It shall be unlawful to light, permit or maintain a protected fire outside
any building except as permitted in the following sections.
Where any protected fire is located outside a building, it shall be
unlawful for any person to light, permit or maintain such fire except under
the following conditions:
A. The stove, furnace, incinerator or other device within
which such fire is contained must be so designed and constructed as to be
intended for such use and prevent the spreading of fire and the escape of
burning particles or materials into the surrounding air.
B. The area outside the building to be used for a protected
fire shall be surfaced with gravel, cinders or cement, or similar incombustible
material for a distance of at least ten (10) feet from each side of the device.
C. Any stove, furnace or incinerator utilized for a protected
fire shall not be larger than two (2) feet in width and not more than five
(5) feet in height, and shall be constructed of cast-iron twelve-gauge steel
or fire brick. The top of such device shall be equipped with a spark arrestor
having openings of not more than three-fourths (3/4) of an inch.