Natural drainage system utilized to maximum extent feasible.
To the extent practicable, all development shall conform to the natural contours of the land. Natural and preexisting man-made drainageways shall remain undisturbed.
To the extent practicable, lot boundaries shall be made to coincide with the natural and preexisting man-made drainageways within subdivisions to avoid the creation of lots that can only be built upon by altering such drainageways.
Proper drainage required.
All developments, lots, and properties shall be provided with a drainage system that is adequate to prevent the undue retention of surface water on the site.
Surface water may not be channeled or directed into a sanitary sewer.
Whenever practicable, the drainage system of a development shall coordinate with and connect to the drainage systems or drainageways on surrounding properties or streets.
Developments shall be constructed and maintained so that adjacent properties are not unreasonably burdened with surface waters as a result of such development.
No development or property may be constructed or maintained in a way that such development or property unreasonably hampers the natural flow of water from higher adjacent properties across the development or property thereby causing substantial damage to the higher adjacent property.
No development or property may be constructed or maintained so that surface waters from such development or property are unreasonably collected and channeled onto lower adjacent properties at such locations and at such volumes so as to cause substantial damage to the lower adjacent property.
Design and construction.
Stormwater drainage systems shall be separate from and independent of sanitary sewer systems.
Stormwater drainage systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with standards and specifications of the Sussex Conservation District.
Off-site runoff.
Where subdivision and/or development results in increased quantities of stormwater runoff from the area to be developed, the subdivider shall demonstrate that off-site drainage improvements are adequate to handle the additional water and all new or expanded swales, pipes, or other off-site improvements are located in dedicated easements that permit efficient access for maintenance.
Standards for assessing the adequacy of off-site drainage systems shall be those established by the Sussex Conservation District or by the State Department of Transportation where it has jurisdiction.
Requirement. Development plans shall include adequate provision for controlling temporary flooding, soil erosion, and sediment deposits during and after construction.
Design and construction.
All development or land-disturbing activity is subject to the requirements of the Delaware Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook.
Topsoil. No topsoil shall be removed from a site or used as spoil. Topsoil moved during the course of construction shall be redistributed so as to provide at least six inches of cover to all areas of the subdivision and shall be stabilized by seeding and planting.