General standards. The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all streets shall conform to the Ridley Township Comprehensive Plan, as adopted, and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to topographical conditions, to public convenience and safety and in the appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. Where not shown on the Ridley Township Comprehensive Plan, design standards of streets shall conform to the provisions found herein.
The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provisions for the continuation of existing streets in adjoining areas.
The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provisions for the proper projection of streets to adjoining unsubdivided land, when such land is appropriate for subdivision.
If lots resulting from original subdivision are large enough to permit resubdivision, or if a portion of the tract is not subdivided, adequate street right-of-way to permit further subdivision shall be provided or necessary.
Alleys shall be prohibited in residential districts except where proved to be necessary.
Streets entering opposite sides of an existing or a proposed street shall be laid out directly opposite one another.
Where connecting street lines deflect from each other at any one point by more than 10°, the line must be connected with a true, circular curve.
The minimum radius of the center line for the curve must be as follows:
Type of Street
Minimum Radius
Straight portions of the street must be tangent to the beginning or end of curves. Except for minor streets there must be a tangent of at least 100 feet between reverse curves.
Permanent dead-end streets shall be prohibited unless designed as cul-de-sac streets in accordance with the following standards:
Permanent cul-de-sac streets shall not exceed 500 feet in length.
Cul-de-sac streets shall be provided with a turnaround right-of-way of 50 feet and a paved turnaround having a minimum roadway diameter of 40 feet.
Unless future extension is clearly impractical or undesirable, the turnaround right-of-way of the same width on the street shall be carried to the property line in such a way as to permit future expansion of the street into the adjoining tract.
Intersections involving the junction of more than two streets are prohibited. Right angle intersections must be used wherever possible; however, in no case shall streets intersect at less than 75°.
At intersections of streets the radius of the curb or edge of pavement shall not be less than the following:
Minimum Simple Curve Radii of Curb or Edge of Pavement
Collector with collector street
Collector with minor street
Minor street with minor street
NOTE: Rounded corners or diagonal cutoffs must be provided on the right-of-way lines substantially concentric with or parallel to the chord of the curb radius corners.
Proper sight lines must be maintained at all street intersections. Measured along the center line, there must be a clear sight triangle of 75 feet (150 feet for arterial streets) from the point of intersection and no building or obstruction higher than 30 inches above the grade of the center line of the streets shall be permitted in this area.
Where a subdivision or land development abuts or contains an existing or proposed major traffic street, the Commission may require marginal access streets, alleys, reverse frontage lots or such other treatment as will provide protection for abutting properties, reduction in the number of intersections with the major street and separation of local and through traffic.
Sight distance must be provided with respect to both horizontal and vertical alignment. Measured along the center line, for four feet above grade, this distance must be as follows:
Type of Street
Sight Distance
The grades of streets shall not be less than the minimum or more than the maximum requirements listed below:
Type of Streets
Minimum Grade
Maximum Grade
All streets
Arterial streets
As determined by the Commission after consultation with the municipality and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Collector streets
Minor streets
NOTE: Vertical curves shall be used in changes of grade when the algebraic differences exceed 1% and shall be designed for maximum visibility. Intersections shall be approached on all sides by leveling areas. Where the grade exceeds 7%, such leveling areas shall have a minimum length of 60 feet (measured from the intersection of the center lines) within which no grade shall exceed a maximum of 4%.
Names of new streets shall not duplicate or approximate existing or platted street names, or approximate such names by the use of suffixes such as "lane," "way," "drive," "court" or "avenue." In approving the names of streets, cognizance may be given to existing or platted street names within the postal delivery district served by the local post office. New streets shall bear the same name or number of any continuation or alignment with an existing or platted street.
Street signs of a permanent nature approved by the Commission shall be erected at all intersections.
Street right-of-way and roadway widths shall be as follows:
Street Type
Right-of-Way Width
Paved Travel Way
Improved Shoulder Width
As determined by the Commission and the governing body, in consultation with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Each: 8
Each: 7
Where abutting residential lots are not provided with stoned or paved off-street parking space in the minimum ratio of one space of 200 square feet per dwelling unit, a minor street shall have a right-of-way of 54 feet and a paved cartway of 34 feet.
Additional right-of-way and cartway widths may be required by the Planning Commission for the following purposes:
To promote public safety and convenience.
To provide parking space in commercial districts and in areas of high-density residential development.
Short extension of existing streets with lesser right-of-way and/or cartway widths than prescribed in this section may be permitted; provided, however, that no section or new right-of-way less than 50 feet in width shall be permitted.
Where subdivision abuts or contains an existing street of inadequate right-of-way width, additional right-of-way width in conformance with the above standards shall be required.
The dedication of half streets at the perimeter of new subdivisions is prohibited.
Wherever a tract to be subdivided borders an existing half or partial street, the other part of the street shall be plotted within such tract.
The slope of banks at the right-of-way line of streets measured perpendicular to the street center line shall be no steeper than the following:
One foot of vertical measurement for four feet of horizontal measurement for fills.
One foot of vertical measurement for three feet of horizontal measurements for cuts.
All driveways proposed by subdivision or land development plats or otherwise, whether installed by the developer or the individual lot owner, shall conform to the following design standards:
Location. No driveway shall be less than 30 feet from any intersection of roads or streets.
No driveway shall be less than 20 feet from any other driveway.
Driveways having a throat width not in excess of 20 feet shall be not less than 10 feet from a side property line.
Driveways having a throat width in excess of 20 feet shall be not less than 20 feet from a side property line.
No driveway shall be less than 10 feet from a fire hydrant.
Angle with street. Driveways shall be as nearly as possible at right angles with the road or street upon which they enter.
In no case shall a driveway intersect the road or street at an angle less than 60°.
A curb opening may be of the width required to accommodate the angled width of a driveway.
Grade or slope. Driveways shall not exceed a slope of 10% and shall have a leveling area with a slope not exceeding 2% within 15 feet of the public street cartway line. Where drives enter a bank through a cut, retaining walls shall be provided or, in lieu thereof, the side slopes of the cut shall be graded to not more than 1/2 foot vertical to one foot horizontal within 10 feet of the point where the drive intersects with the right-of-way line of the public street.
The center line elevation of the driveway shall be on grade with the curb cut or in lieu of a curbing not more than two inches above the cartway surface of the public street.
Adjustment of the elevation of the driveway at the gutter line, to smoothly connect with the existing shoulder, shall not be such as to create obstacles to drainage or snow removal.
Where road or street shoulders are not adequately stabilized, the driveway paving may be extended to the main roadway paving of the road or street.
The extension from gutter line to main paving shall be in accordance with the specification for grade of shoulder, appropriately adjusted with respect to existing shoulder conditions, so as to not create obstacles to drainage or snow removal.
The municipality shall have no responsibility for the maintenance of such extensions, and such extensions may be removed or otherwise altered by the municipality, in the course of street improvements.
Curb openings. Where a curb exists, or is to be installed, it may be reduced in height, for the width of the driveway, to an elevation two to 2 1/2 inches above the gutter line elevation.
The surface of the reduced height section shall be smoothly finished and connected with smoothly curved surfaces to the full elevation curbing on each side.
The driveway elevation shall meet the reduced height curb elevation.
Curb openings shall have reduced height widths equal to the throat width of the driveway or greater in accordance with Subsections B and F(2) herein.
Storm drainage provisions. No driveway, existing or proposed, may be installed, maintained or used in such manner as to impede the flow of stormwater from and along the street. Nor shall any driveway impede such flow and cause drainage water or waterborne soil or debris to flow upon the street.
Where improved curb and gutter do not exist and roadside drainage is or comes to be conducted in an open gutter the bottom elevation of which is more than four inches below the shoulder, the municipality shall require the owner of the property to which the driveway provides access to install piping, at the expense of the property owner, of a type and size approved by the municipality, under the driveway and extending not less than four feet on either side.
Such an installation shall be made to have a finished elevation which will not create an obstacle to snow removal.
The minimum pipe size shall be 12 inches in diameter.
The municipality may require a pipe size as computed by estimating the drainage area and flow involved, applying the Rational method for a ten-year-frequency twenty-minute-duration storm.
Curb and flare radii. In any case where curbing is to curve toward the right-of-way line from the curbline it shall have a face radius in accordance with Subsection F(2) immediately below.
When driveways are extended to connect directly with the main roadway paving, they shall be provided with a flared paving in Subsection F(2) immediately following.
All driveways shall have an actual or theoretical flared connection to the nearest main roadway paving. This flare standard width of the main roadway of the street, to a point of tangency with the throat width of the driveway.[1] Any flared paving, curved curbing or curb opening shall be in accordance with such computed line.
Editor's Note: So in original.
The following minimum widths of easements shall be observed unless otherwise required by the engineering specifications:
Underground public utility facilities: 15 feet.
Overhead public utility facilities: 10 feet.
Drainage facilities: 20 feet.
Easements for public utilities shall, wherever possible, be centered on side or rear lot lines.
Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, channel or stream, there shall be provided a drainage easement conforming substantially with the line of such watercourse, drainageway, channel or stream, and of such width as will be adequate to preserve the unimpeded flow of natural drainage or for the purpose of widening, deepening, relocating, improving or protecting such drainage facilities, or for the purpose of installing a stormwater sewer.
Blocks shall not exceed 1,800 feet nor be less than 500 feet in length and shall be of sufficient depth to permit two tiers of lots, except as otherwise provided for herein.
The arrangement and other design standards of lots shall conform to the following requirements:
Every lot shall abut a street and shall not be smaller in size than the minimum requirements of Chapter 325, Zoning, as to area and dimensions, for the district in which the subdivision is to be located.
Double frontage lots shall not be permitted, except that, where desired along limited access highways, lots may face on an interior street and back on such thoroughfares. In such event, a planting strip for a screen, at least 20 feet in width, shall be provided along the back of the lots. Where lots back on a railroad, creek, or other natural barrier, there may also be required a twenty-foot strip. Interior lots having frontage on two streets shall be prohibited, except where required by unusual physical conditions.
Manholes shall not be more than 400 feet apart on straight runs and there shall be a manhole at every point of change in course or grade and at intersections of sewer lines.
Sanitary sewer lines shall be constructed within street rights-of-way before construction of the street is begun and shall be placed in space allocated according to the engineering specifications.
If the existing sanitary sewer system or planned extension does not meet the boundaries or come within 150 feet of a proposed subdivision, the subdivider shall construct any necessary main or trunk line to connect the subdivision with the existing or planned system.
The collector main shall be of a material and design approved by the Township Commissioners and shall conform in all respects to the standards and requirements as published in the Sewage Manual by the Department of Environmental Protection. The lateral to the building line shall be of a material and design approved by the Township Commissioners and for residences shall be of a minimum inside diameter of six inches between the collector main and the right-of-way line of the street or highway. Laterals for buildings other than single-family residences shall be commensurately larger and as approved by the Municipal Sanitary Engineer. The sewage collector mains and lateral shall be plugged watertight pending connection with a public sewer system. All sewage collector mains and lateral designs shall be reviewed and inspected, and approved by the Municipal Sanitary Engineer at the cost and expense of the subdivider or developer.
Following the construction of the sewage collection system, the subdivider shall provide the Township Commissioners with "as built" plans prepared by a registered engineer and bearing his seal showing the size, location and length of all lines. All descriptions are to include bearings and distances.
Upon proper cause, the Township Commissioners, at an open meeting, may waive, modify, alter or suspend the requirement of Subsection D.
Where sewer lines are installed in undedicated land, a public easement 7.5 feet on each side of the line shall be required. Suitable easements may also be required along the course of streams.
Lots shall be graded to provide drainage away from buildings.
The design of a construction of the storm drainage shall comply with the following requirements:
The minimum requirement shall be a ten-year storm with a twenty-minute duration.
The storm drainage system shall permit unimpeded flow of natural watercourses.
The system shall ensure adequate drainage of all low points along the line of streets.
The system shall intercept stormwater runoff along streets at intervals reasonably related to the extent and grade of the area drained.
Street drainage will not be permitted to cross intersections or the crown of a road.
[Amended 12-7-2000 by Ord. No. 1810]
In the event that any person shall intend to make changes in the contour of any land or engage in earth moving activity where earth moving affects 25 acres or more, whether for subdivision, land development or any purpose, such person, who is required to obtain a permit under Section 102.41, shall obtain a permit from the Department of Environmental Protection in accordance with the requirements of "Rules and Regulations" Chapter 102, Erosion Control, authorized under P.L. 1987, June 22, 1937, and Chapter 124, Erosion and Sediment Control, of the Code of the Township of Ridley.
Under the requirements noted above, the Township shall notify the Department immediately upon receipt of an application for a building permit involving earth moving activity which affects five acres or more of land.
The Township shall not issue a building permit to those engaged in earth moving activities requiring a Department of Environmental Protection permit until the Department has issued the permit.
An erosion and sedimentation control plan must be prepared for a single lot or more where subdivision, land development or other earth moving activity is proposed. The plan must be submitted:
As required by the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection noted above; and
As required by the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law,[1] Act 222, July 31, 1970, as amended.
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 691.1 et seq.
Such erosion and sedimentation control plan must be submitted to the County Conservation District Directors for review, and a copy of the plan and the Conservation District Directors' review shall be submitted to the Commission as part of the final plat submission section.
In the preparation of erosion and subdivision plans the person preparing such plans shall consult the County Conservation District to determine the erosion and control measures needed to control erosion and reduce sedimentation.
[Amended 9-26-2007 by Ord. No. 1925]
All commercial, industrial, multifamily, or other subdivisions or land development plats submitted after the effective date of this chapter shall provide for suitable and adequate recreation in order to:
Ensure adequate recreational areas and facilities to serve the future residents of the Township.
Maintain compliance with recreational standards as developed by the National Recreation and Parks Association as modified by the Township recreation plan.
Reduce increasing usage pressure on existing recreational areas and facilities.
Ensure that all present and future residents have the opportunity to engage in many and varied recreational pursuits.
Reduce the possibility of the Township becoming overburdened with the development and maintenance of many small, randomly planned and widely separated recreation areas.
Exemptions and requirements.
The following are exempt or partially exempt from the provisions of this section:
Any single and/or multifamily residential subdivision or land development plan in a residential zone classification for which a preliminary plan has been submitted prior to the effective date of this chapter.
Any residential subdivision or land development plan, whether single and/or multifamily, that contains less than 10 dwelling units shall be exempted by the Board from dedicating land for recreational purposes or from paying the fee in lieu of dedication as provided in this section.
Any commercial or industrial development containing less than five acres shall be exempted by the Board from dedicating land for recreational purposes or from paying the fee in lieu of dedication as provided in this section.
The amount of land required to be provided for dedication of land for recreational purposes for residential subdivision or land development plans not exempted from the provisions of this section shall be as follows:
Single-family and twin developments. In the case of single-family subdivisions, the developer shall provide a minimum of 1,500 square feet per lot.
Multiple-family developments. In multiple-family developments, a minimum contiguous area of 10% of the gross area shall be provided for recreation.
Commercial, industrial, or other development. A minimum contiguous area of 10% of the gross area shall be provided for recreation.
The Township has generally determined that 10% of the gross land area is a minimum in relation to the general use of the facilities to be dedicated for the above categories.
A maximum of 10% of the total land area required by this section to be provided for recreation may consist of floodplain areas.
Such land set aside shall be suitable to serve the purpose of active and/or passive recreation by reason of its size, shape, location, and topography and shall be subject to the approval of the Board.
The developer shall satisfy the Board that there are adequate provisions to ensure retention and all future maintenance of such recreation areas by maintaining ownership or by providing for and establishing an organization for the ownership and maintenance of the recreation area, and such organization shall not be dissolved nor shall it dispose of the recreation area by sale or otherwise, except to an organization conceived and established to own and maintain the recreation area, without first offering to dedicate the same to the Township without cost to the Township.
The Township may impose costs to place such recreation area in appropriate condition prior to accepting dedication.
All costs of dedication shall be at the expense of the developer or association who owns the same.
Recreation area location criteria. The Planning Commission and Board (with the assistance of the Recreation Board), in exercising their duties regarding the approval of subdivision and land development plans, shall consider the following criteria in determining whether to approve the proposed location of recreation areas in the developer's subdivision and land development plans:
The site or sites shall be accessible from all areas of the development to be served, have good ingress and egress, and have access to a public road, however, no public road shall traverse the site or locales.
The site or sites shall have suitable topography and soil conditions for use and development as a recreation area.
The size and shape of the site or sites shall be suitable for development as a particular type of park. Sites will be categorized by the Township using the standards established by the National Recreation and Parks Association ("Park, Recreation, Open Space and Greenway Guidelines" dated 1996, as may be amended from time to time).
When designing and developing these recreation areas, it shall be done according to the standards established by the National Recreation and Parks Association as modified by the Township recreation plan.
The site or sites shall, to the greatest extent practical, be easily accessible to essential utilities, such as water, sewer and electric.
The site or sites shall meet minimum size requirements for usable acreage with respect to national Recreation and Parks Association standards, with 75% of such area having a maximum slope of 7%.
Recreation sites shall be located in a manner which allows the maximum practical sunlight to neighboring structures.
Where open space is being provided, it shall be located, wherever possible, to provide a buffer from the shading effects of taller structures or obstructions on existing or proposed shorter buildings.
Dedication to the Township.
In a case where the developer does not wish to retain the required recreation area, such area may be offered for dedication to the Township.
In addition to approving the recreation site areas to be dedicated to the Township, the Planning Commission shall make its recommendation to the Board as to whether the dedication shall be accepted by the Township (including input by the Recreation Board).
Such areas dedicated to the Township for public use shall be suitable for recreation purposes by reason of size, shape, location, topography, and access.
The Planning Commission, Recreation Board, or Board may find dedication to be impractical because of the size, shape, location, access, topography, drainage, or other physical features of the land and that such dedication would adversely affect the subdivision and land development and its future residents or occupants or that there is no land area within the proposed subdivision which is practical for dedication to the public because of size, access, topography, or other physical characteristics.
When the Board deems it to be in the public interest to accept dedicated land, such acceptance shall be in accordance with the law.
Fee in lieu of dedication.
Where the Board agrees with the developer that because of the size, shape, location, access, topography, or other physical features of the land that it is impractical to dedicate land to the Township or set aside a recreation area as required by this section, the Board shall agree on a payment of a fee in lieu of dedication of such land which shall be payable to the Township prior to approval of each final section of the overall plan by the Township.
The amount of the fee shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board.
All monies paid to the Township pursuant to this section shall be used only for the acquisition of and/or capital improvements for park and recreation purposes accessible to the development.
A fee authorized under this section shall, upon its receipt by the Township, be deposited in an interest-bearing account, clearly identifying the specific recreation facilities for which the fee was received. Interest earned on such accounts shall become funds of that account. Funds from such accounts shall be expended only in properly allocable portions of the cost incurred to construct the specific recreation facilities for which the funds were collected.
Upon request of any person who paid any fee under this section, the Township shall refund such fee, plus interest accumulated thereon from the date of payment, if the Township has failed to utilize the fee paid for the purposes set forth in this section within three years from the date such fee was paid.
The date upon which the fee is received shall be recorded in the records of the Township recreation fund and an annual report of the status of each account and of such proposed facilities as are funded by each account shall be provided by the Recreation Board at the February Board meeting to the Commissioners.
Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the person who paid the fee and the Township from agreeing that the original recreation facility as proposed by the Township has been superseded or made unnecessary and reallocating the fee and any interest accumulated to such other project as the parties agree; provided, however, that it meets the above standards with regard to a reasonable relationship to the parcel in question.
All expenditures from fees shall be of interest first and thereafter principal.
Applicability of the Zoning Ordinance. Nothing in this section shall be construed to reduce the total open space requirements of § 325-100 E(3) of the Township of Ridley Zoning Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 325, Zoning.
There shall be a minimum distance of 25 feet measured from the right-of-way line between any proposed building and any petroleum line, petroleum products or natural gas transmission line, outfall sewers and storm drainage lines which traverse the subdivision.
Subdivision and land development plats shall give consideration to the adequacy of existing or proposed community facilities, as to their capacity to serve the additional dwellings, or occupants of other buildings or facilities, of the proposed subdivision or land development.
Consideration shall be given to the desirability of providing or reserving areas for facilities normally required in residential sections, including schools and other public buildings, churches, libraries and local business centers.
Subdivisions and land developments of all kinds shall consider the need for inclusion of provisions for open or "green" spaces, as small parks, malls or rest areas, and shall, wherever possible, preserve tree groves, trees of six inches or more in diameter at the base of the trunk, waterways, scenic points, historic areas and facilities and other community assets and landmarks.
Areas offered for school or other purposes shall be reasonably compact parcels, not excessively irregular in terrain and having a front foot width on a public street of not less than 50 feet.