As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
An alleged violation, misinterpretation or misapplication, with respect to one or more employees, of any provision of these rules and regulations which arises during the term of these rules and regulations.
Employees who believe that they have received inequitable treatment because of some condition of their employment may personally, or through a representative, appeal for relief from that condition through the following steps:
An employee is expected to discuss any grievance initially with his/her immediate supervisor. Then, if the matter is not settled, the employee may choose to submit it in writing to the department head, who shall give a written reply within one week.
If the aggrieved employee feels that further review of the grievance is justified, the employee will submit a written statement of all the facts pertaining to the grievance to the City Manager within 10 working days. The City Manager shall arrange a meeting between all interested parties in an effort to resolve the grievance.
The City Manager shall render a decision, in writing, within 10 working days of the appeal hearing.
The City Manager may be requested, in writing, to bring the matter to the Personnel Advisory Board as established by the City Charter, § C-45.
These steps are to be followed in sequence. The requirements of a written presentation are not intended to preclude the use of frank and informal conference as a means of reaching a settlement.