[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Kinnelon 11-17-2022 by Ord. No. 18-22.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Ch. 51, Open Space Advisory Committee, adopted 8-19-2004 by Ord. No. 18-04, as amended 7-16-2009 by Ord. No. 9-09.
A Sustainability and Open Space Advisory Committee (SOSAC) is hereby established in and for the Borough of Kinnelon.
[Amended 6-15-2023 by Ord. No. 09-23]
The SOSAC shall be comprised of seven regular members and two alternates:
Seven members from the public;
Two alternates from the public designated as Alternate No. 1 and Alternate No. 2 who may participate in all matters but may not vote except in the absence or disqualification of a regular member. Alternate No. 1 shall be the first to vote in the place of a regular member, then Alternate No. 2.
The Mayor shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the Council, all members of SOSAC. All members of SOSAC shall be residents of the Borough of Kinnelon.
The terms of the members first appointed shall be as follows:
Two alternates from the public shall be appointed for one-year term;
Two members from the public shall be appointed for one-year term;
Two members from the public shall be appointed for two-year terms; and
Three members from the public shall be appointed for three-year terms.
Thereafter, the term for each member of the public shall be for a period of three years.
Any vacancy occurring during the term of any of the members of the public shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term.
The Sustainability and Open Space Advisory Committee is intended to serve in an advisory capacity to the Borough Council, its officials and boards, and shall provide information, advice and recommendations relating to sustainability, environmental and open space issues.
The SOSAC shall have the duties and responsibilities as follows:
Study and make reports and recommendations as may be directed by the Borough Council regarding environmental issues such as land use and development, solid waste management, toxic materials storage, air and water pollution, light pollution, noise control, open space preservation, water resources management, energy conservation and any other areas that are deemed relevant.
Serve as a repository for information relating to the above.
Recommend to the Borough Council, subject to funds being available, the hiring of experts to assist the SOSAC in carrying out its duties.
Make recommendations to the Borough Council regarding parcels of land for acquisition.
Make recommendations to the Borough Council regarding the preservation, management and use of open space.
Provide input for the updating of the Open Space and Recreation Plan.
Assist the Borough in the development of an open space tracking system to catalogue the undeveloped or underdeveloped lands in the Borough and record the progress with respect to open space preservation.
Coordinate activities in cooperation with other committees entrusted with responsibilities related to various SOSAC relevant issues.
Submit reports to the Borough Council of various SOSAC activities.
Assist the Borough in the evaluation, establishment and implementation of sustainable and resource management initiatives.
Coordinate with the Recreation Committee and Historical Committee the recreation and historic sites information for the Open Space and Recreation Plan.
Make recommendations to the Planning Board to maintain the Borough's
Environmental resource inventory: the basis for land use planning that protects natural resources.
Critical habitat conservation and management plan: stewardship and monitoring of critical habitats in the Highlands Preservation Area if required by NJDEP.
Open space and recreation plan: a guide for protection and preservation of open space in Kinnelon.
Establish subcommittees and delegate tasks as needed.
Periodically review its function and submit a recommendation to the Borough Council as to whether additional duties should be assigned or delegated to the Committee.
Recommend to the Borough Council grants of interest.
Develop a public education program with the goal of promoting sustainability, environmental and open space preservation in the Borough.
The members of the SOSAC shall receive no salary or other compensation for their services.