[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners (now Borough Council) of the Borough of Beach Haven 5-13-1974 by Ord. No. 74-5. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The following parcels of land in the Borough of Beach Haven, presently owned by this municipality, are hereby dedicated to public use:
Lots 1 through 18 in Block 137, 219 feet by 453 feet, the site of the former Engleside Hotel, being the entire block bounded by Engleside Avenue, Atlantic Avenue, Amber Street and Beach Avenue.
Lots 6 through 19 in Block 15, 200 feet by 400 feet on the 1968 Official Tax and Zoning Map of the Borough of Beach Haven, Block 15 being the block bounded by Bay Avenue, Nelson Avenue, West Avenue and Merivale Avenue.
Lot 10 in Block 67 on the 1968 Official Tax and Zoning Map of the borough, being a fifty-foot by one-hundred-foot lot at the northwest corner of Atlantic Avenue and Holyoke Avenue.
Lot 3 in Block 90, 100 feet by 130 feet irregular, on the 1968 Official Tax and Zoning Map of the borough, being located at the southeast corner of Atlantic Avenue and Dolphin Avenue and having a frontage of 100 feet on Atlantic Avenue.
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 88, 85 feet by 200 feet irregular, on the Official Tax Map of the borough (all redesignated as Lot 1 on the 1968 Edition of said map), plus any and all land lying to the southeast of said lots, extending to the Atlantic Ocean.
Lots 3 and 4 in Block 89 on the former Official Tax Map of the borough, also known as Lot 2, 100 feet, on the Tax Map revised December 1972, extending northeastwardly from Fairview Avenue 100 feet along the southeasterly side line of Atlantic Avenue and extending of that width southeastwardly to the Atlantic Ocean.
All land lying between Glendola Avenue and Holyoke Avenue and extending southeastwardly from Atlantic Avenue to the Atlantic Ocean, designated as Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 71 on the former Tax Map of the borough.
All land lying between Holyoke Avenue and Iroquois Avenue and extending southeastwardly from Atlantic Avenue to the Atlantic Ocean, designated as Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 70 on the former Tax Map of the borough.
Lot 1 in Block 181 on the 1968 Official Tax and Zoning Map of the borough and the high-water line of the Atlantic Ocean, between Fourth Street and Third Street.
All that area known as Parker's Island (Beach Haven Wild Bird Refuge), in Little Egg Harbor Bay and designated as Block 221 on the 1968 Official Tax and Zoning Map of the borough.
All that area known as Parker's Sedge Island (Beach Haven Wild Bird Refuge), in Little Egg Harbor Bay and designated as Block 224 on the 1968 Official Tax and Zoning Map of the borough.
Lot 4 in Block 110 on the Revised Tax Map of 1972, being all that parcel of land bounded on the northeast by the southwesterly line of Ocean Street, extending southwestwardly along the southeasterly line of Lot 3 in Block 110 on the Tax and Zoning Map of the borough, 66.91 feet, and extending southeastwardly of that width between lines parallel to Ocean Street, to the high-water line of the Atlantic Ocean.
All that parcel of land bounded on the northeast by the southwesterly side line of Marine Street, on the northwest by the southeasterly lines of Lots 3 and 6, Block 123 on the Tax Map of the borough, on the southwest by the northeasterly side line of Ocean Street and on the southeast by the high-water line of the Atlantic Ocean.
That part of Lot 3 in Block 14 on the 1968 Official Tax Map and Zoning Map of the borough, bounded on the west by West Avenue, on the north by Nelson Avenue, on the south by the southerly boundary line of the borough and on the east by a line parallel and 153 feet eastwardly from West Avenue; being a parcel 174.50 feet by 153 feet (site of the sewage treatment plant).
[Amended 12-26-1984 by Ord. No. 84-28]
Lot 5 in Block 18 on the 1968 Official Tax and Zoning Map of the borough, 75.07 feet in width, extending northwardly from the southerly boundary line of the borough and extending eastwardly from Bay Avenue to the high-water line of the Atlantic Ocean (combination Nelson parking area and public beach).
Lots 9 and 12 in Block 132 on the 1968 Official Tax and Zoning Map of the borough, being a combined parcel of 275.23 feet by 201.06 feet in area, west of Bay Avenue, between Amber Street and Coral Street (presently used as a borough storage area).
Block 188 and Lot 11 in Block 202 65 feet by 207 feet, being all that parcel of land, including riparian rights as are appurtenant thereto, fronting on the northerly side of Ninth Street beginning at the westerly boundary of property known as the Shelter Harbor Marina and extending westwardly along the northerly line of Ninth Street to Little Egg Harbor Bay (presently used as a boat ramp site and parking lot, Bay Beach).
Editor's Note: Former Subsection R, which listed Lot 3 in Block 205 as dedicated to public use, was repealed 3-14-1983 by Ord. No. 83-2.
Lot 8 in Block 150 on the 1968 Official Tax and Zoning Map of the borough, having a frontage of 130.07 feet on Delaware Avenue, a depth of 116.16 feet on Centre Street and a depth of 121.23 feet on Dock Road.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection T, which listed Lot 4 in Block 125 as dedicated to public use, was repealed 3-14-1983 by Ord. No. 83-2.
Lot 1 in Block 114 425 feet by 480 feet bounded on the north by Pearl Street, on the east by Bay Avenue, on the south by Ocean Street and on the west by Lot 2, Block 114 (playground and ball field).
Lot 9 in Block 187 185 feet by 205 feet irregular, bounded on the north by Ninth Street, on the east by Sea Gull Drive, on the south by Taylor Avenue and on the west by Delaware Avenue (Little League Ball Park).