[HISTORY: Article I adopted by the Board of Health of the Borough of Beach Haven as indicated in article history. Article II adopted by the Board of Commissioners (now Borough Council) of the Borough of Beach Haven as indicated in article history. Subsequent articles adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Beach Haven as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Sewerage Authority — See Ch. 38.
Beach protection — See Ch. 57.
Uniform construction codes — See Ch. 74.
Houseboats — See Ch. 112.
Plumbing — See Ch. 146.
Sewers — See Ch. 163.
Solid waste — See Ch. 173.
Stormwater management — See Ch. 177.
[Adopted 8-5-1971 as Ch. 128 of the 1971 Code]
So long as the provisions of an order of the New Jersey Superior Court prohibiting additional connections to the Beach Haven sewerage collection system remain in effect, every person or corporation constructing an individual sewage disposal system shall cause to be constructed in connection therewith a septic tank system which shall comply in all respects with the requirements of "Standards for the Construction of Sewerage Facilities for Realty Improvements" promulgated by the New Jersey State Department of Health in 1963.
The requirements of § 160-1 hereof shall apply to such structures erected since the effective date of said order and prior to the effective date of this article; and the owner of any such property shall see to it that his sewerage disposal system complies herewith within 30 days after the effective date of this article.
Each violation of this article shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $2 and not more than $500. Each day that a violation is allowed to exist shall constitute a separate violation.
The imposition of a penalty or penalties under § 160-3 hereof shall be in addition to any other remedies provided by law in the case of such violations.
[Adopted 8-9-1971 as Ch. 99 of the 1971 Code]
The deposit or discharge of oil, grease and other refuse and waste matter into catch basins or into drains so that it will enter catch basins in the Borough of Beach Haven is prohibited.
The discharge of sewage, garbage, motor oil or other waste matter from any boat while tied up at any wharf, pier or dock in the Borough of Beach Haven is prohibited.
The discharge of sewage, garbage, motor oil and other waste matter from any boat while anchored or moored in any harbor in the Borough of Beach Haven is prohibited.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 99-4, Violations and penalties, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 5-26-1981 by Ord. No. 81-6. For current penalty provisions, see § 1-16, General penalty provisions, of this Code.