinguished a junior firefighter/explorer may, upon the instruction of and the direction of a line officer, assist in the inside cleanup operations.
A junior firefighter/explorer may only ride in the jump seat or cab of the apparatus.
Under the instruction and at the direction of a line officer, a junior firefighter/explorer during drills may perform certain duties such as holding water lines, ladder work, and practice rescue work and pumper operations.
A junior firefighter/explorer shall assist in keeping the fire apparatus, firehouses and grounds clean. They shall also assist in all fire company and Department activities.
Parental consent. A copy of the rules and regulations and of any additional rules and regulations imposed by the volunteer fire company whose auxiliary the junior member or explorer member wishes to join shall be given to the parents or guardian of the junior/explorer firefighter. A copy of the rules and regulations signed by the parents or guardian, as well as express written permission from the parents or guardian to participate in the auxiliary/explorer program, shall be required from each junior/explorer member prior to membership in an auxiliary.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
There may be active or associate members of the Sea Bright Fire Rescue who may also be designated as fire police pursuant to N.J.S.A. 15:8-4. These members shall serve for a five-year term and be at the direction of the Department Chief. Before commencing their duties as fire police, a background check must be conducted. Such members must qualify as fire police by taking and subscribing to an oath to be administered by the Municipal Clerk that they shall justly, impartially and faithfully discharge their duties to the best of their ability and understanding. Fire police shall perform their duties under the supervision of the fire officer in charge of the fire or fire drill.
Such duties shall include:
Protection of property and contents;
Establishing and maintaining fire lines;
Performing such traffic duties as necessary, from the fire station to and at the vicinity of the fire, fire drill or other emergency call, until the arrival of a duly authorized police officer;
In the absence of investigating authorities, investigating all causes of fire and preserving of all evidence pertaining to questionable fires, and turning over of evidence to proper investigating authorities; and
Wearing the authorized fire police badge while on duty.
Nothing set forth in this section is intended to give the fire police the right to supersede a duly authorized police officer.
Fire drivers will be designated into two separate groups: auxiliary and probationary.
Auxiliary drivers will be determined in December of the preceding year by the Department Chief and the Chief Engineer. Members qualifying for the auxiliary drivers' list must be competent in the operation of all Department apparatus and must be an active member of the Department answering greater than 50% of fire alarm calls.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
No more than 10 auxiliary drivers will be permitted per fiscal year.
All fire drivers must possess a Firefighter I certification and maintain a valid State of New Jersey operator's license. Additional requirements may be set forth by the SBFR in Department policy.
If a driver's license is revoked or canceled, the driver shall become disqualified and his or her office vacated on the date of such revocation, cancellation or expiration. Additionally, drivers shall be subject to control of the Department Chief, who may, for just cause, remove a driver or impose a suspension.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Fire apparatus representing the Borough of Sea Bright shall be removed from the firehouses in which they are housed only upon dispatch to an incident or for training, maintenance, refueling or other approved reason. Frivolous use of fire apparatus is prohibited. The Fire Chief shall report any violations of this provision to the Borough Administrator or his/her designee, and may suspend or remove the driver responsible.
No portion of the equipment or apparatus of the Fire Department shall be permitted to leave the Borough of Sea Bright to attend social functions (parades, musters, etc.) except with the written consent of the Department Chief and the approval of the Mayor. Responses to call for aid outside of the municipality shall be in accordance with state, county, and local mutual aid protocols. In such cases, the Department Chief shall designate which portion of equipment or apparatus may be sent.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The members and officers of the Sea Bright Fire Rescue shall comply with any and all requirements as set forth by the Borough of Sea Bright's current joint insurance fund carrier.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
It shall be the duty of all officers and members to maintain proper discipline and decorum at all times. All members shall faithfully and promptly obey the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures set forth by the SBFR and the lawful orders of superiors. Written charges may be filed against any member by any other member, a member of the public, or a public or private entity. The Department Chief shall have the authority to summarily discipline any offender, or he/she may choose to convene a Disciplinary Review Board.
Options. Disciplinary action may take the form of a verbal warning, written notice to improve performance, official written reprimand, revocation of privileges, suspension not to exceed one year, or expulsion from the Fire Department. Only the Disciplinary Review Board can impose expulsion.
Authority to impose. The Department Chief may administer all levels of disciplinary action. An expulsion order shall only be drawn up upon recommendation from the Disciplinary Review Board. The Department Chief may impose discipline in the form of up to a six-month suspension. Captains and Lieutenants may impose discipline in the form of up to an official written reprimand. Written reports of all disciplinary action by subordinate officers shall be forwarded to the Department Chief within 48 hours of imposition.
Disciplinary Review Board.
A Disciplinary Review Board shall consist of three individuals as follows: the Borough Administrator, the Deputy Fire Chief and the Department Chief.
When the Board meets, the Borough Administrator shall chair the proceedings.
If any Board member is a party to the case or has an inherent conflict in the proceedings, he/she shall be disqualified from serving on that particular case.
Alternate Board members in case of conflict. A list of at least three potential alternate Board members to serve in the face of a conflict will be developed and maintained at all times by the Disciplinary Board members. Said list shall include, but not be limited to, senior department heads, a chief officer from another fire department, the County Fire Marshal or his/her designee, and/or a representative of the New Jersey Division of Fire Safety. In the event a conflict occurs during a given case, the nonconflicted Board members shall choose the alternate Board member, and, in the event they cannot agree on the name of that alternate member, the list of proposed alternate Board members shall be forwarded to the Borough Council which shall be responsible for making the final decision from that list.
Duties. The Disciplinary Review Board shall conduct impartial hearings to review formal charges brought against members. After hearing testimony from both sides, the Board shall deliberate and render a decision. If the decision sustains the charges, the Board shall also recommend disciplinary action to the Borough Council.
Proceedings. A hearing shall commence before the Disciplinary Review Board within a reasonable time following submission of written charges to the Department Chief. The accused shall be provided an opportunity to present his/her defense, with or without the assistance of an attorney, and to present witnesses and cross-examine any person testifying against him/her. All testimony shall be given under oath. If deemed necessary by either the Board or the accused, a court reporter may be hired to record and transcribe the proceedings, with the total costs thereof being evenly split between the accused and the Borough of Sea Bright.
Written decision required. Within 10 days of reaching a decision, the Board shall provide written copies of its findings to both parties.
Implementation of decision. The Borough Council shall implement disciplinary action upon a guilty finding by the Disciplinary Review Board. With sufficient justification, the Borough Council may impose a lesser penalty than that recommended by the Disciplinary Review Board, but shall not impose a stronger penalty. Implementation shall begin after the time period for appeal has expired, or immediately after an appeal has been denied.
Appeals. An appeal may be taken to the Borough Council if written notice of appeal is served to the Department Chief within five calendar days of receipt of the decision of the Disciplinary Review Board. If notice of appeal is not served upon the Department Chief within this time period, the right to appeal shall be deemed waived. The appointing authority shall make its determination based upon the written findings and/or transcript if one has been prepared by the Disciplinary Review Board. The appointing authority may elect to hear additional testimony. The decision of the appointing authority shall be final.
Concurrent suspension. If an officer or fire company suspends a member, that member shall be concurrently suspended from the SBFR and shall not participate in any fire ground operations or training sessions nor ride on any insured Borough fire apparatus.
Matters involving the Department Chief or Deputy Fire Chief. The Borough Administrator shall hear matters in which the Department Chief or Deputy Fire Chief is a party. Either official may appeal the Borough Administrator's decision to the Borough Council.
It is understood that the SBFR may enter into agreements with neighboring communities to provide fire and rescue services on automatic and mutual requests for help with the knowledge that the same services will be provided to the Borough of Sea Bright when needed.
Management. Each volunteer fire company shall have the widest latitude in the management of its company and in the conduct of internal affairs, consistent with the purpose for which it was organized and maintained, and the ordinances of the Borough, the rules and regulations of the Fire Department and the laws of State of New Jersey.
Constitution and bylaws. The constitution and bylaws of each company shall conform to the provisions of this chapter and statutes. A fire company may adopt bylaws which impose stricter standards than would otherwise be imposed by ordinance, Fire Department rules and regulations or statute, as long as the bylaw is not in conflict with or does not violate any Borough ordinance, Fire Department rule or regulation, or statute. Any fire company which shall refuse to obey or enforce obedience of any provisions of this section at the direction of the Borough Council shall be suspended from fire duty in the Borough at the discretion of the Mayor and Council, and its control over the fire apparatus and fire equipment of the Borough shall thereupon cease and revert to the Borough. No provision in this section shall restrict the rights of the companies in this Department to own and maintain property in their own names.
Elections. Fire company elections shall be held in the final quarter of the year as provided for in the bylaws of each company.
All active members of the SBFR shall be entitled to the following benefits: they shall be exempt from the payment of any Borough of Sea Bright fees for Borough training programs; Borough license and Borough permit fees, including, but not limited to, those fees associated with certificates of occupancy; construction code fees; Planning Board fees; and the annual beach badge fee. These exemptions shall only apply for the member's primary residence and shall not apply to any rental or income property owned by the member.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Exclusion from benefits. The following fees are excluded from the benefits provided under this section and must be paid by the members: all escrow fees required by the Planning Board; the posting of performance and maintenance guarantees, where required; fees for licenses and permits associated with any firefighter operating a business within the Borough of Sea Bright; escrows associated with engineering inspections; inclusion in programs after registration has reached its maximum; dog license fees; and any fee or permit which is collected for any other entity.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Members shall also be granted unrestricted access to the Borough's public beaches free of charge.