[Adopted 11-22-2004 by Ord. No. 1902]
[Amended 1-23-2006 by Ord. No. 1972]
Roll-off garbage and trash containers of 10 cubic yards or larger, hereinafter referred to as "dumpsters," are regulated pursuant to this article when they are placed on any streets of the Borough, or upon any private property of the Borough.
[Amended 9-14-2005 by Ord. No. 1942; 1-23-2006 by Ord. No. 1972]
No person shall place, or allow to be placed, a dumpster in or on any street in the Borough of Ridgefield, or upon any property in the Borough of Ridgefield, without first obtaining a permit. The permit shall be obtained from, and issued by, the Building Department, and shall be subject to the approval of that Department. As to dumpsters to be placed on the street, said permit will also be subject to the approval of the Police Department who shall determine whether or not the container can be safely placed in the intended location. After it is issued, a copy of the permit shall be transmitted to the Police Department. The Building Department shall develop a form of application for said permit. The fee for a permit to place a dumpster on the street shall be $50. The fee for a permit to place a dumpster on private property shall be $25.
[Amended 9-14-2005 by Ord. No. 1942; 1-23-2006 by Ord. No. 1972]
No dumpster shall be placed on any street within the Borough of Ridgefield for more than five consecutive days measured from the date and time the permit is issued. No dumpster shall be placed on any property within the Borough of Ridgefield for more than 10 consecutive days measured from the date and time the permit is issued.
Dumpsters placed in the streets of the Borough of Ridgefield shall be equipped with, and display, the markers required by N.J.S.A. 27:5I-1, which shall be placed and displayed on the container as required by that statute.
Any person violating the provisions of this article shall be subject to a fine of between $100 and $500 per violation. Each and every day in which a violation occurs shall be deemed a separate violation.
The provisions of this article may be enforced by the Ridgefield Police Department, Building Department and Health Department.
[Added 9-14-2005 by Ord. No. 1942]