[Amended by Ord. No. 657]
The applicant shall file with the Borough Clerk:
At least six black and white prints of the preliminary plat.
Three completed application forms accompanied by:
A fee of $30 in addition to the fee prescribed by § 386-7A.
A fee of $2 per lot computed on the number of lots shown on the preliminary plat.
An additional fee of $3 for each person to be notified, together with the actual cost of advertising to be paid to the Borough to cover the costs of publishing the notice referred to in § 386-13, and of notifying the persons concerned of the pending hearing on said subdivision.
The Borough Clerk shall immediately notify the secretary of the Joint Land Use Board upon receipt of a preliminary plat.
At least five days prior to the hearing, the Borough Clerk shall notify by mail all property owners within 200 feet of the extreme limits of the subdivision as their names appear on the municipal tax record.
Said notice shall state the time and place of hearing, a brief description of the subdivision, and that a copy of said subdivision application has been filed with the Borough Clerk for public inspection. The Borough Clerk shall also cause notice of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper of the Borough or in a newspaper of general circulation in the Borough at least 10 days prior to the hearing.
Prior to the hearing, the secretary of the Joint Land Use Board shall forward copies of the preliminary plat to the following persons:
Borough Clerk.
Secretary of County Planning Board.
Borough Engineer.
Secretary of Board of Health.
Such other municipal, county or state officials as directed by the Joint Land Use Board.
The Borough Joint Land Use Board shall act to approve or disapprove the preliminary plat within 90 days after submission to the Borough Clerk, but in no case before the expiration of the thirty-day period within which the County Planning Board may submit a report on said subdivision. The recommendations of the County Planning Board shall be given careful consideration in the final decision of the Borough Joint Land Use Board. If the County Planning Board has approval authority pursuant to law, its action shall be noted on the plat, and if disapproved, two copies of the reasons for disapproval shall be returned with the plat. If either the Borough Joint Land Use Board or County Planning Board disapprove a plat, the reasons for disapproval shall be remedied prior to further consideration.
The person submitting a plat shall be notified of the action of the Borough Joint Land Use Board within 90 days of its submission.
If approval is required by any other officer or public body, the same procedure as applies to submission to and approval by the County Planning Board shall apply.
If the Borough Joint Land Use Board acts favorably on a preliminary plat, a notation to that effect shall be made on the plat and it shall be referred to the governing body for action. The governing body shall act within 30 days. Its action shall be noted on the plat, signed by the Mayor. The plat shall be returned to the subdivider for compliance with final approval requirements.
Preliminary approval shall confer upon the applicant the following rights for a three-year period from the date of approval:
That the general terms and conditions under which the preliminary approval was granted will not be changed;
That the applicant may submit on or before the expiration date the whole or part or parts of said plat for final approval.