[Adopted 3-1-1949 as Ch. XIII of Ordinances of the Village of Rouses Point]
[Amended 9-22-1976 by L.L. No. 5-1976]
The owner or occupant of every building or lot, and the owner of every unoccupied building or lot, adjoining which is a sidewalk, shall see that the same is at all times kept unencumbered and free from dirt, rubbish, refuse and all other matter which may obstruct the proper and free use of the same. If the owner or occupant shall fail to comply with the foregoing provisions, the Street Commissioner shall cause the same to be cleared and charge the same against the owner as provided by law.
No person engaged in the garage business or in the business of repairing, manufacturing or selling automobiles or parts therefor or any business affecting in any manner automobiles or vehicles shall use any part of any street, alley, parkway or other public place for the storing, exhibiting, repairing or otherwise caring for automobiles or other vehicles.
No person shall construct a vault, coal hole or chute under or through the sidewalk without the written consent of the Board of Trustees.
No person or corporation shall move any building upon or across any of the public streets within the Village of Rouses Point without first making written application to the Board of Trustees to permit such movement of any buildings. Such application must designate with reasonable accuracy the premises from which the building is to be removed and the premises to which the said building is to be moved, and must also state the proposed route to be used in so removing the building. No building shall be so moved across or upon any Village street until a written permit has been issued to the applicant by the Board of Trustees.
No person shall unnecessarily obstruct or interfere with legal use of the sidewalks or streets of the Village by other persons, and the use thereof shall be subject to the supervision and direction of the Chief of Police.