Every property shall be served by either:
A dedicated public street; or
A private street to be maintained by the developer or owners of lots within a development or subdivision.
Street names.
All new streets shall be named.
Street names shall not duplicate or closely resemble existing street names within the Town or within the same hundred, fire district, or postal district.
The continuation of any street shall have the same name.
The developer shall be responsible for the placement of all new street name signs.
The Town shall refer proposed new street names to the Sussex County Addressing Department.
The Town Commissioners shall have final authority over all street names.
Grading and improvement plan. Roads shall be graded and improved in conformance with the construction standards of the applicable government agency. Applicable government agencies shall approve design specifications prior to final plat approval.
Classification. Each road shall be classified as a state-maintained road, a municipal street, or a private street. Municipal and private streets shall be further classified as either access or collector streets.
Access to state-maintained roads. Where a subdivision borders on or contains an existing or a proposed state-maintained road, the state shall determine how access shall be provided from the subdivision to the state-maintained road.
Design standards.
Streets shall be laid out in a manner that creates desirable building sites and respects existing topography, preserves trees, and avoids steep grades and excessive cuts and fills.
Access streets, intended primarily for access to individual properties, shall be arranged to discourage their use by through traffic.
Cul-de-sac streets may not exceed 600 feet in length and shall be designed so that fire-fighting vehicles can maneuver easily especially at the dead end of the cul-de-sac.
Fire lanes shall be provided in all areas deemed necessary by the State Fire Marshal.
Collector streets.
Collector streets shall be laid out to continue existing, planned, or platted streets on adjacent tracts unless the Planning and Zoning Commission determines that:
Topography or other physical condition prevents continuation.
Coordination between the two subdivisions is unnecessary.
Access between the two adjacent subdivisions shall be restricted.
Access to undeveloped adjacent tracts. Collector streets shall be extended to the boundary lines of adjacent subdivisions. Temporary turnarounds shall be provided within the subdivision at the ends of the collector streets via temporary easements or other means approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Commercial and industrial developments. Private alleys shall be provided in commercial and industrial areas unless adequate access to parking and loading areas is provided by other means.
Residential areas. Private alleys shall be permitted in residential developments as long as they conform to the applicable standards of this chapter.
Construction standards.
Streets to be maintained by the state shall be constructed to applicable state standards.
Streets to be maintained by the Town shall be constructed to applicable Town standards.
Private streets shall be constructed to applicable state or Town standards.
Requirements. Sidewalks are required in all subdivisions, unless the subdivision is served by a classification street for which sidewalks are generally not provided. Sidewalks shall be dedicated as part of the right-of-way of all streets.
Design standards. Sidewalk design shall be governed by the type of street which the sidewalk borders.
Construction standards.
Sidewalks included in a state-maintained right-of-way shall be constructed to applicable state standards.
Sidewalks included in a Town-maintained right-of-way shall be constructed to applicable Town standards.
Sidewalks included in a privately maintained right-of-way shall be constructed to applicable state or Town standards.
Requirements. Curbs and gutters may be required for drainage, safety, and the delineation or protection of pavement edges.
Design. Curb and gutter design shall be governed by the type of street which they border.
Construction standards.
Curbs and gutters included in a state-maintained right-of-way shall be constructed to applicable state standards.
Curbs and gutters included in a Town-maintained right-of-way shall be constructed to applicable Town standards.
Curbs and gutters included in a privately maintained right-of-way shall be constructed to applicable state or Town standards.