The Borough of Sea Bright hereby establishes a reciprocal agreement with each and every municipality within the County of Monmouth for intermunicipal police assistance at times of any and all emergencies. This article shall become effective to each and every other municipality within the County of Monmouth at such times that said municipalities has in the past or may in the future adopt an ordinance providing for the same terms and conditions as set forth herein and pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-156.1.
The Borough of Sea Bright hereby agrees to maintain all expenses incurred by members of its Borough Police Department for emergency assistance rendered within or without the boundaries of this community. The Borough of Sea Bright shall make no claim for reimbursement from any municipality for damages, injuries, wages and the like for aid rendered by members of its Police Department through any other community adopting an ordinance with the same terms of this article pursuant to N.J.S.A.40A:14-156.1.a
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-156.1 et seq., the members of the Police Department of the Borough of Sea Bright and any other municipality adopting an ordinance with the same terms and conditions as this article, while on duty rendering assistance to any other municipality, shall have same powers, authority and immunities as have the members of the police force of the municipality in which such assistance is being rendered
At such times that an emergency may occur and intermunicipal police aid is requested, the Chief of Police or head of the Department of the municipality wherein said emergency exists shall be the senior ranking officer of any Police Department which may be rendering assistance within the confines of said municipality.