[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Hillsdale as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Vehicles and traffic — See Ch. 292.
[Adopted 10-8-2002 by Ord. No. 02-13]
The Municipal West Lot (hereinafter referred to as the "lot") may be used by a not-for-profit organization not more than three times per calendar year for weekday events of no longer than one week in duration during a Monday through Sunday period, limited to one event per year per not-for-profit organization.
Additionally, the lot may be used for weekend-only events for no more than four times per calendar year to include only two Saturdays and two Sundays; but in no event not on consecutive weekends.
Use of the lot pursuant to these rules and regulations is limited to those tax exempt not-for-profit organizations whose roots are in Hillsdale. That is, the organization may be physically located in another municipality so long as at least 25% of the organization's members are Hillsdale residents.
Usage of the lot will be decided by a lottery system. The Hillsdale Volunteer Fire Department and the Hillsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps shall be exempt from the lottery and each shall be given priority on the use of the lot (second only to municipal uses) for one event per year. In the event both of these organizations request use of the lot during the same calendar year, the flip of a coin shall determine the priority for choosing dates between them. The flip of the coin shall be conducted by the Borough Clerk on a day and at a time designated by him or her.
The lottery for all remaining qualified organizations shall be held on the second Tuesday of September for the following calendar year. All requests for the use of the lot must be received by the Borough Clerk's office by 4:00 p.m. of the last business day in August.
All requests for use of the lot must be in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the requesting organization. Submission of a request shall constitute an agreement of the applicant to be bound by and comply with these rules and regulations.
In the event an applicant is chosen, it may not offer its slot to another organization or it will forfeit its right to use the lot for that year.
All successful applicants must provide commuters a parking space, at no charge, during the period the lot is unavailable to any party with proper parking identification in an alternative parking area convenient to the commuters using the lot.
All successful applicants must, at least one month prior to their event, provide the Borough of Hillsdale a map of showing where alternative parking will be provided and at the same time provide the Borough of Hillsdale with a written confirmation of the availability of alternative parking during the event.
All successful applicants will be responsible for directing all commuters to their assigned alternative parking areas. All designees for directing traffic shall be so identified in a manner approved by the Hillsdale Police Department.
All successful applicants using the Kings Supermarket Parking Lot for alternative commuter parking must provide personnel in the Kings Parking Lot, on the business day the event takes place, prior to the first departure of the train in the morning, insuring commuters are parking in the proper locations as agreed upon by Kings Supermarket and their representative.
All successful applicants must provide notice on the lot vehicles, twice prior to their event, informing the commuters of the event and the alternative parking locations. This notice shall be given on different days; one posting per week for two weeks prior to the event.
All successful applicants will be responsible for cleaning the site daily during the term of' the event and providing adequate dumpsters, pickup and cartage of trash.
All successful applicants will be responsible for providing what the Borough determines as adequate portable toilet facilities during the term of the event with cleaning of said facilities as recommended by the Board of Health officer of the Borough.
All successful applicants will be responsible for providing or reimbursing the Borough for electrical service to the site during the term of the event.
All successful applicants will be responsible for providing security at the site during the term of the event to a degree and in a manner approved by the Hillsdale Police Department.
Under no circumstances shall the New Jersey Transit parking areas be used for lot commuter parking until all of the spaces required for the commuters who paid for parking are provided alternative parking.
Carnivals and similar events run by successful applicants must utilize the successful applicants' own people to run all games of chance and the selling of ride tickets.
[Added 4-4-2007 by Ord. No. 07-12; amended 8-8-2023 by Ord. No. 23-14]
A nonrefundable fee of $1,250 shall be payable by the permit holder for a carnival at least one month prior to the commencement date of the event. This fee shall reimburse the Borough for costs, including, but not limited to, electric power for lighting, but not for rides or special machinery, and for the cleaning of the lot after, but not during, the carnival.
Applicants obtaining permits for events other than carnivals on the West Lot must pay a nonrefundable fee of $250 per day at least one month prior to the event. This fee includes electric power for lighting, but not for rides or special machinery, and for the cleaning of the lot after, but not during, the event.
Municipal and Fire Department activities are exempt from the requirement to pay the above fees.
[Added 4-4-2007 by Ord. No. 07-12]
In addition to the fee, a refundable deposit of $500 is payable by the permit holder for a carnival or other event at least one month prior to the commencement date of the event. This deposit will be held in escrow and only be used to pay for damage or additional expenses incurred by the Borough in conjunction with the event.
[Added 4-4-2007 by Ord. No. 07-12]
No penetration, marring or disturbance shall be made to any paved surface. The permit holder shall be responsible for any damage to the paved surface.
All successful applicants must, one month prior to the scheduled event, provide the Borough of Hillsdale proof of insurance naming the Borough, its elected officials and employees as additional insureds on an insurance policy. The insurance policy must be in an amount or with a minimum of limits as required by law.
All successful applicants must, one month prior to the scheduled event, deliver to the Borough of Hillsdale an executed hold-harmless agreement in a form acceptable to the Borough Attorney.
All successful applicants must adhere to these and all other Borough regulations, rules and ordinances as they may be adopted from time to time, including but not limited to all rules, regulations and resolutions relating to the prohibition of the use of municipal property during religious holidays.
Said rules may be amended from time to time by the Mayor and Council.
[Adopted 10-8-1996 by Ord. No. 96-11; amended in its entirety 12-12-2006 by Ord. No. 06-16]
An annual parking fee of $360 and a daily parking fee of $3 is hereby established for the Hillsdale Railroad Station parking lots, located adjacent to the railroad tracks, on the west side, between Park Avenue on the north, and the Hillsdale Public Works yard on the south. Said annual permit shall be for the period January 1 through December 31. Permits, if available, shall be sold for less than an annual period, but no less than a calendar month at the rate of $30.
Persons possessing annual parking stickers may only park in spaces designated for annual parking.
Any persons using the Hillsdale Railroad Station parking lots on a daily basis may only park in designated parking spaces and shall deposit the daily fee in the parking fee collection box or machine upon entering the parking space.
The Borough Council shall adopt, by resolution, the procedures for allocation of parking spaces among interested parties, shall designate which Borough employees shall issue parking permits, and may provide a procedure for refund of unused portion of permit fee.
The Hillsdale Railroad Station parking lots shall be reserved for use by persons possessing the necessary parking stickers or paying the daily fee between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, except on legal holidays. Parking is not permitted in the Hillsdale Railroad Station parking lots between the hours-of 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., or when otherwise prohibited for snow removal purposes.