[Amended 12-27-1984]
This zone district is intended for single-family and limited agricultural use. The following uses are permitted:
Single-family residences.
No more than two roomers or boarders permitted in a principal dwelling. Roomers or boarders are prohibited in any accessory structure and under Subsection F herein.
[Amended 2-14-2002]
As part of a dwelling, the office or studio of a physician, surgeon, dentist, teacher, artist, musician, lawyer, architect, engineer or like professional person residing on the premises, provided that not more than one person not residing in said dwelling is employed in such office and said office does not occupy more than 1/2 of the first floor area.
All public buildings and uses for schools, churches and other quasi-public buildings for use by nonprofit organizations. Application for any such use, except uses for municipal purposes, shall be made to the appropriate board in accordance with the applicable provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq. and the Land Use Procedures Ordinance[1] of the Borough of Allendale and as provided in § 270-12.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 40, Land Use Procedures.
The raising or growing for sale of annual and perennial plants, of fruits and of vegetable crops and such buildings and equipment as are required for the use.
Accessory uses customarily incidental to the above uses, provided that they shall not include any activity commonly conducted for gain.
Private garages, in accordance with § 270-18.
Signs, in accordance with § 270-20.
The keeping of domestic animals or fowl for personal use, provided that they are kept at least 50 feet from any existing or later constructed dwelling and enclosed by a suitable fence or other enclosure and are on a lot at least two acres in area.
Home occupation conducted by an individual other than a professional as set forth in Subsection C hereinabove; provided, however, that such home occupation shall be subject to the following regulations:
[Added 12-22-2005]
The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling unit which is the bona fide residence of the practitioner.
Only family members who reside in the dwelling and not more than one person who does not reside in said dwelling shall participate in the home occupation on the premises.
The residential character of the lot and the dwelling unit shall be maintained. Neither the interior nor the exterior of the dwelling will be structurally altered so as to require compliance with nonresidential construction codes to accommodate the home occupation. No additional buildings shall be added on the property to accommodate the home occupation.
The home occupation shall not generate customer-related vehicular traffic.
No direct selling of merchandise is permitted to occur on the premises.
No equipment or materials associated with the home occupation shall be displayed or stored where visible from anywhere outside the premises.
The occupation shall not produce external noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odor, heat, glare, fumes, electrical interference or waste runoff outside the dwelling unit or in the property surrounding the dwelling unit.
No vehicle used in connection with the home occupation which requires a commercial driver’s license to operate is allowed to be parked on the premises or on any street adjacent to the residentially zoned property.
Notwithstanding the provisions of § 270-20D, no home occupation is permitted to be advertised by any signs on the premises, nor shall the street address of the home occupations be advertised through signs, billboards, television, radio or newspapers.
No animal hospitals, animal breeding, clinics, hospitals, contractors’ yards, dancing schools, junkyards, lodging house residential uses, massage parlors, restaurants, rental outlets or vehicle repair shops are permitted as home occupations.
Lighting of athletic field areas in accordance with § 270-32.1.
[Added 3-2-2017]
Any use other than those listed in § 270-49 is prohibited.
[Amended 9-7-2000]
Height. No building or structure shall exceed a maximum of 2 1/2 stories or 35 feet in height, whichever is the lesser. Where a height is specified for any building in this chapter, it should be measured from the lowest ground level immediately adjacent to the foundation to the top of the highest point of the roof of the building. The provisions of this section shall not apply to lighting of athletic field areas regulated by § 270-32.1.
[Amended 7-13-1995; 3-2-2017]
A lot used or intended to be used for residential purposes shall be not less than 40,000 square feet in an area within 250 feet of the street line.
A lot used or intended for a public building, a school, a church, a hospital or other public or quasi-public building or use shall be not less than three acres in area.
A lot used or intended to be used for any commercial, agricultural or horticultural use shall be not less than five acres in area.
Minimum lot width.
A lot used or intended to be used for residential purposes shall be not less than 120 feet wide measured along a line parallel with the street lot line and 50 feet therefrom, and not less than 110 feet wide at the shortest distance between side lot lines within 250 feet of the street lot line, except that any lot so situated that its side lot line would meet at an angle of 70° or more if extended in the direction of the street may have a minimum distance between the side lot lines at the street lot line which is not less than 100 feet.
A lot used or intended to be used for any other purpose permitted in this zone district shall have a minimum width of 250 feet within 250 feet of the street lot line and a minimum depth, measured perpendicular to the street lot line, of 250 feet over a width of not less than 250 feet.
Front yard. No building or paved area other than access walks and driveways shall be constructed nearer to the street front property line than 50 feet, except that:
Where the existing buildings on the same side of the street and within 500 feet form an established setback, new residential buildings shall conform to such established line, provided that no new building may be constructed closer than 30 feet to the front property line nor need be set back more than 60 feet from said property line.
No building used for other than residential purposes shall be constructed less than 60 feet from the street front property line.
Side yard. There shall be two side yards, and no side yard shall be less than 25 feet wide. No building or structure accessory to any use other than residential shall be constructed closer to a side property line than 50 feet.
Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard of at least 50 feet.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection G, Minimum living area, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 12-21-1987.
Lot area and yard requirements set forth in this section for uses other than residential shall be required in any zone district in which the uses permitted in the AAA Residence Zone District are also permitted.[2]
Editor's Note: Former § 77-47, Approvals, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 9-25-1986.