[Adopted 8-6-1979 by Ord. No. 4-79]
No-parking zones are hereby established in the Borough of Rocky Hill in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, along the following streets:
Name of Street
Crescent Avenue
[Added 6-19-1989 by Ord. No. 5-89]
From the intersection of Crescent Avenue and Princeton Avenue running west and northwest along the northerly and southerly sides of Crescent Avenue to the westerly terminus of Crescent Avenue at Washington Street
Crescent Avenue
[Added 6-19-1989 by Ord. No. 5-89]
From the intersection of Crescent Avenue and Princeton Avenue running easterly along the southerly side of Crescent Avenue to the easterly terminus of Crescent Avenue
Crescent Avenue
From the northeasterly corner of Crescent Avenue and Park Avenue running along the easterly side of Crescent Avenue to the southeasterly corner of Crescent Avenue with Washington Street (CR 518)
Crescent Avenue
[Added 12-17-1979 by Ord. No. 7-79]
From a point 50 feet from the curbline of Crescent Avenue with its intersection with Princeton Avenue and applies to both corners of Crescent Avenue at such intersection
Crescent Avenue
[Added 11-4-1991 by Ord. No. 11-91]
From the northwesterly corner of the intersection of Crescent Avenue and Kingston Avenue (River Road) running northerly along the westerly side of Crescent Avenue a distance of 125 feet
Princeton Avenue
[Added 5-16-1988 by Ord. No. 3-88]
From the northeasterly corner of the intersection of Princeton Avenue and Crescent Avenue running north along the easterly side of Princeton Avenue to the southeasterly corner of the intersection of Princeton Avenue and Washington Street
Princeton Avenue
[Added 3-2-1983 by Ord. No. 1-83]
From the southwesterly corner of the intersection of Princeton Avenue and Crescent Avenue running along the westerly side of Princeton Avenue to a point on the westerly side of Princeton Avenue which is directly across said street and opposite from the southeasterly corner of the intersection of Princeton Avenue and Hickory Corner
Princeton Avenue
[Added 4-6-1987 by Ord. No. 4-87]
From the northwesterly corner of the intersection of Princeton Avenue and Washington Street running along the westerly side of Princeton Avenue to the northerly terminus of Princeton Avenue
Princeton Avenue
[Added 5-16-1988 by Ord. No. 3-88]
From the northwesterly corner of the intersection of Princeton Avenue and Crescent Avenue running north along the westerly side of Princeton Avenue a distance of 50 feet
Princeton Avenue
[Added 5-16-1988 by Ord. No. 3-88]
From the southwesterly corner of the intersection of Princeton Avenue and Washington Street running south along the westerly side of Princeton Avenue a distance of 50 feet
Washington Street
[Added 9-16-1991 by Ord. No. 10-91; amended 6-1-1992 by Ord. No. 9-92]
From the intersection of the same with the easterly curblines of Princeton Avenue running along the northerly and southerly sides of Washington Street to the Rocky Hill/Franklin Township corporate line, except that parking shall be allowed along the northerly side of Washington Street in an area beginning 828 feet easterly of the easterly curbline of Princeton Avenue and running easterly to a point 245 feet easterly of a point located opposite and across Washington Street from the intersection of the southerly side of Washington Street and the easterly curbline of Crescent Avenue
Washington Street [9-4-1979 by Ord. No. 3-79]
From the southeasterly corner of the intersection of Princeton Avenue with Washington Street (CR 518) running along the southerly side of Washington Street to a point 1,190 feet east thereof
Washington Street
[Added 11-4-1991 by Ord. No. 11-91]
From the southwesterly corner of the intersection of Princeton Avenue and Washington Street (CR 518) running westerly along the southerly side of Washington Street a distance of 125 feet
Regulatory sings shall be erected and maintained to effect the above-designated no-parking zones as authorized by the Department of Transportation.
[Added 12-17-1979 by Ord. No. 7-79]
Any operator or owner of a vehicle found to be in violation of this article shall be subject to a penalty of not more than $50.