The assignment of the Broadband Telecommunications franchise within the City of El Reno from Kansas State Network, Inc., to Multimedia Cablevision, Inc., is hereby approved and all reference to "Kansas State Network, Inc.," in the ordinance as grantee are hereby amended to state that Multimedia Cablevision, Inc., is the franchise grantee.
The effective date of the transfer shall be January 3, 1980, provided that Multimedia shall file for record with the City Clerk the necessary performance bonds and insurance certificates required of the grantee. In addition, Multimedia shall further file evidence of the license transfer approved by the Federal Communications Commission. Multimedia shall perform the following:
Multimedia shall abide by existing stipulations and requirements of City Ordinance No. 2169, as amended.
Multimedia shall abide by the terms of the franchise agreement presently in existence with the Kansas State Network.
Multimedia must extend subscriber service to any section of the City whenever 10 or more customers have placed orders or otherwise expressed a desire for service for every 1/4 mile of cable plant required.
The City Council shall review and approve any adjustments in rates, except those charges which may prove to be exempt under federal rules and regulations.
Multimedia shall provide all programming and features as proposed in their application dated June 27, 1978.
Multimedia shall render efficient service, make all repairs promptly and interrupt service only for good cause and for the shortest time possible.
Multimedia must maintain a complete recordkeeping system of complaints received, which shall be properly furnished to the City upon request.
The franchise assignee shall accept in writing the terms of conditions of the franchise as established by the ordinance and resolutions of the City which shall be approved by the Mayor and filed with the City Clerk.
It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety and morals, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and the herein ordinance shall become effective immediately upon the passage, approval and publication as provided by law.