[Adopted 8-16-1994 by Ord. No. 94-3[1] (Ch. 18, § 18-3, of the 1990 Code of Ordinances)]
Editor's Note: This ordinance provides that it shall take effect upon passage and shall remain in effect through 12-31-2023, unless Town Council alters or eliminates this article prior to that date.
Effective with the assessment of tangible personal property to be made as of December 31, 1994, the valuation of the inventory or stock in trade of a wholesaler will be reduced by 20% per year.
The Assessor of the Town shall reduce the value of the inventory of a wholesaler for taxes assessed December 31, 1994, by 20%; for taxes assessed December 31, 1995, by 40%; for taxes assessed December 31, 1996, by 60%; and for taxes assessed December 31, 1997, by 80%.
Beginning with the December 31, 1998, assessment and thereafter, through the assessment to be made as of December 31, 2023, no tax shall be assessed with respect to the inventory or stock-in-trade of a wholesaler who has qualified under the terms of this section.
In the event that a wholesaler sold inventory or stock in trade at both wholesale and retail in the preceding calendar year, the Tax Assessor shall assess a tax against that portion of the inventory that was sold at retail. Said portion shall be equal to the percentage of the wholesaler's total gross sales that were made at retail. If retail sales for the calendar year were less than 1% of the total annual sales, it shall be deemed that no sales were made at retail for taxation purposes.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Shall mean and include the merchandise kept on hand for sale in the normal and regular course of a wholesaler's business.
Shall mean and include a person, partnership, corporation, or other business entity engaged in the business of selling goods for subsequent resale by its customers, who has duly made application for such status pursuant to the terms of this article.
Wholesalers desiring the benefit of this article shall and must annually file an application on such forms to be provided by the Tax Assessor. Such application must be received by the Tax Assessor between January 1 and March 15, annually in order to be applied to the preceding December 31 assessment.
Each application must be notarized under oath by the applicant under penalties of perjury.
Such application shall contain as a minimum:
A statement of the applicant's name, mailing address, and the address that the inventory or stock in trade is situated.
A statement that the applicant is a wholesaler under the terms of this article.
A statement indicating the percentage of gross sales of the wholesaler that were made at retail in the preceding calendar year (if any).
The applicant shall provide the Tax Assessor such additional information, certifications, records, and proof that the Tax Assessor deems necessary to evaluate said application.
All applications shall remain at all times completely confidential and will become part of the wholesaler's tangible property account.