As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings
Any place designed, used or intended to be used for the discharge
of any firearm at a mark or target.
The application shall set forth:
A. The name and address of the record owner of the real
estate upon which the target range is located.
B. The name and address of the person in charge of and responsible
for the maintenance of such target range.
C. Description, by way of sketch or otherwise, stating and
(1) Lot and block numbers, as shown on the tax assessment
map of the Borough, of the property upon which the range is located.
(2) Location of the target range on said property.
(3) Distance in feet between the firing point and the farthest
target between the target and the nearest property line, and between the firing
point and the nearest property line.
(4) All houses, barns or other buildings and all streets
or highways within four hundred (400) feet of any part of the target range.
The Council may, notwithstanding the recommendation of the Chief Law
Enforcement Officer, grant approval or disapproval of the permit, or it may
conduct such further investigation of the facts set forth in the application
as it may deem necessary.
The permit for a target range may be revoked by the Council for cause,
but only after due notice and hearing.
The issuance of a permit for a target range pursuant to the provisions
of this chapter shall not relieve the permittee of the obligation to obtain
any other permit or license required by any other ordinance of the Borough,
or by any state or federal law or regulation applicable to the subject matter
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to the provisions of Chapter
226, Penalties.