All meters used to measure water purchased from the Water District shall be supplied by the Water District, and no meter shall be installed unless supplied by the Water District. Each meter shall be installed by a licensed plumber approved by the Water Department after payment of the fee specified hereinafter.
At the time of application for water service and in addition to any tapping charges required to be paid, the applicant shall pay a fee for each meter as per Article XI.
The Water Department will maintain meters and meter couplings. Meters shall be set as nearly as possible to the point of entry of the service connection pipe to the building and shall be kept unobstructed and easily accessible to Water Department employees at all times. The Water Department, in its rules and regulations, may require a meter to be set in a pit or box, other than the customary location of the meter, which pit is to be provided by and at the expense of the consumer and located near the front property line of the premises.
Permanent meter installations requiring over a one-inch meter shall be supplied by the Town Water Department at the consumer's expense and have a valved bypass around the meter and a valved spur pipe on the building side of the meter for test purposes. The design of such special meter settings shall be submitted to the Water Department for approval before construction by the consumer is undertaken. The Water Department will test meters at regular intervals to determine their accuracy and will replace, at its expense, defective parts in improperly operating meters, except where meters are damaged by frost, hot water or from external causes. The meter shall, after installation, be sealed by the Water Department, which shall thereafter have complete control thereof. No sealed meter may be removed without a written permit from the Water Department.
In circumstances where the customary location of a meter is in excess of 150 feet distant from the water side property line of the premises, the town will require the meter to be set in a pit provided by and at the expense of the consumer and located near the front property line of the premises. The Water Department will, if necessary, install the meter pit or other fixtures necessary for proper operation of the Water Department and will make necessary repairs to the same at the cost of parts and labor, plus 15% for overhead. The owner will be notified of any changes or repairs and cost estimated thereof beforehand.
No person other than an employee of the Water Department shall interfere with or remove any water meter, sealing device or coupling from any meter installation after it has once been placed in service by the Water Department. If the meter seal has been broken, a new sealed meter shall be installed at the consumer's expense. Suspected tampering or theft of water shall be reported to the Police Department for investigation.
The Water Department shall determine the proper size of the meter to be installed and shall have the right to change the meter at any time it is necessary in order to ensure its proper operation.
Any meter or other fixture damaged by frost or by hot water or steam backing into the meter or by any external cause shall be repaired by the Water Department at the expense of the property owner, and the water service may be disconnected until such corrective action is taken to prevent a recurrence of the incident which caused the damage. The charge for such repairs shall be based on the cost of removing, repairing, testing and replacing said meter, plus 15% for department overhead, such as transportation and use of tools, and the minimum charge shall be as indicated in Article XI.
Consumers, upon request, may have the meters serving their premises tested by the Water Department in their presence or that of a duly authorized representative. If the meter so tested shall be found to register not more than 103% of the amount of water actually passing through it, a charge in the amount designated in Article XI shall be paid by the consumer for testing a meter one inch or less in size, and, for meters larger than one inch in size, the actual expense, including overhead, incurred by the Water Department in removing, testing and replacing the meter shall be paid by the consumer.
It is understood and agreed that the Water Department may enter the premises of any consumer at any reasonable time to examine the pipe and fixtures, the quantity of water used and the manner of its use. In case of fraudulent representation on the part of any consumer or unnecessary waste of water, all payments made will be forfeited and the water supply shut off. It is also understood that the Water Department shall have access at all reasonable time to all parts of the premises to which water is supplied for the purpose of examination or repairs and reading or replacing meters.