[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Ridgefield 11-6-1974 by Ord. No. 992 as Ch. 44 of the 1967 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No gasoline tank or gasoline pump, including a gasoline tank or gasoline pump to be used exclusively for private purposes, shall be installed within the limits of the Borough of Ridgefield without a permit therefor issued by the Borough Clerk.
No such permit shall be issued by the Borough Clerk until he shall be so directed by a resolution duly adopted by the Borough Council. All persons, firms or corporations desiring such a permit shall make written application therefor to the Borough Council, specifying the proposed location of such gasoline tanks and gasoline pumps, the size and capacity thereof, the name of the owner of the property upon which said tanks and pumps will be located and such other information as may be required by the Borough Council. The Borough Council may refuse to grant such application if it deems such refusal to be for the general welfare or public safety or convenience.
No permit shall be granted until there shall be paid a fee of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.) for each pump connected to any gasoline tank which may be installed; except, however, a gasoline pump to be used exclusively for private purposes and except any person, firm or corporation having such permit.
No permit shall be granted until there shall be paid a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.) for each pump connected to any such gasoline tank which may be installed to be used exclusively for private purposes.
[Amended 7-22-1985 by Ord. No. 1289]
After such permit is granted, any person, firm or corporation operating said gasoline pump or pumps, including a gasoline pump or pumps to be used exclusively for private purposes, shall pay an annual fee of ten dollars ($10.) for a permit to own, maintain or operate each such gasoline pump, which fee shall be paid to the Borough Clerk on the first day of August in each year.
All such pumps and tanks must be installed in a manner satisfactory to the person designated by resolution of the Borough Council to inspect such pumps and tanks.
In the event that a written application is made for a permit to install and maintain a tank and pump in conjunction with a structure to be used as a service station, no permit shall be granted by the Borough Council unless the service station shall be located within a reasonable distance of the location of such tank and pump, and no permit shall be granted by the Borough Council unless said service station shall be equipped with separate comfort stations for each sex.
The owner or owners of all gasoline service stations now being maintained and operated in the Borough of Ridgefield which are not now equipped with comfort stations shall cause the same to be installed within ninety (90) days of the passage hereof.
All fees for permits herein provided for are imposed for revenue purposes.
[Amended 3-25-1985 by Ord. No. 1281; 6-28-2010 by Ord. No. 2133]
If this chapter of the Code of the Borough of Ridgefield provides for the licensing or permitting of the violator, the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Ridgefield reserve the right to revoke such permit or license.
Any person found guilty of violating this chapter of the Code of the Borough of Ridgefield shall be subject to a penalty consisting of a fine or imprisonment, or both, subject to the discretion of the Judge, the maximum of which shall be the maximum fine or term of imprisonment permitted to be imposed by the court having jurisdiction over the violation of this chapter of the Code of the Borough of Ridgefield; provided, however, that the fine shall not be less than $100 nor more than $2,000 per offense and the prison term shall not exceed 90 days in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:49-5.
In the event of a continuing violation, each day shall constitute a separate offense.
Ordinance No. 406, entitled "An Ordinance to regulate and control the installation of gasoline tanks and pumps, and the maintenance of gasoline service stations in the Borough of Ridgefield," adopted by the Borough Council on the second day of August 1932, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed.