Upon receipt of a certification of an application for review issued by the Town Clerk pursuant to § 13-14C of this chapter, the Town Board shall hold a hearing on a date and at a place and hour designated by the Town Board, but in no event shall this date exceed the later of:
Thirty (30) days from the date of the Town Clerk's certification of the application for review; or
The second regularly scheduled Town Board meeting held after certification of the application.
The Town Clerk shall give notice thereof, stating the name and address of the applicant or licensee concerned, the subject matter of the hearing and the date, place, and hour designated therefor, by mailing a copy thereof to the applicant or licensee concerned at the address shown upon the most recent application of such applicant or licensee at least ten (10) days before such hearing.
At such hearing, the Town Board shall consider the application before it in relation to the Town Clerk's determination, and, in its discretion, the Town Board may receive new or additional evidence in support or in opposition to the determination under review.