All members must meet all the requirements for continued membership as set forth in this chapter, including the following:
Shall hold a valid New Jersey driver's license;
Shall be able to perform the duties of a firefighter;
Shall conduct himself/herself at all times with proper accord and dignity, and shall not undertake any action that is unbecoming a member or officer of the Dumont Fire Department;
Should not be convicted of any crime of the first, second, third, or fourth degree or any felony or indictable level charges;
Should not be convicted of any crime or quasi-criminal offense that relates directly to fires, setting fires, false fire alarms, false public alarms or the like;
Should not be convicted of any criminal or quasi-criminal offense touching upon the member's ability to properly and adequately serve as a member of the Dumont Fire Department;
Shall undertake and complete any required mandatory training courses, including the blood-borne pathogen course, the right-to-know training course and any other required mandatory training, within the time set forth by the Dumont Fire Department and all state requirements;
Shall meet all the requirements for continued membership as set forth in the company's rules and regulations.
Intercompany transfers.
[Added 9-4-2012 by Ord. No. 1446]
Requests for intercompany transfers shall be subject to a thirty-day waiting period.
Upon expiration of the waiting period, the application for transfer will be presented for review to a committee of officers representing the two companies not directly involved in the transfer request. The committee shall consist of five members, including two Trustees, two Captains, and the Chief or his duly authorized designee.
Upon review of the committee, its recommendation shall be forwarded to the Board of Fire Officers and the transferee company, i.e., the company accepting the transferring member for a vote of the company membership. Upon an affirmative vote of a majority of the company members attending the meeting at which the transfer vote is considered, not less than 1/2 of the company's active membership plus one member attending, the Board of Fire Officers shall issue a final, written decision affirming or overruling the company vote.
Any appeal of such decision by the Board of Fire Officers shall be in writing, addressed to the Borough Administrator, for a hearing and final decision which shall only be reviewable in a court of competent jurisdiction over the Borough of Dumont. Any action in the Superior Court of New Jersey shall be filed in the Bergen County vicinage. The Mayor and Council shall retain no jurisdiction over issues and decisions arising under this section.
All members must meet all the following additional conditions for continued membership:
It shall be the duty of each member to advise his/her company officer if he or she is arrested at any time. Such notification shall be required to be reported within three days of the arrest. The company officer shall therefore immediately advise the Chief of the Department who in turn will notify the Borough Administrator and Fire Liaison.
It shall be the duty of each member to advise his/her company officer if his/her driving privileges have been suspended or revoked at any time. Such notification shall be within three days of the suspension or revocation. The company officer shall therefore immediately advise the Chief of the Department who in turn will notify the Borough Administrator and the Fire Liaison.
If at any time any member shall become ineligible or fail to continue to meet the qualifications of membership, it shall be the responsibility of the member to notify his/her company officer. The company officer shall therefore immediately advise the Chief of the Department who in turn will notify the Borough Administrator and the Fire Liaison.
Criminal record and fingerprint check.
Each member of each company shall submit to an authorized criminal record and fingerprint check once every five years. This shall be accomplished by requiring each company to comply during a particular year: 2008, Squad/Engine 1; 2009, Truck Company 2; 2010, Engine/Rescue 3; 2011, Independent Hose Company. The rotation would begin again for 2013.
All members of a particular company shall be required to report to their company officer and submit all necessary authorizations to accomplish the criminal records and fingerprint check by no later than February of each year. Failure to do so shall be reported by the company officer to the Chief of the Department who in turn will notify the Borough Administrator and Fire Liaison.
Each member shall authorize the check of his/her driving abstract on an annual basis.
The firematic affairs of the fire companies shall be governed by a uniform set of rules, regulations and bylaws recommended by the Board of Fire Officers and approved by the Mayor and Council.
Each fire company shall have the power to adopt bylaws and rules and regulations for its government, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, but no such bylaws or rules and regulations shall be effective until approved by the Mayor and Council.
It shall be the duty of the active members of the fire companies to respond immediately to a fire alarm and to convey the necessary apparatus to the place of the fire or drill and do everything necessary to effect a prompt extinguishment of the fire or a prompt and efficient performance of the required drill. Upon release from fire or drill service by the officer in charge of the same, the active members of each company shall return its apparatus to its headquarters and make the same ready for immediate reuse.
Each fire company shall elect a Captain and a Lieutenant from among its own active members. In the event that a company is lacking personnel qualified to act in the rank of Captain, that company may appoint two Lieutenants, provided that each has completed and fulfills all state and local requirements for the office of Lieutenant consistent with Subsection D of this section and any other prevailing regulations. Then, and in that event, the Lieutenant with seniority, as measured by experience, training and certifications, in the sole judgment of the Board of Fire Officers, will be considered the Lead Lieutenant and shall be referred to as "C Lieutenant," with the "C" followed by the company number served by that officer, and shall perform the duties of a Captain for that company. The Second Lieutenant shall be referred to as the "L Lieutenant," followed by the company number, and shall be a direct subordinate of the C Lieutenant. These positions shall be filled in the manner otherwise prescribed for selecting company officers in this section. Credentials shall be subject to review and confirmation by the Chief and submitted to the Board of Fire Officers for final review and approval.
[Amended 9-4-2012 by Ord. No. 1446]
The Recording Secretary of each fire company shall forthwith certify the result of such election to the Board of Fire Officers.
Qualifications for Captain shall be five years of service in the Dumont Fire Department. The individual must have served as a Lieutenant in the Department for a period of at least two years, be an ex-Captain or be an ex-Lieutenant of the Dumont Fire Department, having served at least two years as Lieutenant, and meets all state requirements. Time does not accrue with Fire Auxiliary time.
Qualifications for Lieutenant shall be three years from the date of completion of training and service as an active firefighter. Time within the Department as Fire Auxiliary or while attending Fire 1 does not accrue. Requirements to hold this position are Firefighter 1 and all state requirements.
A member who transfers from another fire department will be eligible to run for the office of Lieutenant providing that he/she was a member of the prior department for five years and has served in the Dumont Fire Department for a period of one year and also meets the training requirements to run for the office of Lieutenant and all state requirements.