Each launderette shall be so designed as to afford an unobstructed view from the exterior of the building of that area of the interior used by the public as a launderette.
The interior shall be equipped with lighting fixtures providing a minimum intensity of 50 footcandles which shall be lit during the hours the premises are open to the public before sunrise and after dusk.
The heating system must be located in a separate enclosed room or space which shall be locked to the general public.
Exhaust fans with sufficient capacity to effect a complete change of air every three minutes must be installed to the front and rear of the area devoted to public use.
Two fire extinguishers of five-pound-CO2 capacity shall be prominently displayed and available for use at all times.
The name, address and telephone number of the owner or operator of the launderette must be prominently displayed and visible to the users of the premises at all times.
Each washing or drying machine shall be equipped with an automatic switch-off device which will cause it to immediately cease operating when the door is opened.
Each washing and drying machine shall be equipped with a release mechanism that will permit such machine to be opened from the inside or be so designed that it may be opened from the inside.
No open spaces shall be maintained at the rear of the machines but such spaces shall be enclosed with perforated boards to prevent access to the rear of the machines by children or other members of the public.