Editor's Note: See also Ch. 142, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse.
The owner, agent, lessee, tenant and occupant of every dwelling, food establishment or public place or other premises in the Borough where garbage, refuse, rubbish and ashes may accumulate shall provide and keep on the premises suitable receptacles with tight-fitting covers for receiving and holding garbage and decaying refuse or matter of any kind. The capacity of such receptacles shall be not less than that required to contain all of the normal accumulation of such wastes from such dwelling or establishment between regular collection periods.
Every receptacle and place in which garbage or other offensive or decaying refuse or matter shall be kept at any time shall constantly be maintained by the persons having charge thereof in a reasonably clean and inoffensive condition. No such receptacle or place shall be filled to a point higher than its sides at any time. All such receptacles shall be watertight and shall be securely covered at all times so that the contents thereof will be inaccessible to animals, fowl or flies.
All garbage and decaying refuse shall be removed from the premises of every food establishment or public place at least once each day of operation and removed from every dwelling or apartment as frequently as is determined by the Board of Health to be necessary to avoid constituting a menace to community health, safety and well-being.
No garbage, refuse, rubbish, snow, ice or any other waste of any kind whatsoever shall be dumped or deposited upon any public or private property or thoroughfare within the Borough or used as fill.
No garbage shall be burned in any open fire or outdoor incinerator.[1]
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 137, Art. II, Open Fires.
All garbage shall be disposed of in conformance with Borough Code Chapter 142, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse.
All owners, lessees, agents, tenants and occupants of any lot or land in this Borough shall keep the sidewalks, gutters and streets in front of such lots and lands free from filth, slops, dirty water, rubbish and all other things dangerous to health.