Each block corner shall be marked with iron pipes or pins not less than 3/8 inch in diameter and 18 inches long and placed at least one inch below finished grade.
Monuments marking property lines and corners shall not be disturbed; or if such disturbance is necessary, the monuments shall be replaced at the exact spot from which they were removed.
The center of all intersections and the Pc., Pi. and Pt. (control points) points of a curve shall be established and permanently marked by an iron pin or a carved "X" in concrete, with the "X" being carved at least 1/4 inch deep.
No final plat or subdivision located within the corporate limits shall be approved unless the subdivider or developer shall provide the facilities listed below, together with a maintenance bond or, in the case of proposed improvements, a surety bond with the City Clerk. Plans for the improvements herein required shall be prepared by a qualified engineer registered in the State of Oklahoma. Prior to the acceptance by the City of any improvements installed by the subdivider, one set of the "as built" plans and specifications for all improvements shall be filed with the City Manager or the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, which shall be certified and signed by the engineer preparing such plans, who shall be registered in the State of Oklahoma. The "as built" plans shall be drafted on stable base reproducible material.
Water mains properly connected with public water supply system provided to ensure adequate water flow for fire protection in accordance with standard specifications governing water improvements construction as approved by the City Council.
A sanitary sewer system properly connected with the existing system, in accordance with standard specifications governing sanitary sewer construction and in accordance with requirements of state and county health departments. All lots in residential subdivisions where septic tanks or individual sewage disposal devices are to be installed shall comply with the regulations of the county and state board of health and as may be adopted by the City Council.
Streets graded to the full roadway width and to the established grade and paved in accordance with the approved paving standards as approved by the City Council.
Storm drainage facilities, curbs and gutters to provide adequate surface water drainage for the area being drained. Said storm drainage facilities shall be designed in accordance with the approved drainage standards and requirements adopted by the City Council.
Streetlights installed in accordance with the standards adopted by the City Council.
Street name signs at the intersection of all streets shall be erected to approved City standards.
Prior to the actual signing of the final plat and improvement plans, the subdivider shall file a corporate surety bond or certificate of deposit with the City guaranteeing the actual construction of such improvements according to the specifications within a period of time not to exceed two years from the date of approval of the final plat. Such bond shall be in the amount of 100% of the estimated cost of the improvements as determined by the City staff.
The subdivider may install the necessary improvements after approval of the final plat by the City Council without posting the required performance bond. The final plat shall not be signed by the required City officials until the required performance bond has been posted or the improvements by the subdivider have been satisfactorily installed and inspected by the City. If said improvements have not been completed within a period of two years from the date of Council approval of the final plat, and a performance bond has not been posted as required above, the subdivider shall be required to resubmit the plat to the City Council for review and approval. In addition to the performance bond presently required, at the time of the approval of any plat and subdivision within the City, or after final approval of the City Inspection Department, the subdivider, or someone on his behalf, shall furnish the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond, as follows:
On street, curbing, gutters, storm drainage and sidewalks, if installed: 25% for three years.
For utilities installed: 25% for the first year and 10% for the second and third years.
Unimproved platted streets.
[Added 2-6-2007 by Ord. No. 5004]
Paving must be installed to current standards prior to the development of any lot or where public rights-of-way exist but remain unimproved.
Paving must extend across the entire frontage of the lot where development is proposed and must be extended to connect to an existing paved street.
In lieu of making improvements outlined herein, a corporate surety bond or certificate of deposit may be filed with the City prior to development, guaranteeing the actual construction of such improvements according to the specifications within a period of time not to exceed two years from the date of approval of the final plat. Such bond shall be in the amount of 100% of the estimated cost of the improvements as determined by the City staff.
Where a site for a proposed park, playground, playfield, school, library, fire station or other public use, as proposed by the Official Comprehensive Plan, is located in whole or in part in a subdivision, the City Council, upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission, may require the reservation of such area within the subdivision.
The developer shall give the City and/or public agency involved 90 days' written notice of the proposed subdivision, with a copy of such notice to be mailed to the Planning Commission. During the ninety-day period, the agency may or may not express its interest in the proposed subdivision in connection with the provision of appropriate public site. Should such interest be expressed, that agency shall have a period of an additional 60 days within which to arrange for the acquisition of the public site under consideration.
Where the proposed subdivision is too small to provide space of suitable size for the public site intended, the site provided may be combined with that provided or to be provided in adjoining areas; thus, in the aggregate, there will be provided a site of suitable size for the purpose intended.
[Added 12-12-2023 by Ord. No. 9341]
Where subdivisions or additions are platted so that the rear yards of residential lots are adjacent to a dedicated roadway or separated from a roadway by an alley or service road, the owner shall provide screening at his sole expense. A screening plan, including elevations and materials, shall be submitted with the preliminary plat. All forms of screening shall conform to the requirements of the ordinances of the City governing the sight distance for traffic safety and other City ordinances. Additional right-of-way or easements may be required for wider columns and more elaborate screening walls.
The following procedure is required by the City of El Reno in order to accept, for operation and maintenance, public facilities constructed in compliance with approved plans and specifications for subdivisions developed pursuant to these regulations. If more than one of the following items are submitted for consideration at the same time, all may be combined in one single letter. All submittals are to be made to the City Clerk, City Hall, El Reno, Oklahoma.
Sanitary sewer.
A letter from the developer addressed to the City Council describing the location, stating the construction costs, submitting a copy of certified "as built" plans executed by the developer's engineer and requesting acceptance for operation and maintenance of the utility by the City of El Reno.
A letter of recommendation from the developer's engineer, addressed to the City Council, stating that construction was performed in full compliance with approved plans and specifications.
A maintenance bond from the developer's contractor to the City of El Reno, as hereinabove provided for.
Street pavement.
A letter from the developer, addressed to the City Council, describing the location, stating the construction costs, submitting a copy of certified "as built" plans executed by the developer's engineer and requesting acceptance for operation and maintenance of the utility by the City of El Reno.
A letter of recommendation from the developer's engineer, addressed to the City Council, stating that construction was performed in full compliance with approved plans and specifications.
A maintenance bond from the developer's contractor to the City of El Reno, as hereinabove provided for.
Water main.
A letter from the developer, addressed to the City Council, requesting acceptance for operation and maintenance of the utility by the City of El Reno.
If the installation of the system was performed by the City Water Department, no additional information is necessary.
A maintenance bond from the developer's contractor to the City of El Reno, as hereinabove provided for.