[HISTORY: Adopted by the North Hempstead Town Board 9-17-1996 as L.L. No. 23, 1996. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Highways: notice of defect — See Ch. 26.
Public parking fields — See Ch. 41B.
Tow trucks — See Ch. 55.
The various laws, ordinances, regulations and resolutions of the Town of North Hempstead, regarding vehicles and traffic, shall be known collectively as the "Uniform Traffic Code of the Town of North Hempstead" or the "Uniform Traffic Code"[1] when the context is clear. The Uniform Traffic Code, as published by General Code Publishers Corp. and as presented to the Town Board on September 17, 1996, is hereby adopted. Law enforcement officers shall cite violations by reference to sections of the Uniform Traffic Code.
Editor's Note: The Uniform Traffic Code is published as a separate volume.
The Uniform Traffic Code shall not effect the repeal of any existing law, ordinance, regulation or resolution of the Town of North Hempstead regarding vehicles and traffic (hereafter "prior legislation"). In the event of any inconsistency between the Uniform Traffic Code and any such prior legislation, the provisions of the Uniform Traffic Code, as published, shall govern. Any such prior legislation that inadvertently was not included in the published version of the Uniform Traffic Code shall continue in full force and effect.
A copy of the Uniform Traffic Code, in loose-leaf form, shall be certified by the Town Clerk of the Town of North Hempstead by impressing thereon the Seal of the Town of North Hempstead, and such certified copy shall remain on file in the office of said Town Clerk to be made available to persons desiring to examine the same during all times while said Code is in effect.
Any and all additions, deletions, amendments or supplements to any of the local laws, ordinances and resolutions known collectively as the "Uniform Traffic Code" or any new local laws, ordinances or resolutions, when acted or adopted in such form as to indicate the intention of the Town Board to be a part thereof, shall be deemed to be incorporated in such Code so that reference to the Uniform Traffic Code shall be understood and intended to include such additions, deletions, amendments or supplements. Whenever such additions, deletions, amendments or supplements to the Uniform Traffic Code shall be enacted or adopted, they shall thereafter be printed and, as provided hereunder, inserted in the loose-leaf book containing said Code, as amendments and supplements thereto.
It shall be the duty of the Town Clerk, or someone authorized and directed by the Town Clerk, to keep up-to-date the certified copy of the book containing the Uniform Traffic Code required to be filed in the office of the Town Clerk for the use of the public. All changes in said Code and all local laws, ordinances and resolutions adopted by the Town Board subsequent to the enactment of this local law in such form as to indicate the intention of said Town Board to be a part of said Code shall, when finally enacted or adopted, be included therein by temporary attachment of a copy of such changes or local laws, ordinances or resolutions until such changes or local laws, ordinances or resolutions are printed as supplements to said Code book, at which time supplements shall be inserted therein.
Copies of the Code book containing the Uniform Traffic Code may be purchased from the Town Clerk of the Town of North Hempstead upon the payment of a fee to be set by resolution of the Town Board, which may also arrange by resolution for procedures for the periodic supplementation thereof.
[Added 11-19-2019 by L.L. No. 17-2019[1]]
It shall be unlawful for license plates to be kept in a condition that is not easily readable. License plates shall not knowingly or otherwise be covered by glass or any plastic material, coated with any artificial or synthetic material or substance that conceals or obscures such license plates or that distorts a recorded or photographic image of such license plate.
License plates shall not be obstructed by any part of the vehicle or by anything carried thereon, except for a receiver-transmitter issued by a publicly owned tolling facility in connection with electronic toll collection when such receiver- transmitter is affixed to the exterior of a vehicle in accordance with mounting instructions provided by the tolling facility.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership, association, limited-liability company or corporation to sell, offer for sale or distribute any artificial or synthetic material or substance for the purpose of application to a license plate that will, upon application to a license plate, distort a recorded or photographic image of such license plate.
Editor’s Note: This local law also redesignated former § 65-7 as § 65-8.
Any person who, without authorization from the Town Clerk, changes or amends, by additions or deletions, any part or portion of the Uniform Traffic Code or who alters or tampers with such Code in any manner whatsoever which will cause the legislation of the Town of North Hempstead to be misrepresented thereby, or who violates any other provisions of this local law, shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not more than $250 for each offense.