The schedule of charges and rates for water services shall be as adopted annually or at any other time, as determined by resolution of the Town Board, except that if no action is taken by the Board, the most recently adopted schedules shall continue in effect.
All water supplied shall be charged for on the basis of the amount registered on the meter or meters installed on the consumer's premises, with a minimum charge as established by the Water Department. Where two or more meters supply the same premises, the consumer, in addition to any fixed charges for all meters, shall be billed at the schedule of rates for a quantity of water equal to the sum of the readings on all meters on the premises.
A charge shall be made for water used for construction purposes during the erection of any dwelling or business establishment, which charge shall be established by the Water Department. For all other types of construction, water used shall be metered through a backflow protected assembly. Under no circumstances shall water be used unless under construction purpose contract or properly metered.
The Water Department, with the approval of the Town Board, shall determine the charges and rates in special cases to cover unusual conditions or types of service not contemplated in this chapter or in the rates and charges set by the Town Board for regular service. No consumer shall be allowed to supply water to other persons or premises, and no owner or occupant shall use water from another premises unless specific permission has been obtained in each case from the Water Department. The Department has the right to require, during a temporary period of emergency, that a consumer allow it to connect an adjacent premises to such consumer's piping, but in such case allowance will be made for any excess water registered on his meter.
Checks or money orders for payment of water bills and water charges shall be made payable as shown on the billing statement. Meters will be read and bills rendered at regular quarterly intervals. Bills for the previous quarter shall be due and payable at the office designated on the bill. If such charges and penalties are not paid within 60 days from the date due, all water service for such delinquent customers shall be discontinued until said charges are paid. When the water is to be turned off, a notice will be given so that the occupant is aware of shutoff five days prior to shutoff. A turn-on fee, in addition to the overdue water charges, shall be paid as provided in Article XI prior to restoration of service. Customers will be billed a fee as provided in Article XI for checks returned for insufficient funds.
The Water Department, upon the written request of the property owner, will mail the water bills to the tenant or lessee using the water. The owner shall remain responsible for all charges provided for in this article, together with any penalties.
The Town Board may enter into a contract or contracts for the sale of water to users not within the Brant Water District. Rates for such use shall be specified in each contract. Any contract for such service outside the district shall require the party requesting such service to comply with the provisions of the chapter.
All water rents, penalties and interest thereon, and all charges for tapping, connecting and disconnecting, and any other charges provided by this chapter shall be a lien on the real property upon which the water is used. The Water District Clerk, before October 15, shall annually file with the Town Board the amount of any such liens and a description of the real property affected thereby. The Town Board shall, by resolution, set a date, before December 1 of the same year, when all delinquent water bills shall be relevied to the Erie County tax roll.