[Added 3-11-1997 by Ord. No. 1758]
The purpose of this district is to provide opportunities for large neighborhood and/or community shopping centers in areas directly accessible by a major roadway. The district is intended to meet the shopping and service needs of the residents of the Township, adjacent and nearby communities, and transients. It is intended that establishments be constructed in an attached fashion to comprise the shopping center, although individual detached buildings are permitted.
Land, buildings or premises shall be used only for one or more of the following uses within a major shopping center:
Retail store, including the sale of general merchandise, clothing, jewelry, footwear, gifts and/or flowers, books, stationery, electronics, hardware, sporting goods and pharmaceuticals. All retail sales shall be conducted only in a fully enclosed building. No sales or exposure of goods for sale are permitted outside of the building.
Food store, including grocery, delicatessen, convenience store or supermarket, liquor store, bakery sales, or ice-cream shop.
Sit-down or counter service restaurant, pizza or sandwich shop, tavern or catering business. Walkup window establishments are strictly prohibited.
Personal service shop, including barber or beautician, shoe repair, laundromat where actual cleaning and pressing are done off premises, tailor or similar personal service.
Office, office building or studio, bank, or other financial institution.
Medical or dental office, veterinarian office.
General service or repair shop including furniture and appliance repair.
Enclosed theaters, assembly halls, concert halls and similar places of assembly or entertainment.
Customary accessory uses and buildings incidental to any of the above permitted uses, including the following:
Advertising signs pertaining only to the products or services offered for sale on the premises and subject to regulation in Article XII of this chapter.
Fences, subject to regulation in Article XIII of this chapter.
Off-street parking and loading, subject to regulation in Article XIII of this chapter.
Storage building or enclosure, subject to regulation in Article XIII.
Any accessory use customarily incidental to any of the above permitted uses, and not detrimental to the neighborhood, subject to regulation in Article XIII.
The following are permitted as special exception uses, upon the issuance of a permit by the Zoning Hearing Board as provided in this chapter, and pursuant to the considerations set forth in § 325-116H et seq.
Building heights in excess of three stories or 45 feet.
Place of amusement or recreation, including arcades, health clubs and spas.
Automobile service stations for the retail sale of tires, batteries and automotive accessories.
Drive-through service places, including fast food restaurants, subject to regulation in Article XIII.
Uses which are similar to those permitted by right, provided that all such establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with consumers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced.
In this district, any structure hereafter erected or any lot hereafter used or occupied for any lawful purpose shall provide the minimum and not exceed the maximum dimensions specified below.
Lot requirements. Lot widths, area and coverage requirements of not less than the dimensions shown as follows shall be provided for any use permitted in this district.
Minimum lot area: Seven acres.
Minimum lot width: 300 feet.
Maximum building coverage: 30%.
Maximum impervious surface coverage: 75%.
Distance between buildings: 35 feet.
Yard requirements. No building or permanent structure other than a permitted sign or traffic control device shall be erected within the following minimum yard areas. Parking and cartways are permitted within the required yards.
Front yard: 75 feet.
Side yard: 25 feet each, except not less than 50 when abutting any residential district or use.
Rear yard: 50 feet.
Building height: No principal building shall exceed three stories or 45 feet; and no accessory building shall exceed one story or 15 feet in height, except as provided in § 325-40A under special exception.
Limitations on signs. Only those signs referring or relating to the uses conducted on the premises or to the materials or products made, sold or displayed on the premises shall be permitted and further provided that all signs and advertising structures shall be maintained in accordance with Article XII of this chapter.
Performance standards. The standards prescribed in Article XI applicable to commercial uses shall be applicable to the Shopping Center District.
[Amended 9-26-2007 by Ord. No. 1903]
Minimum off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Article XIII of this chapter.
Buffer area. Where properties in this district abut a residential district or use, a buffer area, consisting only of ground cover or other plantings, shall be provided on the property zoned SC Shopping Center District where it abuts the other property. Such buffer area shall be not less than 25 feet in width and shall be planted and maintained with appropriate vegetative landscaping materials.
Screening. Where properties in the district abut a residential district or use, there shall be a planted visual screen within the buffer area required above. This screen shall not be less than six feet high. A privacy-type fence or wall not less than six feet high may be substituted for the planted visual screen upon approval of the Township.
Landscaping. Any part or portion of a site which is not used for buildings, other structures, parking or loading spaces and aisles, sidewalk and designated storage areas shall be planted with an all-season cover and shall be landscaped according to an overall plan. Maximum advantage shall be taken of existing natural plantings in landscaping.
Storage. No permanent storage of merchandise, articles or equipment shall be permitted outside a building, and no goods, articles or equipment shall be stored, displayed or offered for sale outside of a building.
Reconstruction of nonconforming structures. In the Shopping Center District only, if any nonconforming building shall be destroyed by reason of windstorm, fire, explosion or other disaster, for which the owner is not at fault, to an extent of 50% of the fair market value of the building, the owner may rebuild, restore or repair the building, and such nonconformities which existed prior to said disaster may continue to exist but may not be expanded.
[Added 8-27-1997 by Ord. No. 1769]
In addition to construction in an attached fashion, freestanding buildings are permitted.
A landscaped area of not less than three feet in width shall be provided on all sides of the building.
All other regulations in this chapter relating to parking and loading, signs, etc., shall also apply to individual buildings as described herein.