Whenever a subdivision of land or land development is desired to be effected in Ridley Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, a plat of the layout of such subdivision or land development shall be prepared, filed, and processed with the Commission according to the requirements of this chapter, except as follows.
Where two or fewer lots are proposed to be subdivided from a tract of land or where land is being transferred to be combined with an existing lot, the governing body, being advised by the Planning Commission in response to a written request by the applicant, may waive the requirements of preapplication plans and data and the preliminary plat requirements, provided such proposal is on an existing street and no new streets are involved. In such cases the applicant shall submit a final plat as follows:
A final plat shall be submitted and processed as required under § 268-17 using the following procedure:
Obtain soil characteristics report and information on erosion and sediment control from the Delaware County Conservation District through the Soil Conservation Service.
The final plan (six copies) prepared by a registered surveyor or engineer on sheets 17 inches by 22 inches showing the following:
Outline of the property from which the lot or lots are being subdivided, scale one inch equals 200 feet.
Bearings and distances of the property taken from the property deed including the primary control point.
Adjacent landowners' names.
Location of the property map of existing buildings, proposed lots, existing streets, streams and woods.
A separate drawing of the proposed lot or lots (scale one inch equals 50 feet) with lot areas, lot numbers, lot dimensions, bearings and distances of lot lines, existing street rights-of-way and street name and number, building setback lines, contours with a five-foot interval.
A general location map of the plat (scale one inch equals 1,000 feet) showing property location, streets and other pertinent information.
Name and address of owner or subdivider.
Name and seal of surveyor or other person responsible for the plan; also, signed certification by surveyor that the plan is correct.
Date of plan preparation.
Municipality where property is located.
North point and scale.
Certification of ownership and dedicatory statement signed by owner.
Notary public and recording statement.
Allow space for stamped approval block to be signed upon approval by the Planning Commission.
Location of survey monuments shown by an "X" on the plat.
Proposed protective covenants running with the land, if any.
Reference to recorded subdivision plats of adjoining platted land and by record name, date and number.
Title of subdivision.
Zoning district.
Total acreage of tracts.
Procedure. Prior to the preparation and filing of the preapplication plans and data with the Township, the applicant shall consult the Delaware County Conservation District concerning the preparation of plans for erosion and sedimentation control and to secure soil information in order to:
Obtain a report indicating the extent and content of erosion and sedimentation control plans needed and whether a permit for earth moving activity may be required from the Department of Environmental Protection under the Rules and Regulations, Chapter 102 "Erosion Control" P.L. 1987, June 22, 1937, as amended, and Chapter 124, Erosion and Sediment Control, of the Code of the Township of Ridley.
[Amended 12-7-2000 by Ord. No. 1810]
Obtain a report on the soil characteristics of the site so that the Commission may determine the type and degree of development the site may accommodate because of the limitations of soils as related to basement and foundation conditions.
Prior to the preparation and filing of the preapplication plans and data for a subdivision containing three or more lots, three or more dwelling units on a single lot, or the development of tracts for commercial, industrial or other purposes, the applicant shall consult the local Sewage Enforcement Officer in regard to the method of sewage disposal and obtain an advisory memorandum indicating recommendations and advice.
Twenty-one days prior to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, the subdivider shall submit four copies of the preapplication plans and data as further described under § 268-13 to the Ridley Township Secretary for distribution to the following:
Ridley Township Engineer: one copy.
Ridley Township Planning Commission: one copy.
Delaware County Planning Commission: two copies.
The submission of such preapplication plans and data shall not constitute a formal filing with the municipality.
At this stage, the Commission shall so inform the applicant if his tract is located where a flood hazard exists, in which case the regulations in Article VII shall apply.
[Amended 12-22-1982 by Ord. No. 1543]
The specifications are general information describing or outlining existing covenants, land characteristics, community facilities and utilities, and information describing the proposed subdivision or land development, such as the number of lots, typical lot width and depth, parking areas, business areas, playgrounds, park areas, common open space, other public areas, proposed protection covenants, proposed utilities and street improvements.
A copy of the report on soils characteristics of the site prepared by the Delaware County Conservation District.
A copy of the report from the County Conservation District indicating the extent of erosion control plans needed and whether in its opinion a permit for earth moving activity may be required from the Department of Environmental Protection.
A signed copy of an advisory memorandum from the local Sewage Enforcement Officer as required under § 268-12B.
Evidence in writing, where 50 or more dwelling units are proposed in a subdivision or land development, from the school district in which the subdivision or land development is located containing the review and comments of the school district on the proposed development.
A copy of a report, where 50 or more dwelling units are proposed in a subdivision or land development, indicating any estimated and existing streets and highways to carry the traffic both within and beyond the proposed development and possible solutions to such problems as may be thereby identified.
A copy of a report, where 50 or more dwelling units are proposed in a subdivision or land development, indicating the general arrangement for development, indicating the general arrangement for stormwater drainage, the estimated volume of water to be generated and the effect of such volumes on the drainageways or streams within the development and that projected volumes can be accommodated by the existing drainage facilities or streams beyond the proposed development.
Location map showing the relationship of the proposed subdivision or land development to existing community facilities which serve or influence it, including the development name, location of any existing community facilities, traffic arteries, utilities, shopping centers, hospitals, title, scale, North arrow and date. Such map may be a municipal map at a scale of one inch equals 800 feet.
Property map showing the entire lot, tract or parcel to be affected by the proposed subdivision or land development, drawn to a scale of one inch equals 50 feet or less. A different scale may be used subject to the approval of the Commission.
The proposed name of the subdivision or land development.
Name of applicant.
Name of the registered owner.
North point, scale and date.
Name of engineer, surveyor, or other qualified person responsible for the map.
Tract boundaries with bearing and distances.
Approximate location of watercourses, tree masses, rock outcrops, existing buildings, and actual location of sewers, inlets, water mains, easements, fire hydrants, railroads, existing or confirmed streets and their established grades.
Adjacent streets.
Topography, with elevations based on datum approved by the Commission and showing intervals of five feet.
Sketch plan, drawn on a print of the property map, showing in a simple sketch form the proposed layouts of streets, lots, proposed erosion and sediment control measures and other features, in relation to existing conditions.
In cases where the Commission has granted a waiver from the preapplication plans and data procedure, Subsections A through F above shall be included as part of the preliminary plat or development master plat submission.
Zoning district.
Total acreage of tract.
The applicant, 21 days prior to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission at which consideration is desired, shall file with the Township Secretary nine copies of a preliminary plat or a development master plat or the proposed subdivision or land development and other required data and maps.
The Secretary shall submit copies to the Board of Commissioners, the County Planning Commission (four copies), the Engineer, and may submit copies to the Public Utilities Municipal Authority, School Board, Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and other public agencies. The Commission shall act to recommend approval or disapproval of each preliminary plat submitted, within such time as will permit transmittal to and approval or disapproval by the Board of Commissioners in accordance with the time set forth hereinafter. The Board of Commissioners shall act to approve or disapprove each preliminary plat submitted and communicate its decision to the applicant not later than 90 days following the said next regular meeting of the Ridley Township Planning Commission at which the application will be considered next following the date the application is filed, provided that should the said next regular meeting occur more than 30 days following the date of the application, the said ninety-day period shall be measured from the 30th day following the day the application has been filed. The submission of an amended or revised plan shall constitute a new application date with new application fees, and the 90 days mentioned above for the required review process shall begin upon the date of resubmission of the amended or revised plans, if the Township Engineer determines that the amended or revised plans are substantially different from the original plans.
[Amended 8-28-1996 by Ord. No. 1750; 12-19-2001 by Ord. No. 1821]
The County Planning Commission shall review the preliminary plat and data and shall issue a written report stating its suggestions for modifications and design changes to the Board of Commissioners within 30 days of its receipt of same or forfeit its right to review.
[Amended 8-28-1996 by Ord. No. 1750]
The Board of Commissioners shall determine whether the preliminary plat or development master plan shall be approved, approved with modifications or disapproved. The decision of the Board of Commissioners shall be in writing and shall be communicated to the applicant personally or mailed to him at his last known address not later than 15 days following the decision. When the application is not approved in terms as filed, the decision shall specify the defects found in the application and describe the requirements which have not been met and shall, in each case, cite the provisions of the statute or ordinance that it is relied upon.
Before acting on any subdivision plat, the Commission, may hold a public hearing thereon after public notice.
When the application is not approved in terms as filed, the decision shall specify the defects found in the application and describe the requirements which have not been met and shall, in each case, cite the provisions of the ordinance.
When the application is not approved in terms as filed, the decision shall specify the defects found in the application and describe the requirements which have not been met and shall, in each case, cite the provisions of the ordinance.
Failure of the Board of Commissioners to render a decision and communicate it to the applicant within the time and in the manner required herein shall be deemed an approval of the application in terms as presented unless the applicant has agreed in writing to an extension of time or change in the prescribed manner for presentation of communication of the decision, in which case, failure to meet the extended time or change in manner of presentation of communication shall have like effect.
The Township Planning Commission shall transmit its comments and recommendations to the Township Commissioners.
Before final action is taken on any submitted plat, the Commission shall submit copies of the preliminary plat and accompanying data to the Engineer who shall advise the Commission and governing body as to the suitability of all engineering details and specifications; to the local office of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection where septic tanks and/or wells are to be utilized; to all affected public utilities who shall be requested to make recommendations as to the suitability of the utility easements and to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation where the subdivision or land development will front on existing or proposed state highways or has a proposed street entering on such highway.
Approval of the preliminary plat shall not constitute approval of the final subdivision plat by the Township Commissioners.
Specifications. The preliminary plat shall be drawn on a copy of the property map as required under § 268-13H and shall show:
Existing contours at vertical intervals of five feet or less as required by the Commission.
Acreage of tract.
The layouts, names, and widths of the right-of-way, cartway and paving of proposed streets, alleys and easements.
Zoning district.
The layout of lots showing approximate dimensions, lot numbers and approximate area of each lot.
Parcels of land intended to be dedicated or reserved for schools, parks, playgrounds, parking areas, common open space, or other public, semipublic or community purposes.
The preliminary plat shall be accompanied by the following data and plans:
A profile of each street, including grades.
Location of existing and proposed utility mains.
Location plans of proposed sanitary or stormwater sewers and of any proposed water distribution systems.
A profile of the proposed sanitary and storm sewers and water lines, with invert elevations and connections to existing systems.
A preliminary erosion and sedimentation plan together with a report of the County Conservation District indicating whether a permit for earth moving activity is required from the Department of Environmental Protection under the Rules and Regulations, Chapter 102, "Erosion Control," P.L. 1987, June 22, 1937, as amended, and Chapter 124, Erosion and Sediment Control, of the Code of the Township of Ridley.
[Amended 12-7-2000 by Ord. No. 1810]
A report showing the review and comments of the Sewage Enforcement Officer on the proposed sewage treatment facilities.
Evidence in writing of the school district's review and comments as required under § 268-13D.
A report showing the adequacy of streets and highways as required under § 268-13E.
A report showing the adequacy of storm drainage as required under § 268-13F.
A development master plat shall be in accordance with the specifications for a preliminary plat, and shall additionally provide assurance of the integrity of the total contemplated development by presenting the following in acceptable detail:
A complete street plan.
A complete surface water drainage plan.
Complete provisions for sanitary sewer service.
Complete provisions for water supply.
Complete description of proposed building development, including the following:
Building plans are required only as to height limitations.
Locations and horizontal sizes of buildings, except for single-family detached or single-family semidetached lots.
Dwelling densities, overall and sections.
Number of each kind of dwelling and minimum habitable floor area thereof.
For any included commercial facilities, an estimated floor area for retail sales, office space and other space and brief description of expected occupancy of such facilities.
A proposed time schedule within which the total development activity is to be completed.
This schedule shall show the proposed sequence of sectional development, including a summary of what is included in each section and the time at which the last final plat is to be submitted and the development completed.
This time schedule may not exceed five years unless approved by the governing body.
A time schedule, once approved, may be extended by the governing body following written request by the developer presenting good cause for such extension.
Such extensions shall not exceed two years at any one time, nor shall a development master plat be accorded a total time schedule from first approval in excess of 10 years.
[Amended 8-28-1996 by Ord. No. 1750]
The applicant shall, not later than five years after the date of approval of the preliminary plat or a development master plat, for that portion he intends to develop, file with the Secretary a final plat. Failure to comply with the time limitation herein provided shall make the approval for the preliminary plat null and void unless an extension of time is requested by the applicant and for good cause granted by the Township Commissioners.
The applicant, 21 days prior to the regular meeting of the Commission at which consideration is desired, shall file with the Township Secretary the following:
Two clear durable reproducible copies, or the original drawing and one reproducible copy;
Eight paper print copies of the plat;
Eight copies of all attachments to the plat.
The Commission shall distribute the document as follows:
The reproducibles, in accordance with Subsection J or K.
Four copies to the Delaware County Planning Commission.
One print and one copy each of all attachments for:
Municipal Engineer.
Retention by the Commission.
Transmittal by the Commission of notations and recommendations to the governing body.
Developer, with any Commission and/or governing body recommendations.
Additional copies may be required when necessary for transmittal to other agencies.
The Commission shall determine, at its meeting at which a plat is submitted, whether it may then properly act on information, in which case it shall be subject to action at the next regular meeting of the Commission.
The developer should, prior to submission of a final plat, obtain required reports or other information concerning the proposed development from other agencies and present same with the plat.
The Commission shall act to recommend approval or disapproval of each final plat submitted, within such time as will permit transmittal to and approval or disapproval by the governing body in accordance with Subsection H hereinbelow.
For plats recommended for approval, the date of recommendation and signatures of the Commission Chairman and Secretary shall be affixed on the reproducible copies. These and such other copies and attachments as are pertinent shall be transmitted by the Commission to the governing body.
For plats recommended for disapproval, the Commission shall provide a written statement of the reasons, citing defects from the provisions of this chapter concerning plat submission, plat requirements or design standards or from the provisions of other applicable ordinances. Such written statement, copies of the plat and attachments as are pertinent shall be transmitted by the Commission to the governing body.
The Board of Commissioners shall act to approve or disapprove each final plat submitted and communicate its decision to the applicant not later than 90 days following the date of the regular meeting of the Ridley Township Planning Commission at which the application is considered next following the date the application is filed, provided that should the said next regular meeting occur more than 30 days following the date of the application, the said ninety-day period shall be measured from the 30th day following the day the application has been filed. The submission of an amended or revised plan shall constitute a new application date with hew application fees, and the 90 days mentioned above for the required review process shall begin upon the date of resubmission of the amended or revised plans, if the Township Engineer determines that the amended or revised plans are substantially different from the original plans.
[Amended 12-19-2001 by Ord. No. 1821]
Before approving any final plat for recording, the governing body shall either require that the necessary grading, paving and other street improvements, including, where specified, curbs, sidewalks, streetlights, fire hydrants, water mains, sanitary sewers and storm sewers, shall have been installed in strict accordance with the municipal standards and specifications and the pending plat, or that the municipality be assured, by means of a proper completion guaranty in the form of a bond or the deposit of funds or securities in escrow, sufficient to cover the cost of the required improvements as estimated by the Engineer or the governing body, that the said improvements will be subsequently installed by the developer.
Such completion guaranties shall require the installation of the improvements by the developer within a given period of time as prescribed by the governing body, not to exceed one year.
Failure of the developer to provide the required improvements, or acceptable guaranty thereof, may be the sole reason for disapproval of a plat, in which case technical review of the plat for conformity with the provisions of this and other applicable ordinances and regulations shall not be required.
For approved plats, the date of approval of the Board of Commissioners and signatures of the President and Secretary of the Township shall be affixed on the reproducibles and one print copy. The signed print copy shall be returned to the developer at the meeting or delivered or mailed to the developer within 15 days after the meeting.
When the final plat is not approved in terms as filed, the decision shall specify the defects found in the application and describe the requirements which have not been met and shall, in each case, cite the provisions of the statute or ordinance relied upon. Such written statement and a copy of the disapproved plat shall be given to the developer within 15 days following the decision. Failure of the Board of Commissioners to render a decision and communicate it to the applicant within the time and in the manner required herein shall be deemed an approval of the application in terms as presented unless the applicant has agreed in writing to an extension of time or change in the prescribed manner of presentation of communication of the decision, in which case, failure to meet the extended time or change in manner of presentation of communication shall have like effect.
The procedure for refiling a plat which has been disapproved shall in general be the same as for the original filing.
For plats which have been approved and endorsed by the designated Township officials, the developer shall file the record plat with the County Recorder of Deeds within 90 days of the date of final approval. If the developer fails to record the final plat within such period, the action of the governing body shall be null and void unless an extension of time is granted in writing by the Township Commissioners upon written request by the developer.
A plat approved by the court on appeal shall be recorded in a similar manner, after annotation of such approval on the plat.
No changes, erasures, modifications or revisions shall be made on any plat after approval has been given by the governing body and signatures affixed unless the plat is first refiled.
A final plat may constitute only that portion of the approved development master plat which the developer proposes to record and develop immediately, provided that such portion conforms with the requirements of this chapter.
A final plat shall be submitted within one year after approval of a preliminary or development master plat. The provisions of this and other ordinances and specifications of the municipality which govern aspects of the land development or subdivision, in effect at the time of approval of the preliminary plat, shall apply throughout this one-year period.
Following approval of a final plat, the developer shall complete all aspects of the land development or subdivision therein described within a period of three years. The provisions of all ordinances or specifications of the municipality which govern aspects of the development, in effect at the time of approval of the final plat, shall apply throughout this three-year period. Upon lapse of this three-year period, further activity by the developer, pursuant to the development described by the final plat, is prohibited until one of the following occurs:
The developer may submit renewed plans for the development, which may be required by the municipality to be in accordance with any changes in the ordinances or specifications which govern any aspect of the development which have been made during the lapsed period.
The governing body may, for good cause shown, grant an extension of time to complete the lapsed plat.
When a final plat is not submitted within one year of approval of a preliminary plat, approval of said preliminary plat shall lapse, and no final plat shall be considered until one of the following occurs:
The developer may submit a renewed preliminary plat, which may be required by the municipality to be in accordance with any changes in the ordinances or specifications which govern any aspect of the development which have been made during the lapsed period.
The governing body may, for good cause shown, grant an extension of time for the submission of a final plat.
When final plats for successive sections of a total development are submitted, following approval of a development master plat, such final plats shall be considered in accordance with the provisions and standards in effect and established for the total development when the development master plat was approved, provided that the final plats are submitted within the development time schedule approved with the master plat.
Any final plat submitted after expiration of the approved time schedule for that development section shall not be considered until one of the following occurs:
The developer may submit a renewed master plat, which may be required by the municipality to be in accordance with any changes in the ordinances or specifications which govern any aspect of the development which have been made during the lapsed period.
The governing body may, for good cause shown, grant an extension of time for the submission of that development section.
The developer may submit a renewed time schedule for the entire remainder of the development.
Following approval of any final section plat, after approval of a development master plat, the developer shall complete all aspects of the development described in and related to such final section within a period of three years, unless otherwise established in the development time schedule. Upon lapse of the three years of the approved time schedule, further activity by the developer pursuant to the described development section is prohibited.
Before acting on a final plat, the governing body may arrange for a public hearing thereon, after giving public notice.
The final plat shall be drawn on reproducible linen or other reproducible material of equal quality, 17 1/2 inches by 24 inches in size with a two-and-one-half-inch binding border along the left hand seventeen-and-one-half-inch edge (17 inches by 22 inches in size) at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet and shall show:
Primary control points, approved by the Engineer, or description and "ties" to such control points, to which all dimensions, angles, bearings and similar data on the plat shall be referred.
Tract boundary lines, right-of-way lines of streets, easements and other rights-of-way and property lines of residential lots or parcels in unit, cooperative or condominium subdivisions and other sites with accurate dimensions, bearing or deflection angles and radii, arcs, and central angles of all curves.
Name and right-of-way width of each street or other right-of-way.
Location, dimensions and purpose of easements.
Number to identify each lot or parcel in unit, cooperative or condominium subdivisions and/or site.
Total acreage of tract.
Zoning district.
Purpose for which sites other than residential lots or parcels in unit, cooperative or condominium subdivisions are dedicated or reserved.
Building setback lines on all lots or parcels in unit, cooperative or condominium subdivisions and other sites.
Locations and description of survey monuments. All permanent reference monuments shown by an "X" on the plat.
Names of record owners of adjoining unplatted land.
Reference to recorded subdivision plats of adjoining platted land by record name, date and number.
Certification by a registered surveyor or registered engineer, licensed in the state of Pennsylvania, certifying to accuracy of survey and plat.
Certification of title showing that the applicant is the owner of land, agent of the landowner or tenant with permission of the landowner.
Statement by the owner dedicating streets, rights-of-way and any sites for public uses which are to be dedicated.
Proposed protective covenants running with the land, if any.
Existing and proposed contours at vertical intervals of five feet or less as determined at the preliminary plat stage.
Other data. The final plat shall be accompanied by the following data and plans as prescribed by the governing body or as required by the laws of the commonwealth:
Profiles of streets and alleys showing grades.
Typical cross sections of each type of street, minor street, collector, etc., showing the width of sidewalks, if required, and location and size of utility mains.
Plans and profiles of proposed sanitary and stormwater sewers, with grades and pipe size indicated, and a plan of any proposed water distribution system showing pipe sizes and location of valves and fire hydrants.
A final erosion and sedimentation control plan, showing the location and types of erosion and sediment control measures together with a report, signed by the County Conservation District, indicating that the plan has been prepared and reviewed as required by the Clean Streams Law of Pennsylvania, Act 222, July 31, 1970, as amended.[1]
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 691.1 et seq.
A copy of an application for a permit for earth moving activity or a permit issued and signed by the Department of Environmental Protection as required by the Rules and Regulations, Chapter 102, "Erosion Control," under P.L. 1987, June 22, 1937, as amended (see Section 505-1-C), and Chapter 124, Erosion and Sediment Control, of the Code of the Township of Ridley.
[Amended 12-7-2000 by Ord. No. 1810]
In the case of subdivision and land development plans proposed for the sale of lots only, the subdivider shall include on the final plat a covenant with the land assuring the implementation by the lot owners of the erosion and sedimentation control plan.
A letter from the Department of Environmental Protection assuring the governing body that all data, plans and information required by the "Rules and Regulations," Chapter 71, Administration of Sewage Facilities Act 537,[2] have been submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection for review and approval of sewage facilities.
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 750.1 et seq.
Where a developer intends to provide a separate water supply system to serve more than one dwelling unit, the developer shall submit with the final plat a copy of a permit issued by the Department of Environmental Protection, to be filed with the municipality, for the proposed water supply system.
Such other certificates, affidavits, endorsements, or dedications as may be required by the governing body in the enforcement of these regulations.
Location plan, clearly describing the location of the tract in the municipality. This plan may appear directly on the subdivision plan.
Plats of tracts proposed for development in accordance with the provision for planned residential development in Chapter 325, Zoning, shall be processed and the specifications for plat submission shall be as required therein.
Plats for multifamily dwelling, commercial, manufacturing and other nonresidential purposes, as required in § 268-12 herein, shall be identified as site development plans. Such plats shall be submitted and processed in accordance with the provisions herein for preliminary and final land development plats and shall be in accordance with the specifications for such plats.
Plats describing earth moving activities shall be identified as earth moving activity plans and shall be processed as follows:
When preliminary, final or site development plats are involved, earth moving activity plans shall be part of such submissions.
When earth moving activity plans are submitted separately, they shall be considered and approved by the Commission in accordance with the procedure for preliminary plats.
Earth moving activity plans shall be generally in accordance with the applicable specifications for preliminary plats, adequately and accurately describing the land involved, its location and surroundings, existing natural features and topography, proposed uses and structures, finished grading and temporary and permanent erosion control measures.
Such plats shall include appropriate erosion and sedimentation control plans, in accordance with the provisions of § 268-15B(5) herein.