As required by the Federal Clean Water Act,
the Borough of Ridgefield hereby enacts the Industrial Cost Recovery
System, User Charge System and Rules and Regulations governing the
use of public and private sewers, by adopting the Rules and Regulations
of the Bergen County Utilities Authority, which are contained within
a code entitled "Bergen County Utilities Authority Rules and Regulations
for the Direct and Indirect Discharge of Wastewater to the Bergen
County Utilities Authority Treatment Works," and which are approved
by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Not fewer than three copies of the Bergen County
Utilities Authority Rules and Regulations for the Direct and Indirect
Discharge of Wastewater to the Bergen County Utilities Authority Treatment
Works have been and now are filed in the office of the Clerk of the
Borough of Ridgefield.
The adoption of this sewer use article by the
Borough of Ridgefield shall include the adoption of all future amendments
to said Bergen County Utilities Authority Rules and Regulations for
the Direct and Indirect Discharge of Wastewater to the Bergen County
Utilities Authority Treatment Works, provided that, prior to enacting
such amendments, the Borough of Ridgefield is given 45 days' notice,
in writing, of the amendment and an opportunity to comment on the
same at a public hearing.