If there are any questions regarding salary checks or any personnel
matters, staff should refer questions to the Health Officer/Administrator,
who will, in turn, contact the Finance Department.
All requests for supplies should go through the Health Officer/Administrator.
The employee who can not arbitrate a grievance with his/her supervisor
will file a specific grievance with the Ridgefield Board of Health. The supervisor
shall respond to the employee within two days. A hearing shall be held by
the Ridgefield Board of Health, if deemed necessary by the President of the
Board of Health, when the supervisor cannot adjudicate the matter. The supervisor
who has a grievance against the employee shall be responsible for filling
a written list of specific charges against the employee in question. The employee
has two days to file, in writing, for an appeal to be heard by the Ridgefield
Board of Health. A hearing will be held if deemed necessary by the President
of the Board.
In addition to the foregoing provisions of this policy, the Board of
Health of the Borough of Ridgefield reserves the right, during the term of
this policy, to award additional pay increase, at its sole discretion, to
any Board of Health employee who, in the judgment of the Board, has earned
such additional salary increase as a result of his productivity, performance
and conduct.