The title of this chapter shall be "An Ordinance to Promote the Health, Safety, Convenience and Welfare of the Inhabitants, to Improve the Borough, to Lessen the Danger From Fire and to Otherwise Protect Property by Regulating and Restricting the Location of Trades and the Subsequent Location of Buildings and Structures Designed for a Specified Use in Any Designated Area and Limiting the Height and Bulk of Buildings and Structures Hereafter Erected, and to Determine the Area of Yards, Courts and Other Open Spaces by Dividing the Borough into Zones and Delineating Their Boundaries, the Density of Population, and Providing Penalties for the Violation Thereof."
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Borough of Kinnelon Zoning Ordinance."
The purpose of this chapter is to establish a comprehensive plan for the use of land in the Borough of Kinnelon in order to promote and to protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare of the people and to promote the orderly development of property in the Borough of Kinnelon and to effectuate the purposes of zoning as contained in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-2.